Melee Striker Build


Hi guys! I will play a lvl 12 char. And i want some advice about builds/ classes. Which one is better in your opinion?

saurian shaman druid/ 1 monk/1 mammoth rider
Goliath druid/ titan fighter/armored hulk
Crossbloded primalist bloodrager
Crossbloded rageshaper bloodrager / dragon disciple
Vivisectionist beastmorp alchemist

Bye and ty :)

Crossblooded Bloodrager is crap.

My vote is for a Primalist Bloodrager. But I am extremely partial towards them.

Sadly I can not judge between them due to no actual build laid out.

Crossblooded bloodragers are a failed will save waiting to happen; skip those. Of the rest I like the first best. A level or 2 dip in sohei monk will make any mounted build better and druid makes a reasonable starting point.

The "dump AC, don't care lol"
Arcane Primalist Bloodrager

Bloodline Powers:

1st: get a familiar (Hedgehog for +2Wil)
4th: swap for superstition and reckless abandon
8th: Displacement, unless you feel very offensive
12th: swap for rage powers you need, like come and get me, savage dirty trick, whatever

Your free greater bloodrage spell is mirror image. Wade into combat with 10 AC, and a >90% miss chance. Add feats as you want

I am undecided whether to choose goliath druid (vital strike build) or the primalist arcane bloodrager :0

Prof. Löwenzahn wrote:

The "dump AC, don't care lol"

Arcane Primalist Bloodrager

Bloodline Powers:

1st: get a familiar (Hedgehog for +2Wil)
4th: swap for superstition and reckless abandon
8th: Displacement, unless you feel very offensive
12th: swap for rage powers you need, like come and get me, savage dirty trick, whatever

Your free greater bloodrage spell is mirror image. Wade into combat with 10 AC, and a >90% miss chance. Add feats as you want

I would do more along the lines of:

1st Familiar w/ Protector Archetype...Hedgehog is best IMHO for the +2 will save. (take improved familiar later and the trait dangerously curious for UMD as a skill...let the familiar us wands and scrolls to buff you from Invisiblity. as well as take some damage for you....Bonus points if you use a Familiar with Fast healing like Imp or Pooka.)

4th: Lesser Beast totem + Beast totem (Your level 12 so you qualify)

8th: Keep Arcane Power for Displacement

12th: Rage powers: Come and get me and Greater Beast totem. (Gets you Pounce so you can pounce on enemies and if they don't die to your full attack CaGM will finish the job.)

Feat wise:

Power attack, Arcane Strike, Bloodied Arcane strike, Raging Vitality, Improved Familiar, Improved Critical- Scimitar, @13 Raging Brutality

Bloodline Feats:
Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, @15 Disruptive, @18 Spellbreaker

Use a Scimitar 2 handed...the damage difference between it and a Falchion is negligible and you can swing a 1 handed weapon in a grab/grapple situation should the DM ever get a hold of you. A falchion is dead in the water once your grabbed/grappled. I think that alone is worth the 1.5 damage difference between the 2 weapons.

Fate's Favored
Dangerously Curious

Half-orc with Sacred tattoo (+1 luck to all saves. plus fates favored is +2 to all saves)

Enjoy beating the hell out of everything.

Liberty's Edge

Note that the 90% miss turns to 50% against enemies smart enough to just close their eyes. Then the normal caveats for blindsight, truesight, whatever else shows up at higher levels.

Not saying it's a bad build, it's a nice setup, just noting weaknesses.

Stack wrote:

Note that the 90% miss turns to 50% against enemies smart enough to just close their eyes. Then the normal caveats for blindsight, truesight, whatever else shows up at higher levels.

Not saying it's a bad build, it's a nice setup, just noting weaknesses.

Yeah your correct on specials sights and "Smart Creatures" but your also always full attacking + Come and Get me and doing a s&$& ton of damage or killing things in 1 round. On top of your other layers of defenses...Stoneskin DR, Resisting energy damage, and one of the highest HPs in the game.

I like this build, i will try it this friday!

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