Rise of the Runelords

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Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The ROTRL campaign I'm running is probably 2+ years from the final fight - the party is still clearing out Fort Rannick in book 3 - but it occurs to me that with the spellcasters drawing from a number of books published after the release of the Anniversary Edition, and the full party taking feats and other options from an even wider variety of sources (all Paizo - no 3PP so far), I ought to give Karzoug a once-over, and possibly do the same with some of the other villains. I have tinkered with the baddies from time to time (such as converting Mammy Graul into a witch), but other than occasional power boosts (such as an extra level or HD, or adding a couple of extra mooks), I tend to leave them as written.

Thinking ahead, though, the big bosses coming up are mostly wizards, and wizards can prepare for anything. I'm interested in any changes other GMs have made to spell lists, feats, other abilities to update them with newer material. Karzoug, of course, but also Barl Brakebones, Mokmurian, Highlady Atroxis (and I could see changing the warriors of wrath to magus, but the Highlady probably needs to stick with fighter/evoker/eldritch knight so she can hang onto her 7th level spells?).

I have updated many thassilonian era martials to path of war, treating it as ancient long forgotten martial traditions.
Warriors of Wrath became warders/wizards/EKs (that 1 level really can make a change in feel with swift action boosts).
Highlady Athroxis became a warlord.
Cloud Giants will lose 4 feats and gain martial training 1-4.
Storm Giants switch 5 feats to MT 1-5
Rune Giants switch 6 feats to MT 1-6
Viorian Dekanti I have rebuilt from the ground up into the fighter archetype (myrmidon I think - d20 is down and I don't have my books handy).

(I've only just started book 6 and I am really looking forward to seeing my payers deal with teleporting cloud giants)

I am midway through rebuilding Karzoug including his spells and feats. I probably won't do more than a quick look at Khalib and switch out anything that obviously needs changing. I haven't really messed with any of the other wizards except Mammy Graul, whom I likewise witchified (with the gravewalker archetype).

Certainly Karzoug needs to adjust his tactics and spell selection based on his knowledge of the PCs and their actions. And I'm pretty sure some kind of anti-teleport protection should be high on his list of things to install ...

Using spells from newer sources is certainly possible and desirable. A wizard-King of a mighty empire of wizards should have a lot of spells no one else has ever heard of.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
dragonhunterq wrote:

I have updated many thassilonian era martials to path of war, treating it as ancient long forgotten martial traditions.

Warriors of Wrath became warders/wizards/EKs (that 1 level really can make a change in feel with swift action boosts).
Highlady Athroxis became a warlord.
Cloud Giants will lose 4 feats and gain martial training 1-4.
Storm Giants switch 5 feats to MT 1-5
Rune Giants switch 6 feats to MT 1-6
Viorian Dekanti I have rebuilt from the ground up into the fighter archetype (myrmidon I think - d20 is down and I don't have my books handy).

(I've only just started book 6 and I am really looking forward to seeing my payers deal with teleporting cloud giants)

I am midway through rebuilding Karzoug including his spells and feats. I probably won't do more than a quick look at Khalib and switch out anything that obviously needs changing. I haven't really messed with any of the other wizards except Mammy Graul, whom I likewise witchified (with the gravewalker archetype).

I've avoided 3PP material so far, but I may give PoW a look. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
tonyz wrote:

Certainly Karzoug needs to adjust his tactics and spell selection based on his knowledge of the PCs and their actions. And I'm pretty sure some kind of anti-teleport protection should be high on his list of things to install ...

Using spells from newer sources is certainly possible and desirable. A wizard-King of a mighty empire of wizards should have a lot of spells no one else has ever heard of.

That's why I have hidden my copy of the Arcane Anthology Player Companion from my group - pages of new Thassalonian greed spells.

Dark Archive

I completed this campaign just a year ago for a party of 6 experienced players, and had similar thoughts about Karzoug. So, I gave all the creatures with him Advanced template, and increased him by 2 levels. Further, as it was put to me with a 30+ Int, "He's gonna be more prepared than Batman!", so feel free with preparing him to counter almost anything the party can throw at him. This would include anti-magic zones, dimensional locks (wish I had remembered that one back then lol), so forth and so on. Keep in mind that he also has a wish spell in place to raise all baddies to full health when he reaches a certain percentage of hit points, so I'd recommend NOT changing that about him. The look on my players faces when that happened was priceless! :)

Dark Archive

Oh, and move a couple (or all) the giants to the main platform (from the side platforms) between the players and Karzoug. While it seemed tactically sound to have flanking ranged attackers, they weren't all that effective at slowing down the players. Giants are meant to SMASH things with big heavy weapons, not fire pointy toothpicks. ;)

dragonhunterq wrote:
I have updated many thassilonian era martials to path of war, treating it as ancient long forgotten martial traditions.

That is exquisite. If you could share the stats of your modified giants, i'm sure many would appreciate.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
ckdragons wrote:

I completed this campaign just a year ago for a party of 6 experienced players, and had similar thoughts about Karzoug. So, I gave all the creatures with him Advanced template, and increased him by 2 levels. Further, as it was put to me with a 30+ Int, "He's gonna be more prepared than Batman!", so feel free with preparing him to counter almost anything the party can throw at him. This would include anti-magic zones, dimensional locks (wish I had remembered that one back then lol), so forth and so on. Keep in mind that he also has a wish spell in place to raise all baddies to full health when he reaches a certain percentage of hit points, so I'd recommend NOT changing that about him. The look on my players faces when that happened was priceless! :)

Thanks - these are some good ideas.

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Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:
dragonhunterq wrote:
I have updated many thassilonian era martials to path of war, treating it as ancient long forgotten martial traditions.
That is exquisite. If you could share the stats of your modified giants, i'm sure many would appreciate.

Okie Dokie - I assume I can add summarised PoW abilities as they are freely available online. If I am wrong can someone let me know and I'll delete them.

Also they have max hp, so you might want to change that for your game.

