Welcome to Wrestlemania!


So I decided to offer my players the opportunity to use the downtime rules from ultimate campaign while between books in the AP I'm running. A friend and I take turns DMing different games during the year and the books of an AP make good stopping points.

While my friends game was active, I wanted to use the downtime rules to help keep the timeline in my game running while his campaign happened. This helps build a sense of my world continuing to exist and evolve while the PC's wait for the next big event to happen.

My friends game happened to take longer than expected this time around and as a result my players had a lot of time to play around and think about what they were going to do with downtime. The answer to that turned out to be a wrestling league.

WWF/WWE/WCW/ style shenanigans.

All of the players have embraced this to varying degrees at this point and have invested alot of time and effort into the concept. However, instead of trying to stifle my players creativity in this or railroad them back into the storyline laid out in the AP (ROTR), I am attempting to embrace it.

To that end, what ideas should I employ to bolster or thwart this fledgeling Vince McManhon wannabe empire? Alternative wrestling leagues? Real Undertakers with undead grapplers? A rival (and vastly more popular) group of female wrestlers from the Pixie's Kitten?

Also, can you be taken seriously as a wrestler if you have a bard do your intro music?

Kraken Sohei Monks that wear Rings of Air Breathing. That's all you need to crush their hopes and dreams. Alternatively, let them cheat and run over the squid with a chariot to establish them as heels and have it declare undying vengeance on them.

Seems legit.

Garde Manger Guy wrote:

Also, can you be taken seriously as a wrestler if you have a bard do your intro music?

Ahem: Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions!

....a mad chemyst alchemist that is a luchador with a tentacle.

I had been thinking on how well you could do grappling with an alchemist- the tentacle discovery gives you a natural attack with the grab ability. If it is your only natural attack, then you can ignore the fact that it is a secondary attack and get 1.5x bonus damage.

With the extra +4 from grab, you can pretty much ignore the fact that you are a 3/4 BAB class. Combined with str boosting mutagens and buffs, and you are doing fine.

Mad chemyst is added just because it is nice for melee alchemists (including abilities such as one that allows you to go auto large when using mutagen, and less need to cook up mutagens), and it gives a nice storyline for someone with a second personality. Obviously, in this scenario, you make it a luchador that hides his real identity. Make him the heel.

Of course, you might be able to skip the tentacle discovery bit now that there is that metamorph archetype, you could just turn into an appropriate monstrous humanoid with whatever grab attacks you can find. Still, the principles apply.

Well, I certainly have a couple of build ideas that can make devastating grappling, but Pro Wrestling is just for show. None of them necessarily even know how to fight for real. It seems to me that the mechanics of being a pro wrestler in Pathfinder is the Perform Skill, maybe Performance fighting, but again, WWF is not any kind of fighting, performance or otherwise. Take some ranks in Performance, and be a Bard.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Well, I certainly have a couple of build ideas that can make devastating grappling, but Pro Wrestling is just for show. None of them necessarily even know how to fight for real. It seems to me that the mechanics of being a pro wrestler in Pathfinder is the Perform Skill, maybe Performance fighting, but again, WWF is not any kind of fighting, performance or otherwise. Take some ranks in Performance, and be a Bard.

Ultimate Combat has the stuff on Performance combat. And yes, it does run from blood-drenched gladiatorial pits to 'sports entertainment'. Including audience reactions.

Silver Crusade

As a veteran of the Monday Night Wars, if you're willing to check out 3rd party stuff, the masked grappler from Legendary Vigilantes is a perfect fit, or if you're looking for other things, the wrestling sphere of the Spheres of Might playtest also has some interesting stuff, including a very 'sports entertainment' style talent in the following:


Worked Match

If you are adjacent to a willing ally, you may make Intimidate check as a full-round action against all hostile creatures watching you to influence their attitude, using dangerous looking moves against them while not dealing any actual damage to your ally. You gain a +2 to this Intimidate check for every 4 base attack bonus you possess. Creatures who have their attitude shifted by this talent have their attitude reverted to neutral rather than unfriendly, and any creature whose attitude is shifted by this talent takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against fear effects which originate from you for 1 day.

You can also use a grapple check with a willing ally as a Perform check for the purposes of making money gaining a +2 bonus for every 4 base attack bonus you possess (this is treated as a performance check for bonuses that would apply to making performance checks).

Each willing ally who participates in this talent for either use of it gives you an additional +2 bonus on this check (up to 5 additional allies), allowing you to further demonstrate your grappling prowess.

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