[Kickstarter] New Paths Compendium - Revised, Updated, Expanded, Full-Color Hardcover (Kobold Press)

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Liberty's Edge

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The Kickstarter for the newly revised, updated, and vastly expanded, full-color HARDCOVER version of the New Paths Compendium j for the Pathfinder RPG is Live!

It features all the best classes, spells, feats, magic items, and archetypes from the original book PLUS brand new classes (including the Warlock, Tinkerer, and Mystic Archer!), as well as new spells, new feats, and new archetypes. This beautiful new volume will be a full-color hardcover, featuring all new art by top RPG artists.

AND, the book was edited and developed by none other than RPG legend, Kim Mohan!

Become a BACKER of the New Paths Compendium kickstarter today!

Learn more about the project

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Already in! Let's get this funded! :D

Liberty's Edge


There are plenty of cool stretch goals - but we need to get this funded first!


Pledged my support already. Hope this gets funded.

Liberty's Edge

The second 39$ pledge level is strictly better than the first 39$ pledge level. What am I missing here ?

The Exchange Kobold Press

The Raven Black wrote:
The second 39$ pledge level is strictly better than the first 39$ pledge level. What am I missing here ?

There is a small-but-vocal group of backers who always insist that they want just the book and NO PDF; they prefer the basics and get annoyed when "forced" to buy the PDF at all. So, the first $39 pledge level is for them.

Silver Crusade

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Wolfgang Baur wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
The second 39$ pledge level is strictly better than the first 39$ pledge level. What am I missing here ?
There is a small-but-vocal group of backers who always insist that they want just the book and NO PDF; they prefer the basics and get annoyed when "forced" to buy the PDF at all. So, the first $39 pledge level is for them.

... wut.

The Exchange Kobold Press

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, that was my reaction; if you don't like the PDF, just ignore it.

But hey, give the people what they want!

Liberty's Edge

Almost there ... almost there ... stay on target ....

We're less than $800 away from funding. Not bad for just a few days!

We're so close!! Let's try to hit that $11,000 funding goal today, so we can go into the weekend knocking off stretch goals!!!

Tell your friends, shout it from the rooftops!

You know someone in your gaming circle who's love to play a warlock, or a white necromancer, or a tinkerer, or a mystic archer, or a pure-spellpower priest, or .... well, you get the idea! :)

Liberty's Edge

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And ... FUNDED!!!!

On to the stretch goals! First up - the Mystic Archer!!!

The Exchange Kobold Press

BOOM, this full-color hardcover is FUNDED!

Next up: the Mystic Archer base class as the 1st Stretch Goal. Huge, huge thank you to everyone who is supporting this book!

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Just saw this thread and pledged. ;-)

Loved your work on Age of Worms Wolfgang! Probably my favorite AP and certainly the best adventure I ever ran for D&D (and probably ever will).

Grand Lodge

Already backed the Kickstarter myself, congratulations for already being funded.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Wolfgang Baur wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
The second 39$ pledge level is strictly better than the first 39$ pledge level. What am I missing here ?
There is a small-but-vocal group of backers who always insist that they want just the book and NO PDF; they prefer the basics and get annoyed when "forced" to buy the PDF at all. So, the first $39 pledge level is for them.

You should put this in the FAQ on the kickstarter. When I saw the 2 levels with the same price I thought for sure something was messed up & figured I would wait until that got cleaned up before I pledged.

Congrats on funding.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will favored class options be included for the classes here or be a stretch goal? I don't know if they were in the original version, but I know that they weren't in the 2 new classes (Trickster & Priest). I personally find those to be a great tool for making characters unique & don't feel that a class is complete without at least the basic ones.

Is there going to be a section where you give a detail explanation on how to figure out if a new spell belongs to the trickster/theurge/white necromancer/etc classes. So that it's easier to figure out which of the other third party spells I should put where.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks so much to everyone who has backed so far! And for those who haven't yet, whaddya waiting for !?!?! :)

Liberty's Edge

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Silver Griffin wrote:

Will favored class options be included for the classes here or be a stretch goal? I don't know if they were in the original version, but I know that they weren't in the 2 new classes (Trickster & Priest). I personally find those to be a great tool for making characters unique & don't feel that a class is complete without at least the basic ones.

Is there going to be a section where you give a detail explanation on how to figure out if a new spell belongs to the trickster/theurge/white necromancer/etc classes. So that it's easier to figure out which of the other third party spells I should put where.

