Living Grimoire Spellbook?

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Does a Living Grimoire Inquisitor have a limited number of pages in their "holy book", like a wizard or magus? Do they make spellcraft checks to scribe? Pay scribe costs?

The archetype is a little light on rules, it seems like they intended it to mimic a spellbook, but as written it looks pretty unlimited and inexpensive.

It seems pretty unlimited to me, since it's not actually a spellbook. However, I see no flaw if it's the case; Witch familiars have had infinite space since the beginning and haven't broken anything.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

They buy scrolls, pay npc spell casters, or find wizard spell books for access.

They pay scribe costs.

Their holy book is standard spell book pages.

They can have more than one spell book.

"He can replace his bonded tome with another book at any time, though he must perform a 24-hour binding ritual to attune himself to the new book."

It looks like they have one and only one holy book. At the same time there's no mention of page counts, scribing costs etc. that I can see.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

They have only one holy book, yes.

They use wizard scribing rules, and there is no rule saying they don't use all the rules. So having a generic non-holy spell book is allowed because it isn't forbidden.

There is nothing in it that mentions having to scribe the spells. So I'm thinking it's closer to a witch's familiar. In that you have to perform a ritual to add spells.

It is a holy text of their deity after all. So I doubt it has many blank pages. And even if there was it could be seen as heretical to write all over it.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Vikjunk is right. I misremember the rules of the ability and I played in two games where people also misremembered the rules.

It doesn't tie the book to "as a wizard" or "as a spell book" or any similar thing. So I'm now on the familiar mechanic. The book doesn't cost scribing cost and can contain infinite spells.

Grand Lodge


Does it consume scrolls to scribe them then?
What "other written sources" have inquisitor spells?
Can I copy a spell on the Inquisitor's list from a Wizard's spellbook (Protection from Evil)?
Can the wizard copy from me? (probably not.)
Can I copy from another Living Grimoire? for free?

I suppose while I'm asking, everyone agrees the Living Grimiore gets a number of 0 level slots per day equal to the 0th level spells known for that level, right? I think technically RAW they don't get any 0th level slots. :(

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

A living Grimoire doesn't have a "spells known" chart. They use the war priest spell casting chart, which tells you exactly how many orisons you can prepare each level.

"The living grimoire receives the same number of spell slots per day as a warpriest of his inquisitor level" - OK, it doesn't call out orisons, but I'd read that to include them.

On the others,
1) Unclear, but other similar mechanics (witches' familiar, wizard's spellbook) say yes.
2) It looks largely like future-proofing to me though another living grimoire inquisitor's holy book should qualify.
3, 4) Copying between different classes (wizard/magus) not to mention different types of magic (wizard or magus/alchemist) has to be specifically called out. No to both I think.
5) Yes, & whether it's free depends on the other person.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sorry for Thread necro, but I have to comment. I'll throw in my two cents based on how I ran it in my game.

1) It doesnt say that it does, but it also does not say that it doesn't, so it's up to the GM. My guess? Yes.
2) Other sources are a living grimoire spellbook, or any divine scrolls of the spells he can find. You might have to go looking for an inquisitor with scribe scroll.
3) I would say copying spells between classes is fine (except for alchemists which specifically states otherwise), but a wizard and a magus can swap spells just fine.
4) going between casting types, usually not allowed. No.
5) Yes.

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