Advanced Storm Giant (melee):

Huge Humanoid (Giant)
Init +4; Senses Perception +29
AC 40, touch 15, flat-footed 39 (+14 armor, +1 dex, +14 Nat, +3 defl, -2 size)
hp 304 (19d8+152)
Fort +22, Ref +13, Will +18
Defensive Abilities: Rock Catching Immune Electricity
Speed 50 ft. Swim 40 ft (35 ft, swim 30 ft in armour)
Melee Mwk Bardiche +29/+19/+14 (3d8+28/17-20) or 2 slams +28 (2d6+16)
Ranged Mwk Composite Longbow +17/+12/+7 (3d6+16/x3)
Space 15 ft; Reach 15 ft (30 ft)
Spell like abilities Caster level 15th
Constant: freedom of movement
2/day – control weather, levitate
1/day – Call Lightning (DC17), Chain Lightning (DC20)
Str 43, Dex 18, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha 19
Base Atk +14; CMB +30 CMD 42

Combat Reflexes (5), Improved Critical (bardiche), Iron Will, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Martial Training (I, II, III, IV, V)
Skills Acrobatics +20, Climb +19, Craft (weaponsmith) +15, Intimidate +22, Perception +29, Perform (sing) +14, Sense Motive +26, Swim +24
Languages: Auran, Taldane, Draconic, Giant
Miltant (Ex): Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
Water Breathing (Ex):
+5 Full plate
Sihedron Ring

Manoeuvres w/ summaries:

Piercing Thunder; Initiation modifier +4 dex; Initiator level 12, associated skill: acrobatics +20
Manoeuvres (5)
O Armour Piercing Thrust (strike) Melee Touch Attack
O Iron Lancers Edge (boost) Next attack +3d6 damage and staggered 1 round no save.
X Meteor Spiral Thrust (strike) +8d6 damage and DC19 fort or nauseated 1d3 rounds.
X Piercing Strike (strike) +5’ reach and attack 2 adjacent creatures (use same attack and damage).
O Piercing Thunder Hammer (strike) +2d6 damage and DC 17 reflex or prone.
X Repositioning Leap (counter) Acrobatics vs attack roll to negate and jump as per acro roll.
X Twisting Lance (strike) Trip (+34) without provoking, if successful free attack +5d6 damage
X Twisting Parry (Counter) Make an attack roll, use as AC if higher. If attack misses deflect attack to another within reach of attack.

O Iron Pikemans Attitude: Endurance Feat and treat armour as 1 category lighter, +3 max dex, -3 ACP.
X Stance of the Thunderbrand: +4 AC, +5’ reach, opponents leaving a square provoke even if they otherwise wouldn’t (such as teleport, spring attack etc.)
O Twin Thunder Stance: Wield 2 handed weapon in one hand.

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Alternative I'm considering for the final fight.

Advanced Storm Giant (range):

Huge Humanoid (Giant)
Init +6; Senses Perception +29
AC 40, touch 15, flat-footed 39 (+14 armor, +1 dex, +14 Nat, +3 defl, -2 size)
hp 304 (19d8+152)
Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +18
Defensive Abilities: Rock Catching Immune Electricity
Speed 50 ft. Swim 40 ft (35 ft, swim 30 ft in armour)
Melee Mwk Bardiche +27/+17/+14 (3d8+28/19-20) or 2 slams +28 (2d6+16)
Ranged +2 Composite Longbow +21/+16/+11 (3d6+16/x3)
Space 15 ft; Reach 15 ft (30 ft)
Spell like abilities Caster level 15th
Constant: freedom of movement
2/day – control weather, levitate
1/day – Call Lightning (DC17), Chain Lightning (DC20)
Str 39, Dex 22, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha 19
Base Atk +14; CMB +28 CMD 42

Combat Reflexes (5), Iron Will, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Martial Training (I, II, III, IV, V), Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Acrobatics +22, Climb +17, Craft (weaponsmith) +15, Intimidate +22, Perception +29, Perform (sing) +14, Sense Motive +26, Swim +22
Languages: Auran, Taldane, Draconic, Giant
Miltant (Ex): Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
Water Breathing (Ex):
+5 Full plate
Sihedron Ring


Solar Wind; Initiation modifier +8 wis; Initiator level 16, associated skill: perception +29
Short range 55’, medium 220’, long 880’
Manoeuvres (5)
O Blinding the Bull (boost) auto confirm crit
X Blinding Ray Shot (strike) if hit target blinded 1d4 rounds no save.
O Dazzling Solar Flare (strike) +4d6 damage and DC 21 fort or dazed 1d4 rounds (dazzled 1 round if save)
O Disarming Gust (strike) +25 ranged attack vs CMD +3d6 damage and disarm
X Intercepting Shade (counter) opposed attack roll to negate attack within first range increment
X Searing Break (boost) All attacks deal +3d6 fire damage for 1 round.
X Solar Lance (strike) +25 ranged attack vs CMD +2d6 damage and bull rush
O Solar Reflection (strike) +26 damage and attack second target within 20’ of target.
X Solar Wind Lancet (boost) Next attack +4d6 damage and DC22 fort save or knocked prone

X Stance of the Piercing Rays: Ranged attacks deal +3d6 ranged damage
O Sunwalker Stance: Shot on the Run, +2 AC if move 10’+

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Advanced Cloud Giant:

Huge Humanoid (Giant)
Init +3; Senses Perception +17
AC 37, touch 12, flat-footed 36 (+11 armor, +1 dex, +14 Nat, +3 defl, -2 size)
hp 256 (16d8+128)
Fort +21, Ref +11, Will +15
Defensive Abilities: Rock Catching
Speed 50 ft. (35 ft in armour)
Melee Mwk Morningstar +26/+16/+11 (4d6+33) or 2 slams +20 (2d6+22)
Ranged rock +13 (2d6+21)
Space 15 ft
Special Attacks: rock throwing 140’
Spell like abilities Caster level 16th
At will: levitate (self +2000lb), obscuring mist
1/day – fog cloud
Str 39, Dex 17, Con 27, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +12; CMB +28 CMD 41

Iron Will, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Martial Training (I, II, III, IV, ), Skill focus (stealth)
Skills Climb +21, Craft (weaponsmith) +12, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +19, Perception +17, Perform (string instrument) +10, Stealth +17
Languages: Taldane, Giant
Oversized weapon (Ex): Can wield gargantuan weapons without penalty.
+2 Full plate
Sihedron Ring


Veiled Moon; Initiation modifier +3 dex; Initiator level 11, associated skill: stealth +17
Short range 50’, medium 210’, long 840’
Manoeuvres (4)
X Brilliant Moon Strike (strike) ignore non force armour and deal +4d4 damage.
O Cursed Fate (strike) +2d6 damage and DC15 will or -4 to all d20 rolls until beginning of your next turn.
X Fading Leap (move) teleport 100’
X Fading Strike (strike) Attack and teleport 50’ or teleport 50’ and attack
X Flicker Strike (strike) teleport 50’ attack and teleport 50’
O Half Gone (counter) stealth vs perception to gain incorporeal vs attack or to use stealth to make a reflex save
O Resonance Strike (strike) ranged or melee touch attack deals 3d6+3 damage.

