JonGarrett |

I would assume a Dhampir would pass for human mostly. And monks would be acceptable?
Yes, but NPC's may make sparkly body glitter jokes.
Racism and sexism can be an interesting element, but it's one I usually prefer to slip people into unless I know them. While a few folks I know are plotting to join this game, I expect they'll be at least two or three folks I don't on the cast.
Which doesn't mean those elements won't appear in a modern game, too, given that modern society is a bit crap about such things too. You'll simply be able to call NPC's on it more easily. And I likely will tone it down in a 1920's setting to keep things fun. Historical accuracy is kinda one of my things, being an Archaeologist and all, but...

Risbeth Von'Hogmede |

Risbeth is usually, by background, the daughter of a female vampire and a male human. Usually her mother is a vampire noble, usually in an eastern Vampire Court, and often the queen. Since the adventure usually takes place far away from said Court, it's not usually a problem, since she can't exactly call on her mother's assistance. Would that be good for you? I'm thinking something along the lines of a very World of Darkness Eastern Court, with vampires, weres, etc, all working behind the scenes and keeping out of the public spotlight. But without all the 'world is going to be destroyed' that WoD pumps into every single line of text.

JonGarrett |

Well, I have another project to work on first, but there are some things I'll start do when inspiration strikes that'll be the same regardless of which setting we do.
At this point, I'll probably slap together a website to house both the lore of the world we play in and the house rules to cover guns and such. It's easier than using the Campaign tab, as I discovered when another game of mine hit 'sprawl' in terms of needed information. In fact, that's the other project I'm working on right now. Just finishing up some house rules on how to build a city and creating military units for it...
Even if I miraculously do manage to get it all written and decided on, I won't start accepting applications until at least next week due to a funeral, but I might be able to give you guys some information to let you play with before then.

Robert Henry |

Yes, looking forward to the details. Like others the character I present will depend on the setting. Probably will go meat shield/tank or rogue/skill person.
Just for fun this is the fluff I put together for a character in a turn-of-the-century D20 Modern game. Obviously I would need to find a class for him in Pathfinder.
The Scottish officer is one my favorite ideas; let’s face it who doesn’t want to play someone who talks like Sean Connery.
Angus is a tall broad-shouldered thick-wristed outdoorsman, His tan features, muttonchops, shoulder lenth black hair accent his long forhead, high cheek bones and north sea blue eyes. He is normally seen in one of three outfits: the first one is my personal favorite For evening wear he dresses in "Tails with the regiment tartan". For outside wear he puts on a simpler version of the uniform. So for normal everyday wear, especially when he visits family, he wears the family tartan with a green smoking jacket. When wearing his Khaki uniform he carries his issued Webley revolver and backsword with him. Due to paranoia, or so says his doctor even when he is wearing his dinner jacket or tails he carries a hidden revolver in a shoulder holster.
Angus Elphinstone: third son of John Elphinstone, 13th Lord Elphinstone and 1st Baron Elphinstone, of Elphinstone in the County of Stirling, His older brothers are named John and Alexander. This is a title in the Peerage of Scotland.
Angus grew up enjoying an active athletic life of the leisure class. He felt he would best serve his family and country as a military officer with the famous Scottish Black Watch. He served his country first in Africa with distinction. Then in India, having seen combat of an "extreame nature." He is now on an extended leave of absence to convalesce; to recover for "Injuries to both body and mind."
He is home from a horrendously vicious tour in India; where they not onely faced rebellious natives but also the “Hindu supernatural.” He has returned to convalesce. Because when you send two hundred British, Scottish and Gurkha troops into the jungle and only seven come out with stories of natives, men who turn to tigers, blue woman eight foot tall with six arms and a red giant whose head has three faces and shoots lighting from his eyes; well you must be sick.
So he comes home half insane. As he returns to normal and his mental faculties return he begins to regain his old skills. So as he gains levels he’s “returning to normal.” So about level six or seven he’s back to his old self and then starts learning new things.
Angus is presently staying at "The New Club: The New Club is a private social club with premises in the New Town area of Edinburgh, Scotland. Founded in 1787 as a gentlemen's club, it is Scotland's oldest private member's club. From 1809 the club occupied premises on St Andrew Square, until 1837 when it moved to purpose-built rooms on Princes Street.
Original Family Estate:
Where he grew up:
Family information:
Angus looked around the room. 'The King and the Queen, you don’t see that very often.' Angus kept very still, resisting the urge to shuffle his feet or wipe his brow. He kept his eyes down; his hands in front of him. 'You hear about this sort of thing, but this is the first time it’s ever happened to me.' He slowly lifts his eyes and looks at the other gentleman gathered round, they also were being very quiet. 'Every now and then some loud mouth braggart “oh this happened or that happened” Not the sort of people I usually believe.' The room had gotten deathly quiet Angus knew he needed to say something, it was expected after all. 'Well I guess when the situation arises you take full advantage of it.'
He places his cards face down on the red-velvet top and leans over the black oak table pushing the remainder of his small stack of chips past his discard and into the center of the table. "Well boys, I guess I’m all in, I’ve worre Ma’self out, time ta finish. If I win this hand Ma luck changes a wee bit, if not, I go ta bed having lost ma gambling allowance for a whole week again. So whose willin ta pay ta see the cards I acquired on tha’ last go rround?"
Of the six other gentlemen at the table, two had already folded, Argyle looks at his hand then looking at Angus he toss’ his hand in disgust; while Mc Cloud shuffles his cards again flips through them one at a time, dropping them on the table and pushing them away. Edwards shakes his head "I may be English but I’m not stupid, you’ve been bluffing all night, I’m in." and with a flourish he counts Angus’ pile and separating a fourth of his, matches it. McEntire takes a little longer; he looks from Edwards then to Angus and back to Edwards. Finally he counts out about an eighth of his stack and adds "Well I’ve been luuucky all night, Nay a reason not to let you earrn a wee bit back, if ya can.".
As Edwards turns his two pair, and Mc Entire smiles showing a full house; Angus waits a moment and shows the ‘royal flush’ that he acquired when he was dealt the king and queen. "Been losing all night, had tha nine, ten an Jack; figurred wha tha hell I’m dun one way or tha other.". Angus tips his bonnet to his fellow gamblers and collects his winnings.
'First week I’ve come out ahead, I may be finally getting the hang of this gambling thing.' As he goes to leave the game room, a footman approaches with a sealed envelope. "Sir, this correspondence came for you."