Hmmm, you mean favored class options for different races, like in the Advances Races Guide? That's not a bad idea ...

Regarding the trickster and theurge, they actually don't have specific specific spell lists, so that isn't really an issue. The white necromancer does have a very specific thematic spell list however. In fact, we made sure the white necromancer's spell list was updated to include appropriate spells from Deep Magic and the various newer Paizo books.

The Exchange Kobold Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Silver Griffin wrote:
Wolfgang Baur wrote:
There is a small-but-vocal group of backers who always insist that they want just the book and NO PDF; they prefer the basics and get annoyed when "forced" to buy the PDF at all. So, the first $39 pledge level is for them.
You should put this in the FAQ on the kickstarter. When I saw the 2 levels with the same price I thought for sure something was messed up & figured I would wait until that got cleaned up before I pledged.

Ok, I did not realize people might find that confusing, as we often bundle PDFs together with print on the Kobold Store, but... Better to explain it, definitely.

Added to the project FAQ.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Marc Radle wrote:

Hmmm, you mean favored class options for different races, like in the Advances Races Guide? That's not a bad idea ...

Yes I meant getting the favored class options for things like the advanced races guide. But I also meant stuff like the base races, the monster races (goblins, kobolds, orcs [because DM's like to make cool characters too]), the animal races that people either love or hate (kitsune, tengu, catfolk etc),& the touch of another races(dampir, changeling,aasimar, ifrit, etc).

I know that all of them are a lot, but it would make a good stretch goal.

Marc Radle wrote:

Regarding the trickster and theurge, they actually don't have specific specific spell lists, so that isn't really an issue. The white necromancer does have a very specific thematic spell list however. In fact, we made sure the white necromancer's spell list was updated to include appropriate spells from Deep Magic and the various newer Paizo books.

Does the mystic archer have their own spell list. If so a good idea of how you picked the spells would be helpful. Asking you to go though other thrid party books might be too much but a guide so we do a good job would be nice. In retrospect I have realized that a list for the White Necromancer should be obvious.

For the $ 13,000 goal what do you mean by death feats?

Grand Lodge

Will there be any other archetypes for the Trickster apart from the Dual-Forte Trickster and the Forte Master Trickster?

Liberty's Edge

Silver Griffin wrote:
For the $ 13,000 goal what do you mean by death feats?

Death Feats are pretty cool!

They are a collection of feats a PC can only take if they have been brought back from the dead (such as via a raise dead spell or the like). They give the PC some sort of thematically appropriate ability or boon, perhaps based on how he died, etc. After all, dying can really change you :)

Oh, and best of all? We're less than $200 from Death Feats being added to the book!!!

Liberty's Edge

Jonathon Wilder wrote:
Will there be any other archetypes for the Trickster apart from the Dual-Forte Trickster and the Forte Master Trickster?

Hmmm ... good question! I'll have to check and get back to you!

Grand Lodge

Marc Radle wrote:
Hmmm ... good question! I'll have to check and get back to you!

Thanks you, and perhaps consideration of ones that don't require the Tricker to lose spellcasting... if such is possible? It may not be, but maybe you could all at least consider additional Fortes for the Trickster.

I haven't read anything about the Savant or Elven Archer from the original book. Is the Mystic Archer an update of the Elven version? Is the Savant still around?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mythraine wrote:
I haven't read anything about the Savant or Elven Archer from the original book. Is the Mystic Archer an update of the Elven version? Is the Savant still around?

The mystic archer is the new version of the elven archer. They said they had balance problems with the savant. I don't know if it's a possible stretch goal or not.

Liberty's Edge

The Mystic Archer actually replaces the Elven Archer (which was indeed from an old issue of Kobold Quarterly) in this new, revised version of the New Paths Compendium. The Elven Archer was a perfectly fine class, but it was a bit narrow in scope and, let's face it, it was essentially a variation on a standard ranger, with more strict racial requirements. It was also a divine caster, and what most folks really wanted was an archer class that could cast arcane spells!

The Mystic Archer is really a brand new class from the ground up. It has no racial requirement. It's an archer / arcane caster hybrid that has a number of really cool ability synergies that tie the archery and magic together.

The best comment I got about the Mystic Archer was during one of the final playtest sessions - one of the players in the group (not the one actually playtesting the Mystic Archer) came to me after the session and said "you know, I normally don't like archer characters, but The Mystic Archer? I would definitely play that class!"

You know, I remember "many" years ago being promised a Geomancer. I wonder what ever happened to my Geomancer?

