Good area effect spells against evil outsiders


Scarab Sages

I'm expecting my wizard to be encountering a lot of evil outsiders. She doesn't have many area effect spells in her spellbook currently, and I want to plan ahead. But for roleplaying and practical reasons, I don't want to take fireball or other fire-damage spells (burning hands, scorching ray, etc.).

I know a few area effect spells off the top of my head: sleet storm, stinking cloud, black tentacles, ice storm, cone of cold... What am I missing? I worry that most evil outsiders will have resistance or immunity against the energy-type spells. What are other area effect spells that are particularly effective against evil creatures/outsiders?

(Darn I miss how 3.5 had more force spells than PF.)

For lower levels, burst of radiance is pretty nice.

Get a variety of energy types backed by skill/knowledge to decide which to hit them with. And or learn Elemental Spell (metamagic).

And what level spells are you looking to use? What level is your Wizard?

Evil outsiders can often fly or teleport and tend to be poison-immune; don't count on black tentacles or stinking cloud working. They're usually immune to one energy type so get know (planes) to know which and don't try to lightning bolt a demon or caustic spray a daemon. Cold is reasonably reliable but not absolutely. Dragon's breath is a spell which allows you to choose the element at the time of casting BTW.

Phantasmal web is an OK battlefield control spell which doesn't rely on any element to which an outsider might be immune, and which specifically can't be escaped by teleporting out.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's not a damage spell, but dimensional lock will keep those pesky outsiders from teleporting away (once you're high enough level to get it).

Scarab Sages

Obviously I seriously need to take a look at spells in books besides the core book and APG. I've been sticking to those books because I use Simply Spells spell cards, and those are the only books that were used as sources for the cards. But that just isn't giving me enough versatility.

I should have said that the outsiders in question are mostly going to be demons. Our group is playing through Wrath of the Righteous.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, Wrath of the Righteous? Then take a look at the Demon Hunter's Handbook; it's pretty much made for that campaign (and hunting demons in general).

Hijack: What kind of stuff exists for hunting devils? Or does the DHH work just as well there?

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