X Formless Dance: See invisibility and blur (20% miss chance)
O Leaping Spirit Dance: if move 10’+ gain +4 dodge AC and +4 reflex

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last one

Rune Giant:

Gargantuan Humanoid (Giant)
Init +0; Senses Perception +29
AC 38, touch 9, flat-footed 38 (+14 armor, +15 Nat, +3 defl, -4 size)
hp 350 (20d8+180)
Fort +18, Ref +9, Will +23
Defensive Abilities: immune cold, electricity, fire
Speed 50 ft. (35 ft in armour), airwalk
Melee +5 No-Dachi +28/+23/+18 (4d6+39/15-20) or 2 slams +26 (2d6+15)
Ranged mwk spear +12/+7/+2 (4d6+15/x3)
Space 20 ft
Special Attacks: Command Giants, Runes, Spark Shower
Spell like abilities Caster level 20th
Constant: air walk
At will – Charm Person (DC15), Suggestion (DC17)
3/day – Mass Charm Monster (DC22), Dominate Person (DC19)
1/day – Demand (DC22), True Seeing
Str 41, Dex 11, Con 28, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 18
Base Atk +12; CMB +28 CMD 41

Critical Focus, Improved Critical (No-Dachi), Iron Will, Power Attack, Martial Training (I, II, III, IV, V, VI), Skill focus (spellcraft), Staggering Critical.
Skills Acrobatics +15, Disable device +15, Fly +15, Know(history) +16, Know(nobility) +16, Perception +29, Spellcraft +32, Stealth +7
Languages: Taldane, Giant
Command Giants (Su): +4DC of charms and compulsions vs giants.
Runes (Ex):Free action when use SLA or spark shower flash of light that blinds for 1 round (fort DC24 negates)
Spark Shower (Su):standard action rune explodes 30’ cone 10d6 fire and 10d6 electric reflex DC 29 half. Every 1d4 rounds
+5 Full plate
Sihedron Ring
Headband +6 int (disable device, fly, stealth)


Cursed Razor; Initiation modifier +6 int; Initiator level 16, associated skill: spellcraft +32
Short range 65’, medium 260’, long 1040’
Manoeuvres (6)
X Eye for an Eye (counter) duplicate attack or failed save
O Murderous Spite (boost) next attack vs cursed foe is touch attack
X Persecution (strike) +4d6 or +8d6 vs cursed
O Shadow Pin (counter) reaction to creature leaving its space; cursed for 1 round and cannot move. If cannot hover falls. Target cannot be moved.
X Sorcerors Sidestep (counter) +2 luck to saves, +1 for each cursed creature within 260’
O Torment the Weak (strike) +1d6 damage, if cursed +1d6 damage at start of its turn for 6 rounds
X Warlocks Blow (strike) foe within 260’ Will DC 22 or teleported within reach. If succeeds free attack +8d6 damage.
O Warlocks Stride (boost)
X Witchfinders Brand (boost) foe within 260’ if casts concentration DC 37 or lose spell for 1 round.
X Word of Retribution (counter) if damaged spellcraft check (DC10+attackersHD+attackers cha mod) to inflict that damage on them.

X Aura of Misfortune: all foes within 65’ -2 saves
O Aura of Shared Misery: If foes within 20’ become cursed select another foe within 20’ to become cursed 6 rounds. Cursed creatures within 20’ take +1 damage/die/
O The Dragon Knows: Blindsight 60’ and acrobatics checks to tumble past auto fail.

Dark Archive

I love these stat blocks. Thank you for posting.

Unless I'm mistaken, the last Rune Giant wouldn't have multiple ranged attacks with its mwk spear unless you provide it with some method to draw a new spear as a free action (i.e. Quick Draw feat).

ckdragons wrote:

I love these stat blocks. Thank you for posting.

Unless I'm mistaken, the last Rune Giant wouldn't have multiple ranged attacks with its mwk spear unless you provide it with some method to draw a new spear as a free action (i.e. Quick Draw feat).

Correct, there may be a few other minor errors here and there too. I no longer remember why cloud giants slam damage is so high, and it looks like I didn't reduce the 'ranged' storm giants melee damage when I reduced it's strength. Shouldn't be anything game breaking though.

Yes, the giant stat blocks are awesome. Know that when my players hate me for using them, a little bit of that hate will belong to you, dragonhunterq :)

Being more than a little greedy, did I see that you had also done Viorian?

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Don't neglect the environment of the Eye of Avarice. I made it such that magical flight and teleportation didn't work (along with Summoning). Also, sine Karzoug has plenty of time and gold, I had the platforms adorned with symbol spells.


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Skeld, I'm already stealing the symbols idea from you.

