Is it possible to take Unchained Rogue and Ninja on the same character?

Rules Questions

We've been discussing multiclass combinations, and we found the part that you can only take either the base class or the unchained, and ninja operates the same way, but has it been clarified/written elsewhere that the combinations of UC Rogue and Ninja are forbidden? I suspect it is the case, but it's always worth checking.


Stand by until after GenCon, most likely.

This is an extremely frequently asked question.

PFS characters have been on hold for several months now after Mark Seifter made an off comment that the definition of "Alternate Classes", of which the Ninja is one, was being reworded.

You most likely cannot, though.

urogue is still rogue and can't be combined with ninja.
meaning you can't be a urogue 1 / ninja 1.

Can you be a rogue/unchained rogue? The same answer would apply, I'd think.

The latest word is that the Ninja is a Rogue for multiclassing, but not a Rogue for archetypes or being unchained.


^ very succinct.

blahpers wrote:
Can you be a rogue/unchained rogue? The same answer would apply, I'd think.

If you look at the top of the page for unchained Rogue, it just says "Rogue" They're are the same class so they can't be multiclassed together.

Cheers for the clarification guys!

Liberty's Edge

There is an Everyman Unchained book for Ninjas by Rogue Genius Games, if you want to enjoy the Unchained Rogue version of the Ninja.

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