Liberty's Edge

Go grab the FREE wallpapers / desktops for your desktop, tablet, and mobile phone featuring the cover art by Claudio Pozas HERE!

Oh, and we're well on our way to hitting the Tinkerer goal - only about $200 to go! It'll be perfect if we can hit the Tinkerer goal by tomorrow, the Fourth of July, just as all the fireworks are filling the sky (did I mention Tinkerers are good at blowing things up? :)

Liberty's Edge

OK! The long holiday weekend here in the states is behind up and it's time to focus our minds back on what's important ... this Kickstarter! :)

We're just about halfway to adding more awesome art to the book (and who doesn't want more awesome art?!?!) Then it's a short sprint to adding the Warlock!!!

Can we get the Warlock in by this weekend? Sure we can!!! :)

Oh, in case you missed it, you can check out the latest update Death Feats, Mystic Archers & Tinkerers

For the ones who've already been printed (Battle Scion, Shaman, White Necromancer, Theurge, Spell-less Ranger, Skin-Changer, Trickster and Priest) how much is just a reprint and how much is new/improved/errataed/changed?
Can you give us an idea of who is getting new archetypes, if there are new Ranger Talents, Trickster Fortes or Shaman Spirit Guides?
How much is the Mystic Archer different from the Mystic Archer presented as a variant to the Elven Archer? And the Skin-Changer as a class compared to the Spell-less Ranger variant?
Any chance for a White Necromancer with a Phantom? A Trickster without Sneak Attack?

I'm glad the kickstarter is already a success, but personally I'm weary of a book that in its face seems to be about 70% reprint.

Scarab Sages

any chance of favored class options for each class?

Will the Trickster and The Priest be included in this wonderful new tome?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Will the Trickster and The Priest be included in this wonderful new tome?

Yep! :D


davrion wrote:
any chance of favored class options for each class?

Marc responds to the same question upthread.

@VN mercenario - from the Campaign page it appears that the skin changer is a base class.

@Marc - I'm sorry to be terse, but you'll expect that from me.

Pretty much agreeing with VN mercenario, but mainly just wanting a whole bunch of clarifications - the information on the Campaign page is unclear.


NPC Kickstarter wrote:
The expanded edition includes almost everything from the original book (we dropped the somewhat unplayable/difficult Savant after our developer tore out his beard in despair).

But you also took out the Elven Archer, right? Even if it is being replaced with the Mystic Archer?


What about the monk and gunslinger archetypes (were there others?) that were collected in the original NPC?


Just so it is clear, the eight base classes are:
Battle Scion
White Necromancer
Spell-less ranger
Spirit Shaman (formerly the Shaman?)


Skin changer. Is the skin changer a new base class, or was it a base class in the original NPC?

Any chance we could get some Updates that present some mechanics of the Tinkerer or Warlock? Right now I have very little idea of what make them more enticing than Interjection Games Tinker or Storm Bunny Studios Thaumaturge/Amora Games Waerloghe or heck even Master Arminias' 3.5 Warlock conversion.

Liberty's Edge

VM mercenario wrote:


For the ones who've already been printed (Battle Scion, Shaman, White Necromancer, Theurge, Spell-less Ranger, Skin-Changer, Trickster and Priest) how much is just a reprint and how much is new/improved/errataed/changed?
Can you give us an idea of who is getting new archetypes, if there are new Ranger Talents, Trickster Fortes or Shaman Spirit Guides?
How much is the Mystic Archer different from the Mystic Archer presented as a variant to the Elven Archer? And the Skin-Changer as a class compared to the Spell-less Ranger variant?
Any chance for a White Necromancer with a Phantom? A Trickster without Sneak Attack?

I'm glad the kickstarter is already a success, but personally I'm weary of a book that in its face seems to be about 70% reprint.

Hey there! All excellent and valid questions. Let me see if I can answer them ...

The various previously released classes (Battle Scion, Shaman, White Necromancer, Theurge, Spell-less Ranger, Skin-Changer, Trickster and Priest) are essentially the same, however all have had errata incorporated as well as any improvements and clarifications that may have come about during the development of this new version of the book. I can say that the Theurge did receive one new class ability.

Off the top of my head, I know there is a new Spell-less Ranger archetype (which I think folks will really like). The Priest's archetype was also vastly revised and expanded

The Mystic Archer is a brand new class which is pretty different from different from the Elven Archer. The Mystic Arher also has nothing to do with that one variant from the original - we just really liked the name :)

The Elven Archer was a perfectly fine class, but it was a bit narrow in scope and, let's face it, it was essentially a variation on a standard ranger, with more strict racial requirements. It was also a divine caster, and what most folks really wanted was an archer class that could cast *arcane* spells!

