Silksworn occultist implements

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

A silksworn occultist uses these implements instead of regular implementsabjuration (wrists), conjuration (shoulders), divination (eyes), enchantment (neck), evocation (hands), illusion (head), necromancy (chest), and transmutation (feet)

Now with Mage's Paraphernalia it says
Crystal ball (divination), robe (necromancy), and wand (evocation)

im thinking the silksworn occultist overides that and as long as i had
the eyes, chest, hands its the same for them?


read the second post in that thread.

Shadow Lodge

Fixed your link.

Think that's intentional, or a side effect?

It's not totally different from how the Battle Host (the original "Fighter Occultist") is locked out of the Trappings of the Warrior panoply. So someone who wants to play a fighting Occultist has to choose between more feats & less casting or full BAB and more casting. As a result the Battle Host is pretty much obsolete unless you really need feats for something.

If you want to play a "Caster Occultist" you just have to choose between Silksworn and the Mage's Paraphenelia, and both alternatives are successful here I think (the non-Silksworn can cast in armor, and has more versatility, but less raw power.)

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I don't know but I know but Isabelle was one of the authors on the book Silksworn is in, so I wouldn't be suprised.

they don't really need the panoplies though in my opinion. I've made one, he looks pretty amazing from about level 3.

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I was, in fact, directly involved in the creation of the silksworn archetype. ^_^

Another explanation of why the silksworn can't use panoplies can be found here.

Shadow Lodge

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So I have you to thank for two of my favourite occult class archetypes? ^_^

Balance argument makes sense - I do like to see a variety of effective builds.

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