Latrecis, I find I can live with that *evil grin*
Also (even though this likely reveals an unhealthy fondness for skills and the No-Dachi):

Viorian Dekanti:

Medium Humanoid (Human) Fighter (Myrmidon) 18
Init +4; Senses Perception +28
40, touch 15, flat-footed 38 (+14 armor, +4 armour spec, +2 dex, +7 shield +3 defl)
hp 342 (18d10+126+18+18)
Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +23
Defensive Abilities: Minor displacement (20% miss chance), freedom of movement, +6 AC vs crit confirmation
SR: 20 (32 vs transmutation) immune mind affecting
Speed 30’
Melee +5 keen No-Dachi +34/+29/+24/+19 (2d8+40/15-20)
Ranged +1 adaptable comp. longbow +23/+18/13/+8 (1d8+11/x3)
Str 30, Dex 18, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 8
Base Atk +18; CMB +28 (+41 weapon based) CMD 51 (57 vs trip)
Feats: Combat stamina (Bonus) [25], Power attack, Improved Critical, Critical Focus, Staggering Critical, Iron Will (improved), Weapon Focus (greater), Weapon Spec (greater), Toughness, Altitude Affinity, Endurance, Lighten Weapon, Scarlet Throne Style, Scarlet Throne Dignity, Scarlet Throne Riposte.
Skills: Acrobatics +20, Bluff +20, Climb, +10, Craft (sculpture) +22, Diplomacy +20, Intimidate +20, Perception +28, Ride +4, Survival +19, Swim +10, Sense Motive +28
--Regain 1 grit if crit or drop foe to 0
--Unbreakable: immediate 1 grit +4 morale save
--Heroic Recovery: swift 1 grit recover one manoeuvre
--Man of Action: if 1 grit swift gain +18 competence acro/climb/swim
--Determination: immediate 1 grit negate an ongoing condition until combat ends.
Bravery +5
Armour training IV
--1ACP, +1 maxdex
--Move full speed in heavy armour
--Unmoving, +6CMD vs trip
--Critical deflection +6 AC vs crit confirmation
--Armour specialisation full plate +4 AC
Weapon Training IV
--+6 to hit and damage polearms
--+6 CMD polearms
--Versatile training: diplomacy/sense motive
--Armed bravery +5 will saves
Potions: Haste, Cure serious(5)
+5 Full plate
+5 large shield
Chellan (re-specced to no-dachi)
Sihedron Ring
Gloves of Duelling
+1 adaptable composite longbow & arrows
Belt of physical might +6 (str, con)
headband of inspired wisdom +6
Ring of freedom of movement
Boots of teleportation
Scarab of protection (10 charges)
Vibrant purple ioun stone (fly)


DisciplinesIron Tortoise (Bluff +20), Primal Fury (Survival +19), Scarlet Throne (Sense Motive +28), Shattered Mirror (Craft +22)
Initiation modifier: Wisdom +7

O Regal Blade (boost) +2 to hit, +1d8 damage to next attack
X Burnished Steel (counter) Attack +25 vs caster level check to negate targeted spell
O Shrug it off (counter) Survival vs attack roll to negate melee/range/spell/su
O Noble Blade (boost) +5 to hit, +2d8 damage on next attack
O Ruby Zenith Strike (strike) +41 attack vs AC if hits triple damage
X Dizzying Blow (strike) charge if hits +10d6 damage and DC22 Fort or nauseated 1d4 rounds
X Equivocate (counter) If opponent within 70’ targeted by spell/SLA also affects Viorian
X Warped Glass Strike (strike) +4d6 damage and DC23 Will or cannot tell friend from foe and must attack closest target or who dealt damage last for 7 rounds.
X Scarlet Riposte (counter) +32 vs attack roll to negate melee attack and counter +3d6 damage
O Charge of the Battle Panthera (strike) charge if hits +12d6 damage and DC23 Fort or prone
O Murderous Reflection (strike) Attack +targets strength, +7d6 damage
X Plagiarism (counter) negate ability and gain its use for 7 rounds
O Steel Shell (counter) +25 vs attack to negate melee attack, if fail gain DR 20/-
X Final Blow (strike) if attack leaves foe below 25% health treat as coup de gras (auto crit, DC10+damage dealt Fort). DC 20 sense motive to gauge eligibility

O Primal Fury: +10 enhancement speed, scent
O Snapping Turtle Stance: improved shield bash, +3d6 damage with shield
X Primal Warrior Stance: ignore difficult terrain when charge, +1 size to CMB/CMD/special attacks if advantageous, +2 stacking size melee attacks (4d8)
O Turtle Knight Stance: cannot move more than 5’ step or stance ends – uncanny dodge, +18 CMD, +4 AC
O Cursed Mirror Stance: Make 7 AoO/round, and being struck provokes.

(Combat Stamina is a free bonus feat for fighters at my table)
(I should also highlight -although I'm sure you noticed - Power Attack is already active in all of the stat blocks)

Silver Crusade

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Remember, even the published adventure says that Karzoug knows everything about the PCs before they get to him. He has literally interviewed the souls of everyone they've killed who worked for his forces to find out exactly how they died. With his intelligence, he'll put that knowledge to good use.

So while you could try to build him as more prepared than Batman, ready for any enemy, he should actually be more specialized than that. He's ready for the specific enemies he's going to face.

Simplest example: My group has two tanks with insane armor classes, especially when they're next to each other (teamwork and other feats). I've had enemies miss them with 18s and 19s on the dice. Once they get to Xin Shalast (which will finally happen in tomorrow's game), they're going to suddenly find that every single weapon user in the city is targeting everyone in the party EXCEPT them, while the magic types are focusing solely on the armored guys. Karzoug knows, and he'll pass that information on to the troops.

Given that there's a flame oracle in my party, and a sorceress with fireball, everyone in Xin Shalast who can cast Resist Energy or something similar will be using it on fire, regardless of what their stat block says. And if they have a way to cast it multiple times, the second casting is going to acid, since that's what the sorceress frequently changes her elemental blasting spells to do (dragon bloodline for extra damage).

And I'm a GM who runs this pretty much by the book, without changing the stats. I never metagame to make the tactics harder for the PCs. But Karzoug does, so the enemies in Xin Shalast (the ones with reasonable brains, anyway) will know all about the PCs' strengths and weaknesses ahead of time.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
dragonhunterq wrote:
Skeld, I'm already stealing the symbols idea from you.

Awesome. I'm glad you found that idea useful!


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Fromper wrote:

Remember, even the published adventure says that Karzoug knows everything about the PCs before they get to him. He has literally interviewed the souls of everyone they've killed who worked for his forces to find out exactly how they died. With his intelligence, he'll put that knowledge to good use.

