Rageling |

Good day, Pathfinders!
I've got a few ideas rolling around my head, but I'm having trouble gluing them together, so-to-say.
My knowledge of Pathfinder things is by no means shallow, but I know there are plenty here far greater than my own, so I turn to the collective.
Rather than detail the would-be character, let me layout my goal.
Trying to access Sacred Weapon & Domain Spells - in a non-3P way.
Ideally, I'd love to stay Full20 on the Warpriest, so if anyone knows of a way to access Domain Spells as one, that would be great! Their blessings are nice, but Greater Status can only be obtained via the Community domain (as far as I know), and that spell is PERFECT for the concept. I know that most GM would be willing to let you take it anyway, considering how isolated it is, but I'm trying to find a BTB way.
I know that Fighters can get Sacred Weapon damage scaling through alternate Weapon Training options, but that wouldn't kick in until 9th, and even with an Eldritch Knight-eque option for Divine Caster, access to the magic would take a long time.
That got me thinking of other options/combinations that may fit the character well, so as a bonus inquiry: Anyone have a summary of classes/archetypes that can take a Domain?

avr |

Greater Status isn't in PF. The Paizo/PF Community domain doesn't include it, it's not on any PF classes spell list; they didn't transfer it from D&D 3.5 for some reason. You'd need to use spell research or a friendly GM to get it at all.
On the general question, clerics, druids, divine hunters, sacred servant paladins, green faith marshal inquisitors (animal/terrain domains), serendipity shamans (luck domain), wizards (via faith magic arcane discovery or [good only] Magaambyan PrC) or arcanists ([good only] via Magaambyan archetype or PrC) can access domain spells. There are various other ways to access off- list spells too, most famously a samsaran with mystic past life.
Sacred weapon scaling of damage dice is just warpriests and fighters I think, but monks, brawlers (& some others) and anyone taking the full Ascetic Style feat chain can get their own damage dice scaling. Other ways to increase damage are legion.

Rageling |

Ahh, Samsaran... The race almost every caster player I know wants to be.
Huh. SRD tricked me, I guess. That, and my own eyes.
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting: 09/2008
Pathfinder Core Rulebook: 08/2009
Thought it came out a month after, not a year prior. Whoops!
Faith Magic would be interesting for an EK of the same theory. I'm not sure where the Magaambyan Archetype is from, but I did check the PrC, though it seems to only give the GOOD domain itself - though still neat.
So unfortunately, it will need to be GM fiat - though I'm certain my group(s) would be OK with it. I'll probably stay completely Warpriest and seek permission due to omission. Looking to be a NG Warpriest of Erastil, Community & Good blessings, Archery/Vital Strike with Combat Advice and limited heal/buff at distance with Greater Status. A very "we are each other's strength" type.