Storyteller Shadow's Multi-Game Recruitment V


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I'm fine with you closing the recruitment.
The party as of now is looking very interesting.

My idea remains the same, acolyte that becomes a cleric of cyric. I just need to write his back story which should be done in time for your break/writing period.

Just couple small questions, is alright if I start as a worshipper of bahaal or myrkul or do I need to start off as a worshipper of bane? Are you alright with me using the tulwar? The half-janni won't get used for a while so there is no real rush for it.

Gramork is still here and still playing his Fey'ri Cutpurse.

I did sort of forget that his backstory isnt up yet, as I still have the backstory of the alias this one is copy and pasted from. Tonight or tomorrow morning ill finish writing his backstory and swap a few things for his crunch (I missed the note about not getting regional bonus equipment.

Tonight i'll Pm you with some details about the Fey'ri I'd like to work out with you. Its largely a re-hash of a previous pm but its more well put together this time.

Re: starting age. I'm having my character start at age 20. He comes from a stable and loving family and has a gradual descent into evil, so it did not make sense for him to still be a teenager. Not enough time would have passed. He is still going to be headstrong and rash at times. I picked the Dangerously Curious trait and Furious Charge feat to reflect his impulsivity.

Do our kit skills give us the normal +3 class skills bonus?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I'm here! Ready to go when you are. I am traveling this weekend but I get the sense it's going to be a little bit before the game actually starts.

Grand Lodge

Vlad checking in!
I won't deny that closing recruitment now suits my interests, as this would mean I get to play a game I am extremely excited about.

As for "What will Vlad become later on?"... well, he is a proud rashemi warrior, and he will mostly keep like that. That said, and as I mentioned SS, Vlad's personal quest is for glory and power just to show his father who deserved the place as heir. That means that Vlad will pursue any and all ways to increase his power (be it multiclassing or whatever) and most probably end selling his soul.

But hey, he isn't comical evil or sadistic evil, just obsessed with being the best and rubbing it all over his father's face, so we all will be goooood friends.

Out of curiosity, where is everyone's characters from?

Vorik is from the Moonsea. I've officially settled on the Talented Cleric as my class, as it lets me build exactly the type of class I want. I'll be basically a Warpriest, but with domains and some other nifty abilities as well.

Dorn will start out LN, where he goes from their is up to the game. I can see him going LE most likely but just as easily stay LN or N, maybe even NE but not good of any kind I think. He is a creature of the mind, morality is just a word to him. He see's no point in being evil anymore then being good, while his actions may seem to skew in one way it is really just because it's the most beneficial action for him and his interest. Mostly he is a go with the flow type unless something is outright foolish or counter productive to his interest. In short he has a merchant mentality. ;3

Stick with me, I need a bodyguard and I value my minions. I can get you your power, so long as your loyal. :P

I have it in the backstory but it's not a short read. So here's the short, Dorn was born in Zhentil Keep but was pretty much raised in Waterdeep. He came back to Zhentil Keep fairly recently and is apprenticed under one of the wizard lords now.

Sweet, Ja'far will hail from the east. Either from Mulhorand, The Gold water or between them all and Unther. Lived in the shadow of The Giant's belt, in the great deserts of the Plains of purple dust and the Raurin.

@monkey: I've always wanted to see the talented Cleric, never got my hands on it. Ha two clerics that are going to hate each other, this should be interesting. Now we're really going to become foils.

@Dorn: I will be sure to give it a read.

Mawj is from Marsember, Cormyr. He will have their trademark plainspoken attitude.

Mawj will be a wrecking ball in combat. Black Seraph maneuvers focus on charging and debuffing, and I will also pick up a few Primal Fury maneuvers for extra damage.

Now I wonder, what psionic ability will you mercifully grant us?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Guess where the Pox of Phlan is from.


Would it be alright if I took the human Warpriest FCB as Talented Cleric is a mash up of the two, and I'm building more of a Warpriest than Cleric?

Also, are we allowed a +1 skill point/HP for our zero level class? Makes no sense to have a favored class obviously, but we do have a *class*, sorta.

I can tell you now. This party is going to be really interesting when the church of Bane has its schism and Cyric ascends.

I can imagine Vorik and I are going to have some theological "disputes".

Dorn quietly worships Azuth and Oghma, both gods are legal, as well as holding towards his own values. He is not devout or dumb enough to worship Mystra, after the ToT even less so due to the change. Azuth and Oghma remain pretty consistent but any cyric worshiper will probably take issue later on. Mostly because cyric takes issue with any god as a rule, egotistical little twerp that he is. xP

Here's hoping I/we convince him to ally with Shar. That way he can get his magic from the shadow weave, I'd call that an interesting plot arc.

Don't know if he wants to cross the Zhents by doing that. When the shades show up they don't get along and Shar is pretty much their boss.

Or die trying? I mean the world is against me pretty much, why not try to make Cyric better, like what Malik wanted to achieve.

Also keep in mind, we're not sure what Storyteller's canon is. So maybe the shades won't even come knocking on Zhent's doorstep. Can't say what his canon is and I'm sure he can't without spoiling, so we will find out.