So while you could try to build him as more prepared than Batman, ready for any enemy, he should actually be more specialized than that. He's ready for the specific enemies he's going to face.

Simplest example: My group has two tanks with insane armor classes, especially when they're next to each other (teamwork and other feats). I've had enemies miss them with 18s and 19s on the dice. Once they get to Xin Shalast (which will finally happen in tomorrow's game), they're going to suddenly find that every single weapon user in the city is targeting everyone in the party EXCEPT them, while the magic types are focusing solely on the armored guys. Karzoug knows, and he'll pass that information on to the troops.

Given that there's a flame oracle in my party, and a sorceress with fireball, everyone in Xin Shalast who can cast Resist Energy or something similar will be using it on fire, regardless of what their stat block says. And if they have a way to cast it multiple times, the second casting is going to acid, since that's what the sorceress frequently changes her elemental blasting spells to do (dragon bloodline for extra damage).

And I'm a GM who runs this pretty much by the book, without changing the stats. I never metagame to make the tactics harder for the PCs. But Karzoug does, so the enemies in Xin Shalast (the ones with reasonable brains, anyway) will know all about the PCs' strengths and weaknesses ahead of time.

Yeah, Karzoug's info basically says that his statblock is example one if you need help with building high level wizard encounter <_< He is supposed to be specialized in dealing with tactics shown by the party

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Arodens Spellbane is almost compulsory for him to shut down anti-magic field and your players favourite mage-killer spells.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Fromper wrote:

Remember, even the published adventure says that Karzoug knows everything about the PCs before they get to him. He has literally interviewed the souls of everyone they've killed who worked for his forces to find out exactly how they died. With his intelligence, he'll put that knowledge to good use.

So while you could try to build him as more prepared than Batman, ready for any enemy, he should actually be more specialized than that. He's ready for the specific enemies he's going to face.


And I'm a GM who runs this pretty much by the book, without changing the stats. I never metagame to make the tactics harder for the PCs. But Karzoug does, so the enemies in Xin Shalast (the ones with reasonable brains, anyway) will know all about the PCs' strengths and weaknesses ahead of time.

Skeld wrote:

Don't neglect the environment of the Eye of Avarice. I made it such that magical flight and teleportation didn't work (along with Summoning). Also, sine Karzoug has plenty of time and gold, I had the platforms adorned with symbol spells.


dragonhunterq wrote:
Arodens Spellbane is almost compulsory for him to shut down anti-magic field and your players favourite mage-killer spells.

These are all terrific (as are the statblocks), thank you!

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

This thread has a little more information on my campaign's final battle.


Looks like I was having a moment when I transcribed those stat blocks. Between tweaking them and adding the templates I got myself turned around in the changes I was making.
The following corrections need to be made (I hope!):
Melee mwk morningstar +25/+15/+10 (4d6+33) or 2 slams +20 (2d6+22)
Ranged rock +13 (2d6+21)
CMD 44
Storm –ranged
Melee mwk Bardiche +27/+17/+12 (3d8+33/17–20) or 2 slams +26 (2d6+22)
Ranged +2 composite longbow +22/+17/+12 (3d6+16/19+×3)
CMD 49
Touch AC 12
Storm – melee
Melee mwk Bardiche +29/+19/+14 (3d8+36/17–20) or 2 slams +28 (2d6+24)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +17/+12/+7 (3d6+16/×3)
CMD 49
Touch AC 12
Melee: +5 No-Dachi +27/+22/+17 (4d6+39/17–20) or 2 slams +22 (2d6+23)
Ranged: mwk spear +12 (4d6+15/×3)
CMD 47

I've made a number of changes, but one fairly simple one: give him a Shield Guardian, linked to the Runewell Amulet.

Here's the stat block for the one I'm using, but there's lot of other ways to build such a thing.

Stat block:
Karzoug's Shield Guardian CR 18 XP 153,600
Shield guardian mithral golem (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 158, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 139)
N Huge construct
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 32, touch 16, flat-footed 24 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +16 natural, -2 size)
hp 172 (24d10+40); fast healing 5
Fort +8, Ref +15, Will +9
DR 15/adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic
Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 slams +34 (4d10+12)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks fluid form, quickness
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 24th; concentration +20)
—spell storing (Haste spell, heals golem 10d6 hp)
Str 34, Dex 24, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +24; CMB +38; CMD 56
Feats Dodge[B], Mobility[B], Run[B], Spring Attack[B]
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 to jump with a running start, +15 to jump)
SQ controlled, find master, guard, shield other
Find Master (Su) As long as a shield guardian and its amulet are on the same plane, the shield guardian can locate the amulet's wearer (or just the amulet, if it is removed after the guardian is called).
Fluid Form (10 rounds/day) (Ex) Take the form of silvery liquid as a swift action up to 10 rounds/day. Gain DR 15/bludgeoning and adamant and 30 ft reach
Guard (Ex) If ordered to do so, a shield guardian moves to defend the wearer of its amulet. All attacks against the amulet wearer take a –2 penalty when the shield guardian is adjacent to its master.
Immunity to Ability Damage and Drain, Immunity to Bleed, Immunity to Death and Necromancy effects, Immunity to Disease, Immunity to Energy Drain, Immunity to Exhausted,
Immunity to Fatigue, Immunity to Magic (Ex) Immune to spells that allow SR, with exceptions below, Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects, Immunity to Nonlethal Damage, Immunity to Paralysis, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Sleep, Immunity to Stunning
Slow = lose Quickness for 1d6 rounds, Haste = Heal up to 10d6, 6L+ Cold spells while in fluid form do 10d6 no save and prevent fluid form for 24 hours.
Quickness (Ex) Take one extra move action each round.
Shield Other (Sp) The wearer of a shield guardian's amulet can activate this defensive ability as a standard action if within 100 feet of the shield guardian. Just as the spell of the same name, this ability transfers to the shield guardian half the damage that would be dealt to the amulet wearer (note that this ability does not provide the spell’s AC or save bonuses). Damage transferred in this manner bypasses any defensive abilities (such as immunity or damage reduction) the golem possesses.
Spell Storing (Sp) A shield guardian can store one spell of 4th level or lower that is cast into it by another creature. It “casts” this spell when commanded to do so or when a predefined situation arises. Once this spell is used, the shield guardian can store another spell (or the same spell again).
Spring Attack You can move - attack - move when attacking with a melee weapon.

