JonGarrett |

So, I've been working on a campaign that's focused on shorter stories. Some will be part of an overarching plot. Some will just be fun little tales. Some will focus on one characters goals or choices. None will be hugely long, probably the same length as a Pathfinder Society module at most although it will vary.
Players will have the choice to take different missions and jobs. Some may vanish if not done, or doing one job might remove another. These will be decided via vote between sessions. In the case of a tie, I decide and get to laugh evilly when it happens.
If I do run this game, recruitment won't happen for a couple of weeks at least (I have a funeral coming up, and then recovering from said funeral) but I do have a few questions for people who are interested.
I'm currently thinking of making this a Modern game. The system would be Pathfinder - magic and all - with the idea being you're all tied into the supernatural side of things. To represent this, you'd be getting templates. Any race that can pass as human would be allowed. Think the Dresden Files.
Secondly, a mirror to our own world with a similar history and society, only magic is an open part of life. This would mean the odd tweak to history - the assassination of the rich and famous is not much of an issue when they can return based on what's in their pockets - and might include tweaking to laws, such as No Raise Dead, etc. Templates may or may not be involved.
Third would be setting it in Golarion, in one of the larger cities lying around. It's my least favorite idea, but also the one that requires the least work, and I know a lot of folks don't like modern settings and such.
Starting Level.
I'm thinking of starting at level 5. Most builds are at least partially online at that point, but Wizards aren't floating around and shooting Instant Death Beam Spam. However, I'd be interested if anyone else had another opinion.
I am planning to use Automatic Skill Progression and Background Skills, because frankly both are cool. I'm thinking of use Spheres of Power, although I'm not opposed to having Vancian Casting as an option. Psionics and Path of War both seem likely, especially in a more modern game. Those who have the Spheres of Might preview would also likely be able to use that.
So...any interest?

JonGarrett |

As in, what kind of mood we're going for? It'll vary to a point between stories. Light adventure and drama will be the primary story, with a mix of social settings and adventure. You might visit the world of the Fae to strike a bargain for the Fae one session, explore a Ghost Ship another, and go to a party to pursue a Devil-bound killer the next. Given it's me, some humour will crop up, but think sardonic rather than slapstick.
Does that answer your question?

GypsyMischief |

Extremely interested in the Modern Fantasy angle, I'm immediately getting visions of a Dwarven Mechanic who simply passes as a stout barfly. I always have a sort of block when I try to apply the Pathfinder classes to a modern setting, but I'm heartily excited. The episodic nature of the game is also alluring. Have you considered using D20 Modern and the Urban Arcana setting? They're a bit dated, but designed for this purpose.
So for the first setting you suggest, is the world at large mostly the same? Just a bit darker in the dark places? Perhaps the academics, mystics and occult theists of the world know that there are things crawling in the shadows, but not average Joe Blow? I'm pretty stoked, not to be overwhelming.

JonGarrett |

Yes, Automatic Bonus Progression. It's safe to say that my brain is only operating on the power generated by caffeine drinks and pizza. It wheezes occasionally.
I did consider using D20 Modern, although I've not read Urban Arcana, but I like the idea of a more magical game.
But yes, the world is mostly the same. Think the Dresden Files, Hellboy, things like that. The supernatural takes pains to keep itself hidden, but those that know about it can see it. Occasionally, someone gets eaten by a vampire, but eh, that's what missing persons are for. 99.9% of people won't know. You'll be a member of that 0.01%.
As for classes...well, any. Although they probably won't be known as their usual names. If nothing else a Fighter as a solider won't exactly be a shock. Wizards will be running around, although keeping spells low key will be essential. Alchemists could be re-tooled as an extraordinary scientist. And I'm fine with the bulk of Third Party material.

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All sound interesting to me. It would be interesting to have the same character in different dimensions based on the episode. For me a knowledge monkey wizard (maybe mystic theurge *fingers crossed*) in golarion and then a tech savvy with some magics in modern. Same character, similar/same personality, different world.

