Dreamscape vs Mindscape

Rules Questions

So I was rolling up a tiefling and for my variant ability I got 92: You can see creatures on the Ethereal Plane.

So after debating what class would be most thematic (Dreamstalker Mesmerist, if you're curious, though I also looked at a Visionary sorcerer and a witch with either the Ethereal or Mind patron), and looking into the mechanics of such things, I'm just hoping to clarify the difference between a dreamscape and a mindscape, if there is one.

As far as I can tell, a dreamscape is a naturally-generated location that physically exists on the Dimension of Dreams, where a mindscape is only percieved to exist (Create Mindscape is Illusion (phantasm), contrast with Create Demiplane, which is Conjuration (creation)) and relies on the creator actively attempting to bring it into effect.

I thought so too, but the Dream and Dream Council spells are both illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting] as well.

I figure those are because, rather than hijacking a normal dreamscape, you're projecting the contents of the message.

It could make less sense, Sending is Evocation, normal message is Transmutaion, and its demanding versions are Enchantment.

SOLDIER-1st wrote:
I thought so too, but the Dream and Dream Council spells are both illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting] as well.

Dream was published well before Occult Adventures, where dreamscapes were given specific rules. Dream Council is probably also an illusion spell for consistency's sake.

One could also argue that since a dreamscape is a mental construct given physical form, mind-affecting spells cast on the dreamer can cause the dreamscape to physically change.

What are those specific rules?

That's the way Microcosm (which is basically a variant mindscape) works.

Dark Archive

However, dream travel and dream voyage are both conjuration (teleportation) spells.

Something of a side note: what is the difference between going to the Ethereal Plane via Ethereal Jaunt as opposed to Plane Shift?

Mindscapes are on the astral plane and have no links to the ethereal so I'm not really sure why you'd consider them for this?

What a nifty thread I was just lurking but I thought it might be worth mentioning a haunted oracle would also be thematic.

Milo v3 wrote:
Mindscapes are on the astral plane and have no links to the ethereal so I'm not really sure why you'd consider them for this?

I'm mostly looking for rules, though that is a good point.

SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Something of a side note: what is the difference between going to the Ethereal Plane via Ethereal Jaunt as opposed to Plane Shift?

Plane Shift puts you at a random spot 50-500 miles away and you need another casting to come back to another random location on the Material Plane. Ethereal Jaunt puts you on the ethereal location overlaying your current one, so you can use it to scout and infiltrate. You can ghost through walls, observe the Material Plane, and reenter at your chosen point to conduct an ambush, theft, or whatever.

Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:
What a nifty thread I was just lurking but I thought it might be worth mentioning a haunted oracle would also be thematic.

That it would.

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Something of a side note: what is the difference between going to the Ethereal Plane via Ethereal Jaunt as opposed to Plane Shift?
Plane Shift puts you at a random spot 50-500 miles away and you need another casting to come back to another random location on the Material Plane. Ethereal Jaunt puts you on the ethereal location overlaying your current one, so you can use it to scout and infiltrate. You can ghost through walls, observe the Material Plane, and reenter at your chosen point to conduct an ambush, theft, or whatever.

Excellent, thanks.

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