It'd be perfectly reasonable to boost such a golem further if you wanted. I didn't because I moved some of the spire occupants into Karzoug's demiplane.

dragonhunterq wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

The cloud giant maneuvers include teleport effects. Yet, teleport doesn't work in the Occluding Field. (AE p. 342) Except later on that page it also states "A character who wears a Sihedron medallion or Sihedron ring can ignore the effects of the occluding field." So...

Does that mean wearing a ring or medallion lets you teleport into/within the Occluding Field or is that reference merely to the damage and wisdom drain effects from the pulses of the Field?

I assumed it made you immune to all effects of the occluding field.

It does however raise a good point about the Rune Giants 'Warlocks Blow'. That might not work - depending on whether the field stops you from teleporting, or stops you from initiating a teleport effect (if that distinction makes sense).

Sorry for the double post, but on reflection prohibiting initiating a teleport rather than prohibiting all teleporting is a bad idea as that means only the party wizard needs a ring and can teleport all or most of the party. Either I need some shenanigans about 'except hostile teleport effects' or change that manoeuvre.

While loosely on the subject (as this is a GM thread) couple of thoughts about the final boss - mostly justified as secondary effects of the runewell:

1) I am not sure about adopting Skelds blanket ban on flight and teleport in the Eye of Avarice, but did want to make them more difficult. Is it reasonable to have the Runewell magics warp the Eye such that non-winged flight is impeded and all squares count as difficult terrain and Teleport effects require a DC 25 caster level check or the spell fails and maybe a minor negative effect (staggered unless DC20 fort save say).

2) Is it reasonable to allow Karzoug to use the runewell to treat allies as being closer together for spells - the flagship spell being haste, but others can be used. I'm thinking something like: "If Karzoug is within 30' of the runewell he can treat all allies within 300' as if they were within 30' of himself and each other." Is that too much?

Dark Archive

dragonhunterq wrote:

2) Is it reasonable to allow Karzoug to use the runewell to treat allies as being closer together for spells - the flagship spell being haste, but others can be used. I'm thinking something like: "If Karzoug is within 30' of the runewell he can treat all allies within 300' as if they were within 30' of himself and each other." Is that too much?

It's Karzoug! The Super BBEG of the Campaign. He's a RUNELORD with the power of a "fully armed and operational" RUNEWELL!

Nothing is too much for the final end-campaign BBEG fight!


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
dragonhunterq wrote:

Sorry for the double post, but on reflection prohibiting initiating a teleport rather than prohibiting all teleporting is a bad idea as that means only the party wizard needs a ring and can teleport all or most of the party. Either I need some shenanigans about 'except hostile teleport effects' or change that manoeuvre.

While loosely on the subject (as this is a GM thread) couple of thoughts about the final boss - mostly justified as secondary effects of the runewell:

1) I am not sure about adopting Skelds blanket ban on flight and teleport in the Eye of Avarice, but did want to make them more difficult. Is it reasonable to have the Runewell magics warp the Eye such that non-winged flight is impeded and all squares count as difficult terrain and Teleport effects require a DC 25 caster level check or the spell fails and maybe a minor negative effect (staggered unless DC20 fort save say).

We just finished the fight with Black Magga in Hook Mountain Massacre. What about giving the Runewell or Karzoug its Warp Dimensions ability?

Hook Mountain Massacre wrote:

Warp Dimensions (Su)

Black Magga’s presence distorts the dimensions. Any creature that attempts to utilize a teleportation effect while within 300 feet of Black Magga must succeed at a DC 21 caster level check or the teleport effect fails. If the effect fails, the creature that attempted to create that effect must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Not a bad idea Tusk - will definitely need to tone that negative a smidge - nauseated is bit harsh for this.

Oh and if anyone is interested this is my current thoughts on Ks spells.
My version has the advanced template so Int 40, bonus spells as if Int 46 - just so you know you may need to adjust them a little.

I love the "visualisation" spells but I think they need to come out - I kinda skipped over the 1 hour casting time when I first read them - unless I can think of a clever work around (pretty sure the "meh! runewell" excuse will wear thin at some point :))
Definitely need all but one to come out as they don't work the way I thought they did.

Spells Memorised:
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 21st; +20 ranged touch; concentration +36/38)
9 (4+2+3) Time Stop OO, Prismatic Sphere OO, Wall of Suppression O, Meteor Swarm (34) O,
Arodens Spellbane O, Wish O, Wail of the Banshee (34) O
8 (4+2+3) Polymorph any Object OO, Mind Blank OO, Polar Ray O, Quickened Dimension Door OO, Prismatic Wall O, Greater Angelic Aspect O,
7 (4+2+3) Quickened Haste O, Quickened Fireball O, Ice Body O, Particulate Form OO, Finger of Death O, Limited Wish OO, Waves of Exhaustion O
6 (4+2+4) Sign of Wrath OO, Disintegrate OO, Unwilling Shield O, True Seeing O, Repulsion O, Flesh to Stone OO, Greater Dispel Magic O
5 (4+2+4) Fickle Winds OO, Open Arms O, Wall of Force O, Quickened Magic Missile OO, Hostile Juxtaposition O, Wreath of Blades O, Baleful Polymorph O, Cloudkill O
4 (4+2+4) Resilient Reservoir OO, Greater False Life O, True Form O, Bestow Curse O, Contingent Scroll OO, Enervation OO, Controlled Fireball O
3 (4+2+4) Haste O, Slow OO, Communal Resist Energy OO, Ablative Sphere O, Wind Wall O, Magic Weapon (greater) O, Fireball OO
2 (4+2+5) Visualisation of the Mind OO, Visualisation of the Body OO, Resist Energy OOO,
Kinetic Reverberation OO, Certain Grip O, Twisted Space O
1 (4+2+5) Forced Quiet OO, Protection from Good OOO, Expeditious retreat O, Magic Missile OO
Unerring Weapon OO,
0 (4 at will) Detect Magic, Jolt, Mage Hand, Touch of Fatigue.
Base DC 25 +2 trans
Short: 75’, Med: 310’, Long: 1240’
Prohibited Schools enchantment, illusion

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
dragonhunterq wrote:

Sorry for the double post, but on reflection prohibiting initiating a teleport rather than prohibiting all teleporting is a bad idea as that means only the party wizard needs a ring and can teleport all or most of the party. Either I need some shenanigans about 'except hostile teleport effects' or change that manoeuvre.

