What has been the most unpleasant experience of your life?

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My story:

I was watching my dad die of a heart attack on his bed and being able to do nothing about it. I was 8 years old.

Ouch! That is a real rough one. Sorry you had to go through that.

I don't really have anything that compares to that, but breaking my jaw, and having it wired shut for weeks was very unpleasant.

Being falsely accused of a crime and subsequently losing every single friend I had. Felt ill for about a year.

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Seeing Donald Trump elected President of the United States of America.

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It's none of anyone's business here.

Seems like an intrusive subject to inquire about.

Watching my oldest sister drown while unable to help at age 4 1/2. Since then everyone in the family has learned at least basic swimming.

I think that's a tie between the car crash that shattered my right hand and the phone call where I learned that two of my best friends had been murdered.

Silver Crusade

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*offers hugs*

Grand Lodge

Having one of my best friend's widow accuse me of stealing his property while he was staying at my house during their divorce proceedings.

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Leafar the Lawgiver wrote:

Seeing Donald Trump elected President of the United States of America.

What a very blessed life you've had so far....

Sciatica for a month straight. I couldn't get out of bed to go to a friends funeral (he'd been crushed to death at the same place i busted my back)

Dark Archive

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Almost drown while swimming on a lake when i was 8.

I got a little away from my family while exploring the lake (i was a very enthusiastic swimmer as a kid) untill i reached a big stone surfacing the water and decided to climb it. As soon as i got near it, something sucked my left foot and immediatly went underwater (some air vacuum effect at the stone's base?).
I desperatly climbed to the surface and screamed for help, but at that moment my parents were assisting my small sister so after a second, i went down again. My energies were spent from the first climb, oxigen was almost gone so i stop struggling and everything fades to black.

Suddenly, i felt something pulling me up insanelly fast, and whithin seconds i was breathing again that sweet sweet air again.

Long story short: My life was saved by a taxi-driver that decided to stop at the lake to have a swim break, and was the ONLY ONE that managed to see a little poor bastard struggling for his life at the back of the lake.

To this day on, i always say that my life was saved by a very oportunistic random encounter. And also, i always leave a generous tip to kind taxi drivers (you never know...)

When I was 13 or 14, my LOVELY mother heard from the school counselor that I didn't like her very much. After finding out about this she told them that I had been threatening her at home (lie). She and them decided that, because of my "threats of violence", that it might be a good idea for me to spend some time in a mental health facility for young adults.

So long story short. My awful mother didn't like how I spoke of her in what I thought was private, so she lied about my state of mind in order to get the counselors to agree to send me off to a place where I couldn't see anyone that I actually loved. Stayed there for around a month, month and a half, with people who actually had severe mental health problems.

It was scary, but I'm still glad I've gone through all that rather than some of the stuff you guys have though...

Man, unpleasant is such a broad word...

I had my first asthma attack when I was about 17. It was terrifying. My brother and my dad were home playing video games, but I was so out of breath that what I thought was shouts must have been nothing but whispers. I didn't have the energy to move towards them for help and eventually blacked out. I came to in a few minutes, as if waking up from some sort of nightmare. I never told them because I felt it would do nothing but make them feel bad. Been too scared to do anything strenuous since, and I think suffocation is now my number one fear as I start to panic just by having the top button of a shirt done.

Link2000, have you seen a doctor about your asthma? It might help.

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I have a list, but I'll just mention one: Dating this one particular girl in college. She was so jealous, insecure, and possessive I have no words to accurately describe her. But for some reason I just couldn't give her up. As I grew older I learned I'd been the victim of domestic abuse by her (she threw things at me, including a radio once that stuck in the wall). When she left me for a friend of mine I had my first real emotional and mental breakdown. I had to drop out of college and go home because I couldn't function on any level. To this day I still feel insecure around some women and my therapist once said that she was part of the reason I had my second breakdown, which put me on disability for the rest of my life.

So that was pretty unpleasant.

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captain yesterday wrote:

It's none of anyone's business here.

Seems like an intrusive subject to inquire about.

You're not wrong Cap, but if people want to post about them it's their business, I guess. It may even be a little cathartic for some.

The Mad Comrade wrote:
Link2000, have you seen a doctor about your asthma? It might help.

I was diagnosed with asthma at a younger age, just never experienced a genuine attack. Because of that, I never carried my inhaler around like I should have. I've mostly learned my lesson, although I sometimes accidentally leave it at home still.

Four months flat on my back with mononucleosis scores pretty high on that list. I couldn't eat well, had to fight to even manage something. Wrecked my uni schedule for more than a year. Throat so sore, and it never let up. Man, that sucked.

When my mother was missing for 35 days and then found drowned and dead was a horrible experience. Having to cope with her schizophrenia before was kinda difficult too, specially because I was so young and we lived alone.

Also, when my father started vomiting blood in front of me and had to be put into an induced comma for a day was a tough experience. Doctors said to us that he'd die if he bled again in the next 24 hours.

My aunt, who I lived with, harassed and abused me verbally for more than 10 years after my mother died. In the end, I didn't think I was worth of nothing because of her and stopped having hobbies, going out, everything. I couldn't leave the house because I had to care for my elderly grandparents. I didn't want her to harm them.

