![]() There is some confusion to me on what stacks. Enlarge Person plus Large Polymorph doesn't stack (afaik)
What about Enlarge Person and Small Polymorph? If the spells don't stack the assumption would then be that you still become a large creature. What about enlarge Person and Impact Weapon? As I see, impact only applies to the weapon so it isn't a size increase (per se) and therefore it should stack.
Now the same question for a large polymorph and the Strong Jaw spell? Side question:
Does a +5 bane/alignment weapon give +7 to attack and damage against a specific creature/alignment, do they add up to +9? ![]()
![]() Elemental Spell wrote: Benefit: Choose one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. You may replace a spell’s normal damage with that energy type or split the spell’s damage, so that half is of that energy type and half is of its normal type. You could prepare an acid fireball, but as you cast it just do regular (full) fire damage, correct? Just to be sure. ![]()
![]() Gisher wrote:
I'm going by these two pages: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/Weapons/#exotic-one-handedThis one lists under special: disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/weapon-descriptions/whip
![]() Chess Pwn wrote:
Weapon Feature(s) wrote: finesse, reach. How isn't it a reach weapon? ![]()
![]() No. The additional attack from haste is only available as part of a Full Round (Attack) Action. Haste wrote: When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon. The attack is made using the creature’s full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can’t use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)
![]() That's why 15 and 19 are Magus Arcana Feats to which the character otherwise has no access. Sorry that I didn't make that much clearer. Well, the point is to get Improved Initiative at first level and only at level 3 retrain it (that is Improved Initiative) to Accomplished Sneak Attacker in order to conform with the rules.
Accomplished Sneak Attacker wrote: Your number of sneak attack dice cannot exceed half your character level (rounded up). Aka: 2d6 at level 3. Retraining FAQ wrote:
As for aligned class not working with a Prestige Class, I haven't seen anything indicating that it wouldn't work. It just says you pick a class you have at least one level in. Aligned Class (Ex) wrote: At 2nd level, the evangelist must choose a class she belonged to before adding the prestige class to be her aligned class. A class does not necessarily mean a base class. And having one level in Arcane Trickster it seems to qualify. But maybe you're privy to information that I'm not. Oh yeah, the half elf Skill Focus would indeed go into stealth. These things aside, what would you recommend? Arcane Accuracy and discard any notion of using Arcane Pool for weapons? Maybe a Crossbow for when you run out of spells... ![]()
![]() I've been reading up some magus guides and stumbled upon the Prescient Attack Arcana, which would be ridiculously useful for an Arcane Trickster build. Making enemies flatfooted by simply hitting them with a weapon attack.
By the way, we play without Weapon Finesse, every character is just assumed to have it. You'd have to pick that up if you go the Whip Route, and it would be great for your touch spells as well. Half Elf for Paragon Surge 25 PB (+2 INT)
Favorite Class: Wizard 1. Vivisectionist, SA 1d6
3. SA 2d6 2-4 Wizard, Void School (opposition Fire)
5. Arcane Trickster
7. SA 3d6
9. SA 4d6
11. SA 5d6
13. SA 6d6
15 SA 7d6
That choice depends whether you want to go with an actual whip, in which case you'd want to get give it spell storing. This would necessitate a Wayfinder with an Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone (10500 GP). That would be the Accurate Strik, Bane Blade Route.
Arcane Accuracy and probably Maximized Magic (for when you deliver that Vampiric Touch with sneak attack) would probably work better if you just wanna stick to your spells. 16-20 Wizard 17
So you have enough Metamagic Feats to pick up Spell Perfection with Paragon Surge. 19
20 The main problem of this build is that you're gonna be starved for feats, but getting the prescient attack is really worth it. Paragon Surge also allows some flexibility, for example in getting Dampen Presence against an enemy with blindsense...but then again, thanks to Prescient Attack you could sneak attack them anyway.
Thoughts, recommendations? ![]()
![]() Just a couple of days ago I was wondering the same thing. Arrow Eruption wrote: However, this spell cannot reproduce any spells or other limited-use magical effects that you used to enhance that particular attack. This includes such effects as the true strike spell, as well as any area spell you might have placed on the arrow by means of the arcane archer’s imbue arrow class feature. Ricochet shot is one such effect. When I was asking myself this question, it took the form of using quicken spell true strike for the second roll to get a plus 20 on the arrow eruption due to that single attack roll you have to make for it.
Now here's another question. What happens when arrow eruption kills an enemy, can you then cast another arrow eruption? Also, here's the thread I posted my original question.
![]() Holding the Charge wrote: If you don’t discharge the spell in the round when you cast the spell, you can hold the charge indefinitely. You can continue to make touch attacks round after round. If you touch anything or anyone while holding a charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges Looks like it. There isn't a shackled condition, I wonder how it would be ruled. Probably like entangled and no spellcasting that requires somatic components. Might be difficult to get a hold of you component pouch too. What about if the feet are tied. No more movement, maybe jumping awkwardly around at 1/4 speed. Edit:
So, no. ![]()
![]() As part of the spell you get one free touch attack.
I should mention that touch attacks with multiple touches can be held. So you could attack again the next round again. Say you're a third level cleric, you attack as part of the casting for free. Then next round you can use another standard action to attack again and on the third round one more time since the spell last for 3 rounds (even thought you'd get 4 attacks out of it). Btw, this action is called holding the charge and is dispelled if you cast another spell. I don't know many cleric spells but a cure light wounds spell would go (for a level 1 cleric) from 1d8+1 to 1d8+2. Or being a level 5 cleric, you could get an additional bonus from Divine Favor at caster level 6.