The Mystic Archer is really a brand new class from the ground up. It has no racial requirement. It's an archer / arcane caster hybrid that has a number of really cool ability synergies that tie the archery and magic together.

The best comment I got about the Mystic Archer was during one of the final playtest sessions - one of the players in the group (not the one actually playtesting the Mystic Archer) came to me after the session and said "you know, I normally don't like archer characters, but The Mystic Archer? I would definitely play that class!"

The Skin-Changer is basically the Spell-less Ranger variant with a few small updates. We mainly wanted to promote it to being more of a full class with it's own section and awesome art!

When you say a White Necromancer with a Phantom, do you mean the Grave-Bound archetype? Assuming yes ... that's a good idea! I can see if I can fit a phantom companion for the Grave-Bound archetype in!

A Trickster without Sneak Attack? Hmmm ... well, the Trickster is a hybrid of the wizard and rogue, so sneak attack is pretty hard-wired in, kind of like spells. It's certainly an interesting idea though ...

I certainly understand your concern about this new, revised and expanded version of the book containing some reprinted material - I guess you pretty much have to if you are revising and expanding a previously released book :) However, I will say that this new version does have 3 all new classes, new archetypes, new spells, and new feats.

This is also better organized, has a brand new layout AND all new, awesome art. So there's actually a pretty large amount of new stuff!

I hope you'll give the new version a try - we're really proud of it and excited for it to get into all the backers hands!

Liberty's Edge

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Will the Trickster and The Priest be included in this wonderful new tome?

Absolutely! :)

Liberty's Edge

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

What about the monk and gunslinger archetypes (were there others?) that were collected in the original NPC?

All the best monk, ninja and gunslinger archetypes from the original books have been picked up, revised, clarified, and expanded and added to the Archetypes chapter.

That's actually an example of the better organisation I mentioned. Before, the Monk, Ninja, and Gunslinger had their own sections, just like the full new classes, even though they were not new classes. In the new book, all those archetypes are now in their proper places within the Archetypes chapter.

Liberty's Edge

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Any chance we could get some Updates that present some mechanics of the Tinkerer or Warlock? Right now I have very little idea of what make them more enticing than Interjection Games Tinker or Storm Bunny Studios Thaumaturge/Amora Games Waerloghe or heck even Master Arminias' 3.5 Warlock conversion.

I think such an update (or updates) can be arranged!

Liberty's Edge

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davrion wrote:
any chance of favored class options for each class?

A couple people have suggested this actually. I think it's a great idea - I'll see about getting that as a stretch goal maybe!

As a side note, such an addition would be one MORE thing that's new in this expanded edition! :)

Liberty's Edge

And, speaking of stretch goals - the next one just got reached!

More awesome art goes in the book :)

Next up - the Warlock!

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:
VM mercenario wrote:


Can you give us an idea of who is getting new archetypes?
Off the top of my head, I know there is a new Spell-less Ranger archetype (which I think folks will really like). The Priest's archetype was also vastly revised and expanded.

Oh, shoot! I just remembered there is also a new Battle Scion archetype especially for those that had requested a spontaneously casting version of the class! :)

Scarab Sages

Marc Radle wrote:

The Mystic Archer is a brand new class which is pretty different from different from the Elven Archer. The Mystic Arher also has nothing to do with that one variant from the original - we just really liked the name :)

The Elven Archer was a perfectly fine class, but it was a bit narrow in scope and, let's face it, it was essentially a variation on a standard ranger, with more strict racial requirements. It was also a divine caster, and what most folks really wanted was an archer class that could cast *arcane* spells!

The Mystic Archer is really a brand new...

Does that mean that all the racial flavoring will be removed that were archetypes for the elven archer, i.e. dwarven crossbowyer, halfling slinger, etc.?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Woo hoo! Another stretch goal down, and the Warlock is in the book!

Oh, and for those asking about Favored Class Options ... check out the newest stretch goal :)

Liberty's Edge

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$19,000 stretch goal down! Favored Class Options for each of the classes are now in the book!

If you haven't already, maybe it's time for you to become a BACKER of the New Paths Compendium kickstarter!

Liberty's Edge

Closing in on the next goal, which will add a considerable amount of new material!

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Only $841 to Hero Lab support! :D

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