And that's everything. I cannot choose one of them.

Silver Crusade

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*offers more hugs*

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Sort of like Kileanna, there are three events that compete for the title of most unpleasant experience.

First, years and years of verbal and physical abuse from my father, his go to was "You are nothing but a f#$k-up and will never amount to anything"

Second, the entire experience of my first really serious girlfriend being raped by someone I knew (that was trauma for us both, but I got the SOB back but good!)

And the last and most recent, having my home robbed, by someone I took in, who proceeded to steal most of my entire gaming book/material collection (pretty much stole the full library of AD&D and 3.5, along with all of my daggers (including my alter dagger, sacrilegious bastard!) and the cops not doing a gorram thing! Hell, my home owners insurance paid me 900.00 US dollars for a collection of 80 or so books that cost me a hell of allot more than $900.00 dollars, really, that collection to me was priceless (it took me 20 years of working to put together)

But really, I consider myself lucky compared to what others have gone through, I doubt I would be whom I am today if I had not, still sucked and all though!

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Rysky wrote:



*offers hugs*

Your hugs are always appreciated.

*hugs back*

Burying my first daughter.

Silver Crusade

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*more hugs*

*all the hugs*

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Rysky wrote:

*more hugs*

*all the hugs*

*layers of the hugs*

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The Mad Comrade wrote:
Rysky wrote:

*more hugs*

*all the hugs*

*layers of the hugs*

Fred hugs!

* grabs everyone in a big bear hug *

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This thread is getting too depressing for me...

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Many people on this thread already know what I went through, so I offer sympathetic hugs in return. For those that don't, link.

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*hugs Kileanna*

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John Napier 698 wrote:
*hugs Kileanna*

*Hugs back*

*Grapples him with prehensile hair*

Sorry, it has a life of its own!

Had to cheer this up a bit. If I see too many depressing things I just don't know what to do and start goofing around ;-D

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Yeah...just yeah.

*adds orc hugs to the bear hugged pile*

Hey, I will note, despite the giant steaming piles of crap life seems to drop on us here, WE are STILL STANDING!

And that sure is hell is something to be proud of.

Liberty's Edge

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GM_Beernorg wrote:

Yeah...just yeah.

*adds orc hugs to the bear hugged pile*

Hey, I will note, despite the giant steaming piles of crap life seems to drop on us here, WE are STILL STANDING!

And that sure is hell is something to be proud of.

And an even greater thing is that we help other people with no second thought

My heartfelt thanks and utmost respect to all who went through darkness and came out bearers of light, whether we post here or not

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Ser Beernorg (sometimes I wonder just how MUCH that PC has colored ME) was fond of asking:

"Do you not hear it on the wind...the clarion call to valor, and I ask you now, will you answer, or will you do nothing?"

Pretty clear lots of folks on these boards clearly choose "answer"

(valor comes in lots of forms, and I see no shortage of it around here)

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I love that this community has opened up like this, you're all lovely people as far as I can tell and I hope that everyone of you has the hardest part of your life behind you. Never change paizo.com/messageboards community, never change.

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I had a really bad hangover the other day.

Having my brain try to kill me the past 11 years has sucked a lot.

The Exchange

To me it's a tie between having my father die on the very first day of my nursing exams, and then having to go back the next two days to finish exams, and the time after the breakup with my wife when I had to decide if I wanted to fight her for our 3 children.

So let me add my hugs to everyone else needing them.

I don't like to be touched

but thanks for the hugs

Mine was being paralyzed with pain when the dentist hit a nerve. I couldn't breathe, move or make any sounds. Tears were streaming down my face. The dentist was talking across the room at his assistant for what seemed like hours.

Seeing my brother be falsely accused of a very serious crime and lose his job and many friends as a consequence... Even after he proved he wasn't even in the same city as the alleged victim and hadn't seen her in over a year, he still had to suffer, while the accuser faced no legal consequences for her lies.

I had an abbreviated childhood with substance abusing parents.

I was bedridden with pneumonia for a month in my teens coughing up blood.

I was in a car accident that ended with me upside down, just a couple years ago.

I keep going though. I don't think any of my experiences were really that bad. Just last week I graduated college. In the next couple months I plan to move across national borders. The events of my life are what got me here.

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Gratz on graduating school, Scythia. Good luck with your upcoming move.

Scythia wrote:

I had an abbreviated childhood with substance abusing parents.

I was bedridden with pneumonia for a month in my teens coughing up blood.

I was in a car accident that ended with me upside down, just a couple years ago.

I keep going though. I don't think any of my experiences were really that bad. Just last week I graduated college. In the next couple months I plan to move across national borders. The events of my life are what got me here.

Congrats on graduating. :)

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Congratulations for your graduation, Scythia!

And thanks to all for being such nice people! This is a great community.

Liberty's Edge

Well done Scythia. Best of luck and happiness for the future

**moar hugs for everyone**

May fortune favor your boldness, Scythia. o7

Kidney stones.

The second time, when there was one in each kidney and they had to shove a snake up there to pull them out and I had a pair of stents in there for a week.

And the subsequent stent removal, where they just pulled a string with no anesthetic or buildup.

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