Feedback for the yaddithian

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The yaddithian is a race in B6. Has anybody played with it? If so what did you think?

Haven't played it yet, but I'm very interested in this one because of the Lovecraft connection.

In fact, I was a little disappointed that B6 only had a couple of sentences of background in the race description. Are the yaddithians developed more fully in some other Pathfinder book?

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Not in any Pathfinder books, no - this is their first entry into Pathfinder canon. The primary source, as always, remains Lovecraft's and Price's Through The Gates Of The Silver Key.

It turns out that a 9th-level wizard statblock and racial traits eat up a lot of page space. ^_^


Mechanically....I like them....just hate the fact they look like Jar Jar Binks :P

I am going to play around with using one as the base race for an Oozemorph/Shifter over the weekend and see what I can end up with :P

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