Retraining of Witches

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

I read a tread back in August about how 'patron" was left off in the retraining on witches and that they were going to ask paizo if it had been left off or if it falls under class feature or not. Does anyone from paizo know if it's a class feature or if it can be retrained or not?

Silver Crusade

I would think it would be allowed since clerics can retrain a domains and sorcerors can retrain bloodlines, but I guess it could be argued that clerics can only retrain one domain and it has to be one their god has.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Could retrain to Fighter then retrain again to Witch.

Shadow Lodge

Since retraining as a whole is an optional rule I'd be inclined to say that you can retrain your patron if your GM lets you.

However, while a witch's patron mechanically looks like a cleric's domain it's more like a cleric's deity in actual function - the patron is the source of the witch's power. The sorcerer's bloodline (another magical power source) is subject to this warning:

Retraining wrote:
Some of the options listed below involve retraining features of your character that are essentially permanent parts of your heritage, such as a sorcerer's bloodline. The cost of retraining these things presumably includes magical or alchemical alterations to your body. The GM might rule that these changes are unavailable in the campaign, are only available under rare circumstances, take longer, are temporary, require some sort of quest, or are more expensive than the listed cost.

In this line, I think it's also fair to make retraining a patron require a bit more effort since you'd need to find a new patron willing to take you on and convert / form a new pact.

Silver Crusade

Didn't think of that but I guess I could retrain into a fighter then retrain into a witch and that would be legal wouldn't it?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

poundpuppy30 wrote:
Didn't think of that but I guess I could retrain into a fighter then retrain into a witch and that would be legal wouldn't it?


In PFS, it is your best bet (Witch->Fighter->Witch) but in a home game your GM can shortcut you.

Silver Crusade

I just bought the ultimate campaign yesterday and not sure I understand it fully. How much would it cost pp wise to retrain a level 7 witch this way in pfs? Anyone know?

Silver Crusade

From what I'm reading it would take 5 days to retrain 1 level into a different level class in synergy class so retraining to witch--alchemist--witch would take 70 days and thats 70 pp which is too much and cant be done. I don't think you can retrain class----class--class because the pp is too much to pay at any level isn't it?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

poundpuppy30 wrote:
From what I'm reading it would take 5 days to retrain 1 level into a different level class in synergy class so retraining to witch--alchemist--witch would take 70 days and thats 70 pp which is too much and cant be done. I don't think you can retrain class----class--class because the pp is too much to pay at any level isn't it?

I was ms-remembering the line about "one continuous period" and thought they all happened in the same time (so 5 days to train to a synergy level and 5 more to change back.)

But it isn't clear, so your best bet would be to do 7 levels Witch to Alchemest -> Witch again.

That would be 14 * 7 * 10 * 5 = 4900 gp
But the real problem is the Prestige of 2 * 7 * 5 = = 70 pp

Is there an Archetype that requires a certain Patron (that isn't your own) you could train into and back out of?

Shadow Lodge

James Risner wrote:

I was ms-remembering the line about "one continuous period" and thought they all happened in the same time (so 5 days to train to a synergy level and 5 more to change back.)

But it isn't clear, so your best bet would be to do 7 levels Witch to Alchemest -> Witch again.

I think it's pretty clear that you can retrain class levels one at a time.

Retraining wrote:
Unless otherwise specified, there is no limit to how many times you can use retraining. Options that specify "one" of something refer to once per retraining session, not a campaign-wide limitation. For example, a barbarian can retrain one rage power per training session, and when she finishes a session she can start another retraining session to retrain that rage power or another one.
Retraining wrote:
In general, it takes 7 days to retrain one level in a class into one level in another class.
Retraining wrote:
Example: Mark is playing a ranger 5/rogue 2, and has decided he'd like to retrain one of his ranger levels into a rogue level (so he has to find a 3rd-level rogue). When he completes the training.... Mark's character is now a ranger 4/rogue 3.

You can retrain one level of a class in one training session, and retrain another level in a second session.

The sentence referring to "one continuous period" is a separate issue.

Retraining wrote:
When retraining multiple character options (class features, feats, classes, etc.) in one continuous period, all of the new selections are made at the end of that period in an order decided by the player. If this period is interrupted for any reason all choices must be made immediately. In this way players can retrain class features and their prerequisites at the same time.

It's more about someone who wants to, for example, retrain rogue levels to fighter levels and at the same time retrain a feat to Weapon Specialization (which requires fighter levels).

That said, if you were retraining one level at a time you'd be stuck playing a witch/something else during the retraining period. Retraining to a patron-restricted archetype is probably a better bet. Dimensional Occultist, Winter Witch, and Sea Witch all have patron restrictions, with Dimensional Occultist being the most strict (automatically changes your patron to an archetype-specific option) and Sea Witch the most lenient (only prohibits patrons 'opposed to water' like Earth and Fire).

The Dimensional Occultist will also be easiest to retrain since it only replaces two features by level 7. If you don't already have an archetype, you only need to spend a total of 20 days (20pp) retraining - 10 to take and 10 to abandon the archetype.

Silver Crusade

So your saying since i dont have an arch type and have patron endurance but want patron plague that I can spend 10 pp to take an archtype that requires patron plague and then 10 to back out of the arch type but still keep the patron plague?

Shadow Lodge

No, what you'd do is spend 10pp to retrain to the Dimensional Occultist archetype, which requires the dimensions patron and is the only archetype to allow the dimensions patron. So when retraining to the archetype, you must drop the endurance patron to take the dimensions patron.

Then you spend 10pp to retrain out of the archetype, and since the dimensions patron can only be taken by a Dimensional Occultist you must retrain your patron to any patron allowed by the standard witch - you then select the plague patron.

You'll also have to temporarily switch your 2nd level Hex to the archetype's special ability, but when you back out you can re-select the original hex or something different as you prefer.

I think this works but I'm not entirely sure because I don't play much PFS and in a home game I'd just allow a character to retrain a patron directly rather than having to dance through an archetype and patron you have no intent of keeping.

Silver Crusade

My witch is just a regular witch level 7 with endurance patron so it would cost me 10 for the arch type to get it and 10 to drop it for a total of 20pp plus gold correct? or is it 5+5 since all im doing is getting an arch type and adding to a character who never took one and then removing it?

Silver Crusade

Also do I have to buy the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide just to do this retraining because that seems extreme just to do a retraining when I wont even be using the book?

Shadow Lodge

poundpuppy30 wrote:
My witch is just a regular witch level 7 with endurance patron so it would cost me 10 for the arch type to get it and 10 to drop it for a total of 20pp plus gold correct? or is it 5+5 since all im doing is getting an arch type and adding to a character who never took one and then removing it?

20pp plus gold. 5pp per feature changed when taking or dropping an archetype, and you will be changing two features (patron and level 2 Hex) in each direction for a total of 4x5 = 20.

poundpuppy30 wrote:
Also do I have to buy the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide just to do this retraining because that seems extreme just to do a retraining when I wont even be using the book?

I think so, though if you train in and out of the archetype in the same session without actually using it you might be able to get away with not buying the book. Check with your Venture Captain (or at least someone who does more PFS than me).

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