how can i lose a magic item


so that my party members won't notice it. the item I want to lose and not have another party member just pick up is a "ring of exicator" or something like that. It turns the wear into a 7th Lvl warpriest that hates the undead has magic heal others armor, a +10 sword, and an enchanted fire shield. the party is Lvl 7 and we are in a quasi-low magic realm. and this is the dm and dm's pet's attempt to force me to place a class I don't want to play as my pc. I am playing a debuffing spellcaster that I am enjoying-ish. but she can't do hand to hand combat which for the last three sessions he has been forcing her into to force her to use the ring. at least that's how I feel and the ring is very OP.

how do I go about losing this item?

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It sounds like you should maybe walk from the table.

zainale wrote:

how do I go about losing this item?

I find leaving things behind in hotel rooms is a very good way of doing that.

I might just do that or leave it at home. when I get one if I can get one.

zainale wrote:
I might just do that or leave it at home. when I get one if I can get one.

Sell it. If it's that strong, it has to have a buyer.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You could also hold on to the ring and just refuse to use it. Might send an extra message to the GM as well. Sort of a "I don't wanna be a Warpriest!" hint.

If your local town or city has a forge, have the thing melted down. Since you got it for free and you don't want the others to have it, make sure no one can have it. Leaving it in some room gives someone the opportunity to get the OP item.

Of coarse just talking to the GM is another option.

icehawk333 wrote:
zainale wrote:
I might just do that or leave it at home. when I get one if I can get one.
Sell it. If it's that strong, it has to have a buyer.

Got your eye on some magic items? Sell the ring to purchase them.

If the sale price is way to low, then it must be cursed. Spend for a remove curse and discard the ring as cursed, and so inform the party.


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I think it should be a two-step process:
1) having a serious chat with your GM about how you don't actually want to play a warpriest so would they just drop it?
2) if that doesn't work, quitting.

Because the item isn't the problem. The fact that your GM wants you to play a warpriest is the problem.

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I believe the traditional method is trek to a volcano and throw it in.

In all seriousness, use your words. Talk with your GM. My guess is that they aren't trying to force you to do something out of spite, but because they are trying to make a fun game (not necessarily in a good way, or succeeding at it), but most DMs do actually want everyone to have fun.

One other question, why don't you want someone else in the party to have this item? I get that you don't want to be a warpriest, but what is your motivation for denying others the choice?

the item is very OP. you wear the ring and at will you can become a melee powerhouse who is wearing enchanted armor healing armor wielding a +10 sword and has a magical shield that projects fire domes of firey protection. in a low magic-ish land. and the transformation lasts long enough to kill eight werecreatures by himself. while healing party members so they don't die while they face the same odds.

I am not sure how we got it but what I am sure of is that we did not earn it.

tis the DM's and favorite's way of forcing me to play a character and class i do not want to play and add yet another NPC into the party that is so overpowered that it makes the pcs useless. I saw what would not stomp on any of the other player's toes and filled that slot.

we have nine magical items one is a weapon the paladin is borrowing from the party I have a metagame magic item that allows me to dismiss my familiar at will and the rest belong to the wizard. the wizard is already good at what he does and allowing him or his monk to use it would take the spotlight away from the paladin or the barbarian.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It sounds to me like your DM suffers from too all-too-common novice DM problems.

A) He's bored with managing the world, and wants to be a player. This syndrome can have all sorts of negative consequences, and you often see the presence of DMPCs (DM-run NPCs who risk outshining the party).

B) He's on a power trip and has misunderstood the neutral management role of the DM. Typical consequences include taking control of the PCs' characters in various ways and overtly manipulating their choices.

There are only three ways to deal with these problems:
1) Suck it up and have fun with your friends despite the mad power trips;
2) Become the DM yourself; or
3) Talk it out and work with the DM to try to mitigate the worst aspects of these problems.

That is assuming you don't want to just walk. Personally, I've always played with friends, or else new players have become friends, so just walking away isn't really a solution. YMMV.

Geez, zainale, you sure do have either an interesting GM or a lot of very problematic GM's. Is this the same one from the witch thread?

same gm and the only one I could find. I have offered to wet my hands at dming so he could play as a PC for a while but there is no way in hell the special guy in the group will let that happen because I will not let him pull the shit he does with our gm. I may be new-ish to Pathfinder but I have years of experience with D&D, not as a DM but as a player. And i have read so many of the Pathfinder books via the sites I think I have a handle on it...

I don't believe in just walking away. I would rather work through the rough patches.

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