![]() I'm not very versed in druids so this is all conjecture from the information you've given me. Do higher levels allow druids to turn into bigger elementals? If he's still normal size, you could use the huge elemental HD16 as a base, and then scale it down to whatever your druids size is.
![]() Wouldn't it be twice?
Natural Spell Combat wrote: For example, a magus could select this arcana twice, choosing claw attacks and bite attacks. This would allow him to use a full-round action to make all of his claw attacks with his free hand and all of his bite attacks in addition to casting a spell. This arcana otherwise functions exactly like the spell combat class feature Yeah, I kind of guessed that it would be useless without spell combat. ![]()
![]() The feat doesn't come with prerequisites but the benefit text heavily implies that spell combat would be one.
Also just for kicks. For a Charda it would be 4 attacks (3 claws 1 bite) at -2 and a spell ![]()
![]() @Blahpers
![]() Now the spell explicitly names that a true strike applied to the attack that allows you to use this spells will not be applied, but can you use true strike to apply it to the attack roll that is inherent to the the Arrow Eruption spell (say via quicken spell)? And just to be sure, prescient attack would be a
Arrow Eruption wrote: limited-use magical effects that you used to enhance that particular attack , correct?What about a Magus' Arcane Pool ability to enhance the bow he's using? ![]()
![]() I've seen this old thread that talked about some of these issues but there wasn't any real conclusion to it. 1. If you don't have weapon proficiency (whip, do you take -4 on attacks with River Whip/Whip of Spiders ? 2. The entry for whip has: disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip
3. How do whips interact with size increases? The general assumption would be that they double so they should be 30? 4. Let's say you cast Whip of Spiders -which can be overcome by spell resistance- with spell combat and Vampiric Touch. What happens when the Whip fails the caster level check to overcome SR? Is it dispelled? Does it become a spider swarm? Let's say the Vampiric Touch had succeeded its caster level check? Would it still apply? edit: removed some abundant information. ![]()
![]() First of all, here's how I understand this works. When you hit an enemy (with a weapon attack, whatever that exactly is, we'll come back to that) the attacked creature loses its dexterity bonus (how does this interact with uncanny dodge?) to this attack (no effect unless you have sneak attack) and to every further attack (from you) until the end of your next round. Prescient Attack wrote: Benefit: The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, allowing him to anticipate his opponent’s defenses. The target is denied its Dexterity bonus against the magus’s attacks until the end of the magus’s next turn What are weapon attacks? Certainly manufactured weapons such as daggers, bows etc, likely unarmed strikes but what about natural weapons?What about ray attacks? You can take weapon focus in them, so they should be weapons? What about fiery shuriken, we play with being able to take weapon focus shuriken to get the +1 on those attacks so they're weapons. Maybe? What about a river whip? It functions like a whip except you make touch attacks. What about other spells, particularly the weapon like spells such as acid arrows, flame arrows, mages' swords or spiritual weapons?
![]() Retraining wrote: When you retrain a class level, you lose all the benefits of the highest level you have in that class. You immediately select a different class, add a level in that class, and gain all the benefits of that new class level. @Diego Rossi You don't lose your class and its features until you actually finish retraining at which point the change happens immediately. Which means at no point you'd lose sneak attack (since Sleepless Detective also provides it) and therefore you wouldn't lose accomplished sneak attacker and consequently you'd keep your arcane trickster levels...Unless of course you guys are privy to additional information that contradicts the "immediate" changing of classes. I suppose the easier variant would be to just pick a level in Sleepless, then retrain alchemist into Arcane Trickster. @Blahpers
Base Save Bonuses wrote: There are only two base saving throw progressions: good and poor. Good saves progress at a rate of +1/2 per level, while poor saves progress at +1/3 per level. Additionally, saving throw bonuses with a good saving throw progression start higher, effectively incorporating an additional +2 bonus. Under the core rules, this additional bonus stacks between classes, letting a character who’s a 1st-level barbarian and a 1st-level fighter have a +4 Fortitude save bonus while his Reflex and Will saves stagnate. However, this higher initial saving throw bonus is intended to act like the +3 bonus received on a class skill: you should get it only once for a particular type of saving throw, regardless of the number of classes in which you have levels. Under this variant, the +2 bonus at 1st level to a good save no longer stacks between classes, so a character’s strongest saves are sometimes decreased. However, the improvements to that character’s weakest saves usually make up the difference, and such characters are much less likely to leap ahead of (or fall dramatically behind) their single-class peers. It seems to imply that every 1st level fast progression bonus should be applied once... ![]()
![]() @ryric
@Diego Rossi
![]() When it came to retraining it used to be allowed to retrain a base class into a prestige class, so long as that base class level doesn't remove your prerequisite for the prestige class. Now for the purpose of these questions, let's assume that under the previously outlaid conditions it's still possible to do that I wanna know how certain things would play out. Let's say we have a: 1. Vivisectionist 1d6 2.-4. Wizard, Alertness from Familiar
5. Arcane Trickster The idea would be to retrain Vivisectionist into Sleepless Detective, maintains the sneak attack prerequisite for Accomplished Sneak Attacker and thus the prerequisite for Arcane Trickster Would Sleepless Detective become the first level? What I mean by this is how does it interact with Would your hitpoints remain 8+4d6 or become 6+3d6+d8? How about the Saving Throws? Would it revert to +2 Will at first level (from Wizard) rather than +2 Reflex and Fortitude from Alchemist or change to +2 Reflex +2 Will from having Sleepless Detective as a first level?