Rednal |

It's pretty straightforward, really. XD Take the feat, get a few-uses-a-day power, picking from among a couple choices. Most of them have decent scaling, but the limited uses means they're a bit inferior to Sphere abilities (on the other hand, you get SEVERAL of them for one feat over time, so there's that). Given the talk of the Dresden files earlier, I thought it might be interesting to have a sort of object-based character who's more about using tradition and folklore than pure 'magic'.
Not quite sure what class I'd go for, though. XD Depends a bit on the build rules.

JonGarrett |

So far, I believe Modern is the most likely, unless I get a sudden upsurge in desire for the 1920's.
Although so far the only thing I'd need to do is remove the rocket launcher and make the use of the word 'modern' more ironic, like it's being said by a sleepy Hipster at a charity store. So if things change I can adapt.
I am planning on having the final game ready either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how smoothed out I can get a couple of backstory elements. I'm pretty much down to plot and campaign traits at this point.

Rednal |

Modern, eh? Right-o. XD I really only need to tweak one thing for that. To represent the Templates mentioned earlier, I ultimately wound up going for a few bits of the Psychic template. It's pretty mild, as far as those things go - no huge ability buffs, no deadly powers, mostly just good reaction speed and perception of various energies, so I don't expect it to be a problem. XD Aaaaand if templates end up out after all, it's easy to remove.

DekoTheBarbarian |

I'm still up for this, regardless of the setting era. Not sure what to do about the template options, though. Are you gonna limit them to only a few, or would it be anything goes? If nothing else, I might go for one of the class simple templates in the Monster Codex.
Shaggy and Scooby still seem like a good idea to make...

JonGarrett |

I am still very interested in this. Is there anything I can use as reference to start building a submission?
The game is almost ready to go. Truth be told, it's probably my anxiety saying I need to give it another once over more than anything else. But I'll get it up and done tonight, I should think, after my Opticians appointment. I am in the UK, so my 'tonight' will likely be your 'early afternoon'.
Having looted and modified a combination of the Broken Earth and d20modernpf site for the way guns work (although in fairness, one of them looted the other with wild abandon) with a few tweeks. I could probably add more skills, traits and feats, but it should be a workable system.