JonGarrett |

All sound interesting to me. It would be interesting to have the same character in different dimensions based on the episode. For me a knowledge monkey wizard (maybe mystic theurge *fingers crossed*) in golarion and then a tech savvy with some magics in modern. Same character, similar/same personality, different world.
Interesting idea, at least for one offs. Consider this idea liberated, in the name of the Revolution. Viva la Jon!
I'd be very interested in the modern setting (option 1), especially with Spheres of Power--I've mucked about with a shapeshifting cat character a couple of times in more free-form play-by-post games, but now that the Shifter class exists I think I could create him in Pathfinder.
So long as you can pass for a human, it should work.

Almonihah |

Almonihah wrote:I'd be very interested in the modern setting (option 1), especially with Spheres of Power--I've mucked about with a shapeshifting cat character a couple of times in more free-form play-by-post games, but now that the Shifter class exists I think I could create him in Pathfinder.So long as you can pass for a human, it should work.
As I recall, with the new shapeshifter's handbook there is, indeed, a humanoid form shift... so yes, he could.

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Saashaa wrote:All sound interesting to me. It would be interesting to have the same character in different dimensions based on the episode. For me a knowledge monkey wizard (maybe mystic theurge *fingers crossed*) in golarion and then a tech savvy with some magics in modern. Same character, similar/same personality, different world.Interesting idea, at least for one offs. Consider this idea liberated, in the name of the Revolution. Viva la Jon!
To me, that will be the best part. Struggling to make the same character in the new format/world.

PsychoBear |

I'm interested. When you do the recruitment will you just take people from here, or make a new thread? If the latter, is there a way to send people in here a notification that recruitment is open? I'd like on if that can happen.
If I get in, I'll be using Dr. Rowan Strayts, my Human Alchemist, no matter which of the setting you choose to use because I could see him working in any of them. He's a healing-focused (both magical and mundane) Alchemist in the garb of a plague doctor.

Simeon |

I'd be interested, especially . I have a few character concepts, one an tiefling or ifrit overwhelming soul kineticist/ vox mesmerist known as the Ash Broker, a stock/soul broker from realms unknown. Another idea would be a pact wizard, specializing in legally binding outsiders, somewhat based off of the Craft Lawyers from the Craft Cycle.

JonGarrett |

I'm interested. When you do the recruitment will you just take people from here, or make a new thread? If the latter, is there a way to send people in here a notification that recruitment is open? I'd like on if that can happen.
If I get in, I'll be using Dr. Rowan Strayts, my Human Alchemist, no matter which of the setting you choose to use because I could see him working in any of them. He's a healing-focused (both magical and mundane) Alchemist in the garb of a plague doctor.
I'll be setting up a proper recruitment thread, but if people want to get a message I'll try and oblige. I can't promise it, because I'm utterly technically inept on occasion
This sounds really awesome. I would love to get to play a character with the vampire template if that's the sort of thing you had in mind. But any fantasy story in a modern setting would be fantastic, count me in!
I haven't worked out all the details yet. I do have a Lich in one of my other games, so I know undead can work in these situations. It'll depend on the templates, and how much power they grant.
Pathfinder Dresdon Files, I must confess I would be interested...Have you considered what races you would consider, would they be mutants or fey or just shadow races?
My thinking so far is 'if they can pass as human, it's all good.' So, for example, Tiefling would be an option...if they take the Pass for Human trait. Ratfolk aren't going to be able to do so without some serious mojo, so they're most likely out.

JonGarrett |

What would be your thoughts on elves? Are they acceptable or just inhuman enough to be a no-go.
...you'd need a hat? Or have your ears docked, like in the Hollows books.
Saying "Dresden Files game" is a surefire way to have me interested. Especially in our own world, I have a concept for a Bruce Lee-style monk, otherwise I'd love to go with spherecasting and spherefighting... Anyway, dot.
There are a couple of monk archtypes that use Spheres.

JonGarrett |

So would it be different characters each story or more like Conan and his variety of adventures that weren't connected?
It'll be more like Conan, although there will be some elements connecting some of the stories. While fighting Nazi Pirate Dinosaur Ghosts in one adventure will be totally unrelated to the other plots (because that's too awesome to do more than once), it might be sandwiched with an investigation into a Ghoul murderer to prove who did followed up by locating and hunting said Ghoul and staking him through the heart. Sure, it works on vampires, but as everyone's favourite author points out, it works on most other things too.
As for characters, it'll be up to the players. Given the more modular nature of the story for this one, having characters pop in and out will be viable. While it won't likely be a plan to play a different character every story, it will be possible to swap them occasionally.
If we do the 'finds yourself in fantasy land scenario' it'll probably require an old character you've played before, though, because it's more fun that way.

