Scenarios with desert maps

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

Im looking for pfs scenrios (any season) with good desert and or tomb maps. The more the better.....any suggestions?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Outdoor desert and oasis type maps:

Storming the Diamond Gate
The Sun Orchid Scheme
And...err... that other one I'm thinking of that I can't remember the name of the scenario right now.

When you say "tomb", do you mean any sort of underground dungeon crawl that looks like it could be a burial place? There are a ton that have sarcophogi and stuff in them, especially if you include modules and adventure paths.

5/5 *****

For tombs:

Risen from the Sands
The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb
Echoes of the Everwar 4

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