Interest Check: Razor Coast


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Very interesting!

Would bloodragers or skalds fit in?
I rather like both those hybrid classes from ACG.

Joseph Bonkers wrote:

Would you be willing to let me Shield Bash with a Tower Shield? One idea I am currently circulating through my head is that of a Shield fighter who uses a few planks of deckwood to shove people overboard :p

That and a generally defensive shielded fighter who also shields his allies.
Light Spiked Shield: 1d4/x2
Heavy Spiked Shield: 1d6/x2
Tower Shield: ?

I created an archetype a while back centered around that very concept. A control fighter that could provide cover and make combat maneuvers with his shield. Including being able to both damage and bull rush as one action. Too bad so many GM's are wary of custom stuff lol

+1 for interest. I don't have the book either, but am a big fan of the concept and may get the book here at some point.

I am re-reading One Piece so I am feeling piratey. Considering how much darker Razor Coast is from One Piece, I think a kid who was raised on embellished and idealized stories of pirate adventures, like Luffy but a lot less courage and strength, would be a good fit. Naive, innocent, and impressionable. What could go wrong?

Sovereign Court

Herolab have just released a Razor Coast pack too!

+1 for interest here! I played in a Skull and Shackles game that came apart and I miss the seafaring nature of it.

Ace Matthews wrote:
Joseph Bonkers wrote:

Would you be willing to let me Shield Bash with a Tower Shield? One idea I am currently circulating through my head is that of a Shield fighter who uses a few planks of deckwood to shove people overboard :p

That and a generally defensive shielded fighter who also shields his allies.
Light Spiked Shield: 1d4/x2
Heavy Spiked Shield: 1d6/x2
Tower Shield: ?

I created an archetype a while back centered around that very concept. A control fighter that could provide cover and make combat maneuvers with his shield. Including being able to both damage and bull rush as one action. Too bad so many GM's are wary of custom stuff lol

There is the Mobile Bulwark Style line of feats for your general tower shielding needs and then there is the Siegebreaker Fighter who is good at bull-rushing and who happens to have a shield at his side, but you cannot really make the ideal "Massively armored dude with a Massive shield who bowls people over with it" concept :(

I would be interested as well

So any further word about this turning into an actual recruitment thread.

Well I think I know what my submission will be (subject to change with my next zany idea 0_0). The basic idea is that of an Elf watcher, he is up in the crows-nest keeping an eye out with his keen eyesight and firing arrows down into the fights on-deck when they errupt.
Crunch, he will be an odd blend of monk and archer.
1: elves get proficency with longbows.
2: 1st level of MoMS monk allows you to get Overwatch Style. (as it is a style feat chain).
3: 2nd level of monk gets you Overwatch Vortex.
4: the plan is to continue as a monk for the fun utility, or switch to something like fighter if I need to be more powerful. Undecided.
This allows me to fire 4 shots as a full-round readied action with a -2 penalty.
There is suprisingly little overlap or waste with the combo as Flurry gets traded out, the AC bonus works with bows, and extra movement is always useful. The only thing that is "useless" is Imp Unarmed Strikes and even then everyone needs a backup weapon.
Monk will also provide some fun utility such as high jumping back up to the crows-nest and slow-falling back down :)
He will also be a bit MAD, but Ill see if I can manage it.

Anyways this is the basic idea :)

Well, it appears that this thread, and the possible actual recruitment as well, has fallen through on account of no GM. Bummer.

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