Robert Henry |

If we are still figuring out which 'scenario' of the three would be preferred my vote would be for a modern world, with a Dresden like feel to it.
One of the thinks I liked about D20 Modern was that 'shadow races': Elves, Dwarves, Half orcs; were all thought to be 'normal' people by 'normal' people. To a mundane person a dwarf was a short human a half orc was a tall ugly human. But to someone who 'knew' about magic and such then they were seen for what they truly were.
If you went with a modern world, it wouldn't hurt for the characters to be part of a larger group who 'know' and then get thrown into a situation or hired by an 'agency' or 'individual' then continue associating afterwards.

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After discarding several concepts, I think I'd go with a Dual Channeler Soul Weaver, a buffer-debuffer gameplay-wise, and a priest as background. Depending on other characters, I may be good and virtuous (if the party is mostly good) or some sort of swindling faith healer (if it's more questionable).

JonGarrett |

I'm looking into a couple of systems that use more modern firearms for how they would work, yes. I haven't made a firm decision on it yet, though, so if anyone has some suggestions for things I can pinch modern firearms rules from...
The current front runner is Broken Earth by Sneak Attack Press. I could also use Paizo's Modern Firearm rules from Reign of Winter...
Any rules I do use will be made available at character creation, so you won't be blindsided.

Robert Henry |

It could actually be quite cool to have the game set around the 1920s, which is when the modern firearms rules are from. The 20s would make some great flavor, and I always love the mafioso vibes.
Man, the early 20' would be awesome, nothing like the feel of that era, so many concepts to pull from; whether it's 'The Mummy' style of movies or something darker like 'Penny Dreadful'
Perhaps an alternative system? Such as Savage Worlds or FATE? I'd be happy to share my d20 Modern pdfs if it'd help the cause.
As for systems, I would prefer pathfinder or D20 Modern. I don't have the time or energy to learn a new system, especially if I don't have any of the books ;(

JonGarrett |

It could actually be quite cool to have the game set around the 1920s, which is when the modern firearms rules are from. The 20s would make some great flavor, and I always love the mafioso vibes.
An interesting idea. I think Modern is in the lead, but I'll certainly consider it. The only thing to be aware of is that I'm unpleasantly familiar with the time period, and it won't be made nice and shiny. Sexism and racism will happen, Native children will be stolen, and occasionally a hideous creature of madness will rise from the sea to devour the sanity of all.
In fairness, though, that last one happens in most of my campaigns when I get bored.
Perhaps an alternative system? Such as Savage Worlds or FATE? I'd be happy to share my d20 Modern pdfs if it'd help the cause.
Normally, I'd agree. FATE is an especially versatile system (and I own the Dresden Files books for it). But for the theme of the fantastic hidden with the modern world (or not quite as modern world) I think Pathfinder will fit better.
EDIT: That, and everyone here is familiar with it.

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The only thing to be aware of is that I'm unpleasantly familiar with the time period, and it won't be made nice and shiny. Sexism and racism will happen, Native children will be stolen, and occasionally a hideous creature of madness will rise from the sea to devour the sanity of all.
I have to admit I cringed at the thought of a 1920s setting for these reasons. Gritty realism is one thing but sexism and racism aren't particularly fun role playing themes.

DekoTheBarbarian |

Really, it depends on the people at the table. I'm in a campaign right now playing a character who despises Cheliax in general and Hellknights in particular that just got grouped with a Hellknight. Been taking potshots at her ever since and she's fine with it as she knows its not against the player personally. Besides, it can make roleplaying really deep if done right.

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I agree that it can make roleplaying a very deep and interesting experience but I think there is a difference between roleplaying the tensions between an elf and a dwarf, or an Andoran and Chelaxian, and the tensions that could arise when playing in a setting much more heavily based in reality. It's a lot harder to separate what is directed at the character and what is directed at the player when you're in a real world setting dealing with real historical prejudices.