Fiery Shuriken

Rules Questions

You call forth two fiery projectiles resembling shuriken, plus one more for every two caster levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of eight shuriken at 15th level), which hover in front of you. When these shuriken appear, you can launch some or all of them at the same target or different targets.[...]On rounds subsequent to your casting of this spell, you can spend a swift action to launch one of these remaining shuriken or a standard action to launch any number of these remaining shuriken.

Since they hover in front of you, how does this work with invisibility?

Let's say you cast fiery shuriken in round 1, then again in round 2. As part of the casting and launching "some or all of them" can you also include the ones created in the first round?

Casting the spell wouldn't break it, but launching some would break invisibility.

Trish Megistos wrote:
You call forth two fiery projectiles resembling shuriken, plus one more for every two caster levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of eight shuriken at 15th level), which hover in front of you. When these shuriken appear, you can launch some or all of them at the same target or different targets.[...]On rounds subsequent to your casting of this spell, you can spend a swift action to launch one of these remaining shuriken or a standard action to launch any number of these remaining shuriken.
Since they hover in front of you, how does this work with invisibility?

They reveal what square you're in, but you still have total concealment (50% miss chance) against attacks.

Trish Megistos wrote:
Let's say you cast fiery shuriken in round 1, then again in round 2. As part of the casting and launching "some or all of them" can you also include the ones created in the first round?

No. The castings are totally independent and non-interacting.

I figured as much.

Yeah, that makes sense.
On the other hand the number of shuriken you can fire as part of the casting seem to be a non issue (so long as they're more than 1).

One more thing, does the spell duration renew upon a renewed casting?

Say you're a level 3 wizard, you conjure up two fiery shuriken but don't launch any. You now have 2 fiery shuriken with a duration of 3.

Next round you do the same. Do you now have 4 fiery shuriken with a duration of 3, or 2 with 3 and 2 with 2?

Trish Megistos wrote:


I figured as much.

Yeah, that makes sense.
On the other hand the number of shuriken you can fire as part of the casting seem to be a non issue (so long as they're more than 1).

One more thing, does the spell duration renew upon a renewed casting?

Say you're a level 3 wizard, you conjure up two fiery shuriken but don't launch any. You now have 2 fiery shuriken with a duration of 3.

Next round you do the same. Do you now have 4 fiery shuriken with a duration of 3, or 2 with 3 and 2 with 2?

The second casting does nothing to affect the first in any way, so the old ones only have 2 rounds left.

For this probably last example you're a higher level wizard with a level in rogue, also you got quicken spell.

You start off invisible, you cast fiery shuriken twice and fire all the shuriken immediately as part of the casting.

Since everything happens in a single round, actually it all happens during your turn, would only the first batch grant sneak attacks, or both?
Is them not being flatfooted from your sudden lack of invisibility an immediate action, is there some delay?

There's no RAW answer, but typically after you resolve the first attack roll while invisible, the invisibility is lost and your opponent gains their Dexterity bonus to AC for future attacks.

Yeah usually the default (at least by and large) is "first attack roll counts the rest don't"
Though that is one erason for greater invisi i guess

Liberty's Edge

You only get Sneak Attack once on a spell that generates multiple simultaneous attacks. It is in the FAQs. So unless it was greater invisibility you only get one SA, with greater invisibility you get two SA.

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