High Level Campaign Character Ideas


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Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:
Inquisitor archer wouldn't be a bad idea, in a recent archer DPS thread they came out second only to war priest at level 10 and I suspect they take the lead at level 12, plus by level 16 you just reached 6th level casting which is nice. They also make great knowledge skill users which can help supplement your mystic theurge :)

You don't happen to know which thread? I always assumed Inquisitors would be a step below full BAB classes more attacks.

Inquisitors have built-in bane which ramps up damage output considerably, just as a start. Tack on judgments, certain feats and inquisitor's sweet spells ... yep.

Main thing is that unlike many pure-BAB archery builds, inquisitors have access to very close to all of the +# attack/ +# weapon damage spells that matter. You could strip 'em down to a simple bow and few quivers of arrows and, with a bit of preparation, they'll riddle bad guys full of arrows with surprising efficacy.

Swish! wrote:
Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:
Inquisitor archer wouldn't be a bad idea, in a recent archer DPS thread they came out second only to war priest at level 10 and I suspect they take the lead at level 12, plus by level 16 you just reached 6th level casting which is nice. They also make great knowledge skill users which can help supplement your mystic theurge :)
You don't happen to know which thread? I always assumed Inquisitors would be a step below full BAB classes more attacks.

Divine power + bane (eventually greater bane) + heroism + judgement, easily makes up the difference. I'm afraid I don't know the thread but yeah the two run away winners were not full BAB classes.

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