While loosely on the subject (as this is a GM thread) couple of thoughts about the final boss - mostly justified as secondary effects of the runewell:

1) I am not sure about adopting Skelds blanket ban on flight and teleport in the Eye of Avarice, but did want to make them more difficult. Is it reasonable to have the Runewell magics warp the Eye such that non-winged flight is impeded and all squares count as difficult terrain and Teleport effects require a DC 25 caster level check or the spell fails and maybe a minor negative effect (staggered unless DC20 fort save say).

We just finished the fight with Black Magga in Hook Mountain Massacre. What about giving the Runewell or Karzoug its Warp Dimensions ability?

Hook Mountain Massacre wrote:

Warp Dimensions (Su)

Black Magga’s presence distorts the dimensions. Any creature that attempts to utilize a teleportation effect while within 300 feet of Black Magga must succeed at a DC 21 caster level check or the teleport effect fails. If the effect fails, the creature that attempted to create that effect must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

For a 16th or 17th level caster, a DC21 CL check is almost trivial. That DC might need to come up a few points to increase the chance of seeing failures (and increase the sense of danger).


The tactic that nearly won the battle for K in my campaign was the spell 'Wall of Suppression' across the entrance into the Runewell. The pc's prepared with full buffing, as did K ,both knowing the fight was on. The pc's charged in and all their buff's went down.....

The players always through Continual flame effected rocks through the door before attacking high level wizards now.

Just noticed you have wall of suppression on the list, go for it your players will remember it years later with groans of pain.

I killed 2 of 5 characters and was 1 round away from K winning when I made a mistake and he took 2 Paladins in the face

I used the Wall of Suppression trick as well, and had the entire Eye be Dimensional Anchored and a Wall of Force in front of the stairs up from the entry gate. My version of Karzoug had two tiers of Mythic Archmage and I supplemented his spell list with several selections from 3rd party sources that my players had no knowledge of...

And it didn't matter. At all. They ignored him and destroyed the Soul Lens with a power attacking enlarged dwarf wielding an adamantine dominant keen holy dwarven waraxe. Karzoug was never touched, never even targeted. He did more mayhem to the party through the projected images in the Pinnacle than he did in the Eye.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
TwoWolves wrote:

I used the Wall of Suppression trick as well, and had the entire Eye be Dimensional Anchored and a Wall of Force in front of the stairs up from the entry gate. My version of Karzoug had two tiers of Mythic Archmage and I supplemented his spell list with several selections from 3rd party sources that my players had no knowledge of...

And it didn't matter. At all. They ignored him and destroyed the Soul Lens with a power attacking enlarged dwarf wielding an adamantine dominant keen holy dwarven waraxe. Karzoug was never touched, never even targeted. He did more mayhem to the party through the projected images in the Pinnacle than he did in the Eye.

This is exactly what I'm worried about. My little band of murderhobos took Lucrecia down in less than 2 rounds.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Unless you've deviated from the adventure, Karzoug has been watching the heroes for a long time (probably through the Sihedron medallions and/or rings). He's knows their tactics and tendencies. He should be laser-focused on them by the end and probably knows exactly what spells they have prepped, etc. He's prepared and will set out to counter the specific advantages the heroes have gotten into the habit of using (hence my use of symbols and suppression of flight/teleportation/summoning).


The problem for me was that the party never went to the Greed wing of Runeforge. They did just enough to get the components to make the Dominant weapons and then left. They had no idea what the Soul Lens was or what it did. One player was literally passing by it on his way to Karzoug's throne and decided to poke it with his Dominant rapier and saw the look on Karzoug's face when he got through enough to do a single point of real damage, so it was almost a case of "Oh, this looks important, screw you Mr Fancypants Runelord!!"

Silver Crusade

I'm not sure my group will know what to look for when they reach that part. They understand that he's been collecting souls of greedy folks using his runewell, but recognizing what to do about it, and which object to focus on during the fight are another story.

Honestly, I think someone took a sot at the Runewell first. And to his credit, once the bard dinged the Soul Lens, all of the bad guys converged on it and Karzoug did kill the offending bard (again) and the wizard standing on the platform with it. The rune giant tried to disarm the dwarf but failed, and then it was one full-round attack later that it was all over. Maybe put the Prismatic Sphere over that?

My players never even considered attacking the Soul Lens. It's an atrefact they are notoriously hard to destroy and in earlier editions(my players and I are all veterans cursed the destroyer) I think they assumed that to break the Soul Lens they needed a dead Karzoug.

When I say they won, at the point they killed Karzoug all of his bodyguards were alive. If I had continued the fight I would have killed at least 2 of them, and if my Rune giants had been rolling better one of the Paladins would have been dead a round earlier. However with the Big K dead it seemed anticlimatic to continue the fight instead his death broke the Soul lens and dispersed/killed the remaining minions.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

But his minions surrender upon his defeat ._.;

Unless you are speaking of the 3.5 solo fight 100ft circle arena version and added minions to that one .-. I'm really confused since at times I'm not sure who are talking of the original easy version and who are talking of the updated more challenging version

This is my updated Karzoug, for my group of 7 players. At one point 6/7 were KO'd or dead (after most and closed in, and he cast Wail of the Banshee), but they managed to bounce back and finish him off.

