Deluxe Harrow Deck


Hey guys I just bought the Deluxe Harrow Deck and I was wondering what people have done with it. At the moment I am about to start the Harrowing module so I can use the deck to have the players more involved with the cards. But I was wondering what you guys used the deck for and if the $20 is worth it. I might return it because they came bent and I was wondering if I should buy it again.


Return it if it came bent.

But it's a wonderful prop tool, and serves a fiction for multiple spells in the game that classes can cast to change fate.

It also helps as a way to foretell the plot of certain events by laying cards out and giving hints to the players.

And lastly it features in the module you're about to do quite well and having a deck on hand would be a nice benefit.

Needed? No. Really cool? For sure.

I'd definitely return/exchange it if it delivered damaged.

As for what our group uses it for, I put this together: #1

Silver Crusade

There's a PFS adventure called Portent's Peril that uses the deck. It's a great adventure, and I ended up buying the deck before GMing it twice.

I keep looking for ways to make a PC that uses a deck, but most of the stuff I've looked at isn't very appealing.

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