Hunter: Flanking bonus for range Attack?

Rules Questions


i have read several Hunter building Guides and most of them say whith the combination of Outflank and the Team Feat Coordinated Shot you get an +6 Attack Bonus on your range Attack.

Do you realy get an Flank Bonus on range Attacks?


Scarab Sages

No. You never get a flanking bonus on ranged attack. Coordinated Shot gives you an untyped +1 to hit if your companion is threatening your target, or a plus two if they are flanking it with someone else. Outflank doesn't interact with ranged attacks because you never flank with ranged weapons.

Indirectly relevant FAQ. You can't flank (as in get a bonus or the option to sneak attack) with ranged weapons, period. You can still provide a flank to your melee buddy if you have Snap Shot or something else that lets you threaten at range.

O.k. Thanks.

I thought so but found it so often that i wanted a clarification.

Thanks again.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Some guides get the rules wrong. It would be good to report to them the error.

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