NE Azlanti Male
Init +11 Senses Arcane Sight, darkvision 60, see invisibility, Perception +22
AC 37, touch 22, flat-footed 30 (+6 armor, +5 deflection, +7 Dex, +5 Natural, +4 shield)
hp 430 (20d6+310), Fast healing 10
Fort 20, Ref 18, Will, 19, +8 vs mind affecting
Defensive abilities: Freedom of Movement, Immune Disease, confusion, feeblemind, SR 24

Speed 30 ft, fly 60 ft (perfect)
Melee Karzougs Burning Glaive +22/+17 (1d10+15/x3 +1d6 fire) or Talons of Leng +20/+15 (1d4+13/x3)
Space 5 Reach 5
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20, concentration +33)
At Will – Change Shape (beast Shape 3/ Elemental Body 2, 20 rounds/day)
20/day Telekentic Fist 1d4+10 bludgeoning
Spells Prepared
9th 9 Mythic Wish (2), Mythic Prismatic Sphere (35, 2), Time Stop (2), Wail of the Banshee (DC35, 2), Wall of suppression
8th 9 Mind Blank, Maze, Polymorph Any Object (36), Quickened DDoor (2), Quickened Enervation (DC34), Form of Dragon III (DC 35), Wall of Lava (DC34), Quickened Mass Reduce Person (DC 32)
7th 9 Forcecage, Limited Wish (2), Caustic Eruption (DC 33), Symbol of Weakness (33), Ice Body, Finger of Death (DC33), Spell Turning, Intensified Banshee Blast (DC 32)
6th 10 Unwilling Shield (DC 32), Mythic Disintegrate (DC34, 2), Chain Lightning (DC 31, 2), Flesh to Stone (34, 2), Intesified Cone of Cold (DC 31, 2), Globe of Invulnerability
5th 10 Quickened Mythic Baleful Polymorph (DC 38, 2), Mass Pain Strike (DC 30), Cloudkill (DC 31), Cone of Cold (DC 30), Condensed Ether , Summoner Conduit (DC 31), Icy Prison (DC 31), Vampiric Shadow Shield, Cloudkill
4th 10 Black tentacles, Dimension Door (2), Mass Reduce Person (DC 32, 2), Symbol of Revelation, Enervation (DC 31, 2), Intensified Fireball (DC 29), Intensified Lighting Bolt (DC 29)
3rd 10 Blink, Excruciating Deformity (DC 31), Haste, Hydraulic Torrent, Howling Agony (DC 30, 2), Protection from Energy (2), Slow (DC 31, 2), Unravel Destiny (DC 29)
2nd 11 Kinetic Reverberation, Scorching Ray (2), Adhesive Blood (DC 30), Anticipate Thoughts (DC 28), False Life, Resist Energy (2), Communal Protection from Good, Web (DC 29,2)
1st 11 Break (DC 29, 2), Discern Next of Kin (DC 27), Feather Fall, Heightened Awareness, Ray of Enfeeblemet (DC 28, 4)), Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person (Dc 30)
Opposition schools Enchantment, Illusion
Str 24, Dex 24, Con 28, Int 40, Wis 15, Cha 22
Base Atk; +10 CMB +17 ; CMD 39
Feats Combat Expertise, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, Craft Wonderous, Eschew Materials, Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation),, Martial Weapon proficiency, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell focus (conjuration, necromancy), Toughness , Intesified Spell, Spell Perfection (Baleful Polymorph), Mythic Spell Focus (Transmutation) , Mythic Spell Lore (3 spells)
Skills Bluff +26, Craft (alchemy) +38, Diplomacy +26, Fly +38, intimidate +26, Kn (arcana, engineering, history, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +38, Perception +22, sense motive +22, Spellcraft +44, UMD +26
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Auran, Azlanti, Fraconic, Elven, Giant, Ignan, infernal, Necril, Sylvan, Terran, Thassilonian, Tongues
SQ arcane bond (glaive), contingency, exceptional stats, immortal, Inherent bonuses, permenant spells, physical enchancement +5 con
Combat Gear Rod of greater quicken, wand of blood money (33 charges), wand of Dispel magic (CL10, 40 charges), wand of Magic missle (cl 9, 24 charges), wand of Stoneskin (CL10, 17 charges), Karzougs Burning Glaive, talons of leng, Belt of Physical Might +6 (Str, Dex), implanted Ioun stones (3 crimson sphere, 12 emerald Ellipsoids, 3 onyx rhomboids, 5 amber spindles), Ring of protection +5, ring of freedom of movement, Robes of Xin Shalast, runewell amulet, siderhon Tome,

I should note that I also had a Wall of Supression on the entry point, which he cast in preparation when they were finishing of Ceoptra, so it was several rounds running when they went through it.

Elcaleeb, do you perchance happen to recall your players best and worst saving throws?

TwoWolves wrote:

I used the Wall of Suppression trick as well, and had the entire Eye be Dimensional Anchored and a Wall of Force in front of the stairs up from the entry gate. My version of Karzoug had two tiers of Mythic Archmage and I supplemented his spell list with several selections from 3rd party sources that my players had no knowledge of...

And it didn't matter. At all. They ignored him and destroyed the Soul Lens with a power attacking enlarged dwarf wielding an adamantine dominant keen holy dwarven waraxe. Karzoug was never touched, never even targeted. He did more mayhem to the party through the projected images in the Pinnacle than he did in the Eye.

That's just good play. I'd have rewarded it by having Karzoug use a Wish to trap the PCs with him. Killing him would then be the only way to get out.

I plan on throwing in some unique spells from Deep Magic to give Karzoug that Thassilonian feel!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Brother Fen wrote:
I plan on throwing in some unique spells from Deep Magic to give Karzoug that Thassilonian feel!

Interesting! I received the PDF a few months ago as part of the Frog God Humble Bundle, but haven't spent much time with it. Which spells do like for Karzoug?

One thing I will say is that for my group a heavily customised Karzoug, wall of suppression, removing much of their mobility and symbols was too much - I greatly underestimated the effectiveness of wall of suppression and symbol of vulnerability! after that, even the paladins saves were looking ropey!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
dragonhunterq wrote:
One thing I will say is that for my group a heavily customised Karzoug, wall of suppression, removing much of their mobility and symbols was too much - I greatly underestimated the effectiveness of wall of suppression and symbol of vulnerability! after that, even the paladins saves were looking ropey!

A couple of questions about Wall of Suppression:

- Will it disable the dominant weapons the PCs create in the Runeforge?

- If so, can the suppression effect itself be dispelled before the spell's duration runs out?

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