Class Access to Domains and / or Sacred Weapon


Good day, Pathfinders!

I've got a few ideas rolling around my head, but I'm having trouble gluing them together, so-to-say.
My knowledge of Pathfinder things is by no means shallow, but I know there are plenty here far greater than my own, so I turn to the collective.

Rather than detail the would-be character, let me layout my goal.

Trying to access Sacred Weapon & Domain Spells - in a non-3P way.

Ideally, I'd love to stay Full20 on the Warpriest, so if anyone knows of a way to access Domain Spells as one, that would be great! Their blessings are nice, but Greater Status can only be obtained via the Community domain (as far as I know), and that spell is PERFECT for the concept. I know that most GM would be willing to let you take it anyway, considering how isolated it is, but I'm trying to find a BTB way.

I know that Fighters can get Sacred Weapon damage scaling through alternate Weapon Training options, but that wouldn't kick in until 9th, and even with an Eldritch Knight-eque option for Divine Caster, access to the magic would take a long time.

That got me thinking of other options/combinations that may fit the character well, so as a bonus inquiry: Anyone have a summary of classes/archetypes that can take a Domain?

Greater Status isn't in PF. The Paizo/PF Community domain doesn't include it, it's not on any PF classes spell list; they didn't transfer it from D&D 3.5 for some reason. You'd need to use spell research or a friendly GM to get it at all.

On the general question, clerics, druids, divine hunters, sacred servant paladins, green faith marshal inquisitors (animal/terrain domains), serendipity shamans (luck domain), wizards (via faith magic arcane discovery or [good only] Magaambyan PrC) or arcanists ([good only] via Magaambyan archetype or PrC) can access domain spells. There are various other ways to access off- list spells too, most famously a samsaran with mystic past life.

Sacred weapon scaling of damage dice is just warpriests and fighters I think, but monks, brawlers (& some others) and anyone taking the full Ascetic Style feat chain can get their own damage dice scaling. Other ways to increase damage are legion.

Ahh, Samsaran... The race almost every caster player I know wants to be.

Huh. SRD tricked me, I guess. That, and my own eyes.
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting: 09/2008
Pathfinder Core Rulebook: 08/2009
Thought it came out a month after, not a year prior. Whoops!

Faith Magic would be interesting for an EK of the same theory. I'm not sure where the Magaambyan Archetype is from, but I did check the PrC, though it seems to only give the GOOD domain itself - though still neat.

So unfortunately, it will need to be GM fiat - though I'm certain my group(s) would be OK with it. I'll probably stay completely Warpriest and seek permission due to omission. Looking to be a NG Warpriest of Erastil, Community & Good blessings, Archery/Vital Strike with Combat Advice and limited heal/buff at distance with Greater Status. A very "we are each other's strength" type.


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