I wonder how much intrigue this game will have? I might need to build myself to that a bit.

Dark Archive

You missed my second application, this is my future Red Wizard of That.

William, which are you planning on playing with?

If we're free to go non-canon, then I suppose we could always go god-hunting when the ToT hits.

Cold stare at gnomish pantheon.

Now we're thinking.
Sadly they're all still level 40 characters. I have confidence, but not that much.

Grand Lodge

Mawj wrote:

If we're free to go non-canon, then I suppose we could always go god-hunting when the ToT hits.

Cold stare at gnomish pantheon.

I call dibs on Garl Glittergold. I will never forget him for what he did to the kobolds, and the bastard has the stones to call himself Lawful Good.

Yeah sense Storyteller said we would be around 5th level (wouldn't matter if it was 15th level to me personally) when the ToT goes down, all of you can take a shot at godly avatars. Dorn's going to be way over here penning a tome called "When Foolish Mortals Reach", a detailed description and historical account of the grisly deaths of mortals that challenge gods made flesh. ;D

Few things make me chuckle like a wee gnome blasting a hole through a man three times his size with the flick of a wrist. :3

I'm pretty we're going to be 5th level sometime after the ToT. I know Storyteller likes his prologues( they're neat).

Storyteller wrote:

Levels 1 - 5 will essentially be a prologue. The game starts in 1357 and will fast forward to 1372 by the time the group is 7th or 8th level.

I can't give much of a blurb on expectations without risking plot so the above is all you'll get... well, except one PC MUST be a Cleric of Cyric starting Level 1.

That being said, it would be interesting to watch. It's not the hill I want to die on. :S

I jest, of course.

Who would want that portfolio?

I mean, I guess Tymora and Sune?

Just a quick rundown to get an idea of our party. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

Dorn will become a wizard.
Vilixia will become a wizard.
Pox will become a sorceress.
Kyorruel will become a magus.
Vorik will become a cleric.
Ja'far will become a cleric.
Mawj will become a warlord.
Vladislak i'm unsure of, anti-paladin maybe?

It looks like artillery and battlefield control won't be an issue...

Yep Dorn is going wizard. :)

Grand Lodge

Vlad isn't sure neither hahahahaha.

I'm sure it will be a "martial" class, because Vlad leans to the use-a-sharp-thing side of things, yet I'm not sure if it will be Fighter or Bloodrager or a completely different animal.

What I know for sure is that Vlad is leaning heavily towards fear stacking, intimidation and stabbing people in the face with a falcata. Is that a class? I'd call it the Dreaded Facefalcater.

Pox will become a witch. Course that feels a bit redundant with all the arcane magic. I've been in parties before where everyone was all good at the same thing, and everyone ended up getting frustrated.

So maybe I'll end up taking a different direction, idk. If I stick with the original plan he'll probably mainly be a debuffer.

Well more arcane magic the better, plus because of the sheer versatility of the wizards and witches, there shouldn't be too much over lap.

Hell if we hit epic, maybe we can make zhent even more powerful by building a mythal. It would be very difficult but maybe doable, like convincing cyric to ally with shar.

If it helps Dorn will be a specialist wizard not a universalist one. FR gives alot more love to wizards then PF currently does in terms of selection. I very much doubt he will overlap with a debuffing witch.

P.S. 6 days to go.

While I will be using the Talented Cleric as my chassis, Vorik will more or less be a warpreist. Definitely more combat focused than your standard cleric.

I usually play battle clerics of some variety. Ja'far will be more of a gish, low level divine spells are meh. The differences between the characters will be interesting, story wise and all.

I still need to buy that book MG ;-)

Yeah, me too. I liked the talented fighter so cleric is bound to be good.

I have a few PMs to respond to. I'll try to get to those over the next few days.

I am hoping to have levels 0-5 at least outlined by Tuesday/Wednesday and get the game up and running by Friday. It depends on whether my wife travels overseas. If she does it will likely be Sunday as next Saturday night I have plans with a number of Paizoans ;-)





So what was our start date again? ;)

OmniChaos wrote:





So what was our start date again? ;)

We've passed that date ;-)

I am going to try and get us gig at least on the Discussion thread this weekend.

I can't tell if you are trying to get another player? By bumpage....but if you need one you tell me SS...and I'll figure something out :P

Vitaliano da Riva wrote:
I can't tell if you are trying to get another player? By bumpage....but if you need one you tell me SS...and I'll figure something out :P

That was a PC bumping me ;-)

I think we are set here (I closed Recruitment a week or three ago) but if I need another player I will let you know.

Sorry, I wasn't able to report Earlier, I've been very busy IRL, but I'm the rouge... Going Counterfeit mage

Tyrant's of Zhentil Keep Discussion Thread

Let's move to the Discussion thread. I'll begin migrating over relevant posts soon.

I am not quite ready yet, my free time was much more limited over the break than I anticipated but once my other active games are up and running I will begin to move this campaign forward.

This Recruitment thread is now CLOSED.

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