Rules qwestion: can a familiar gained througth eagle / monkey / frog domain be replaced with an improved familiar?

Rules Questions

Looks like it is a prerepwisit for imp.familiar, so can i get an imp.familiar if i have a domain that gives me a familiar?

The only way you can't get an Improved Familiar is because it doesn't possess 'Speak with animals of it's kind', which is what is replaced when it becomes an Improved Familiar.

So yes, you can actually take Improved Familiar with a druid using those domains, because they don't say they do not possess those features.

Them to min/max you could take eagle domain, them imp. Familiar. Thats really good for the price of the feat.

Bohdan Maksymenko wrote:
Them to min/max you could take eagle domain, them imp. Familiar. Thats really good for the price of the feat.

Good, but not amazing. You could also take the animal domain and the boon companion feat to have a fully powered animal companion and all of the other benefits of a domain.

Silver Crusade

It doesn't seem clear cut to me. You gain a Toad/Eagle/etc and NOT a general familiar. The improved familiar is NOT a toad.

I'd ask your GM to be sure.

In a home game, if I was the GM I'd allow limited Improved Familiars. Ones that thematically seemed similar to the original. For example, if Cat (the character was restricted to a cat familiar I'd allow the Agathion and Cat (sith) familiars but not the Imp.

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The FAQ on improved familiars implies it works.
"In general, you can take Improved Familiars for class-granted variant familiars like a shaman’s spirit animal". And the spirit animal is normally limited to creatures of the same type. So improved familiar breaks you out of that limitation.

Silver Crusade

Melkiador wrote:
And the spirit animal is normally limited to creatures of the same type.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. The shaman spirit animal is not restricted to what it can be.

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pauljathome wrote:
Melkiador wrote:
And the spirit animal is normally limited to creatures of the same type.
I don't understand what you're trying to say. The shaman spirit animal is not restricted to what it can be.

Once chosen it is. "Once selected, the spirit animal cannot be changed." But the FAQ doesn't mention this limitation meaning that it must not apply when gaining a familiar from improved familiar. Therefore, the Druid too isn't specially limited when choosing an improved familiar.

The CRB FAQ states that Improved Familiar is available to shamans, but doesn't explain how the two interact. Additional clarification is needed, especially for any shamans wanting to go that route in PFS. ("Expect table variation" are three of the most dreaded words in organized play!)

I would be inclined to rule that a shaman can use Improved Familiar to change their spirit animal into a celestial, fiendish, resolute, or entropic version of the same animal. Flavorwise, it's the same animal as before, just more attuned to the shaman's alignment thanks to the feat investment, which seems perfectly fair to me.

Similarly, I would also allow a druid with the Eagle, Frog, or Monkey domain to use Improved Familiar to add one of those alignment templates to their familiar. In this case, it's still a hawk, toad, or monkey, just an extraplanar one.

All other kinds of Improved Familiars would be a much more gray area for either class. Individual GMs have the discretion to allow it in their home games, but I'd be disinclined to do so in mine because it seems to go against the intent of those domains and the spirit animal's nature.

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When choosing a familiar, the creatures listed here are also available to you.

That's additive language. So it doesn't matter if your previous choice was limited because the creatures listed "are also available to you".

Personally if I was a DM, I'd house rule you can only take appropriate Improved Families.

That's not official, just saying.

Coral capuchin for monkey works fine, or any of the alignment template ones. I'd personally not allow Imps.

Davia D wrote:

Personally if I was a DM, I'd house rule you can only take appropriate Improved Families.

That's not official, just saying.

Coral capuchin for monkey works fine, or any of the alignment template ones. I'd personally not allow Imps.

What's wrong with imps? They can change shape into boars, giant spiders, rats or ravens. Why wouldn't a pig, scarlet spider, rat or raven fit as well: they just learned how to turn into an IMP. Fits as well as a monkey losing its fur, growing a fish head and getting a set of fin wings...

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