Tentacle Kineticist build in E6


Recently I beat the game age of decadence and the idea of playing a alien-like humanoid with tentacles and jadi like ability comes to mind.

Here is a rough build.


DEX 14
CON 10
INT 13
WIS 12
CHA 12

The stats's not really optimized for RP purpose.
(such as a regular person in today society thrown into a fantasy world, only finding got 10 points and the stats are spread out)

1st level summoner synthesist

Biped 3 evolution points.
2 would be used for 2 tentacle (mass)
1 for reach, unnatural aura, or improved natural armor (all seem pretty good in low level campaign)

Known spells - shield and Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser

The rest 5 levels go to kineticists, taking elmental water as focus so he would get the an equivalent +4 armor bonus as mage armor replacement.

Once at level 6, the tentacles (and claws) would have +2d6 damages from kinetic fist, not counting further improvements taking extra evolution twice.

The blast damage would be at 3d6 + eidolon's con modification.

Using gather power would also be safer due to synthesist's superior ac.

He would be able to use 5 levels of synthesist abilities regularly. And if the eidolon gets banished, his kinetic blast actually gets a boost due to having higher dex.

Will this build be any good in a e6 party or would he fall behind later?

Going a straight 6 level synthesist seems easier (and probably stronger) but he has no telekinesis ability other than cantrip, which defeats the idea of a tentacle telekinesis user.

Liberty's Edge

Summoners are great in an e6 game - isn't the point of e6 that there is no "later"?? Seems fine to me.

My main concern would be your BAB. If I remember right, you only have 3 BAB with this setup, which is equivalent to that of a 6 level Wizard. That will make things rough. But then again, you'd only have 4 BAB if you went straight Synthesist anyway.

With that said, you've got summoner powers and you've got telekinesis. It works flavor-wise and isn't WEAK. It just isn't the most powerful build ever. If you like it, do it.

I don't really play summoners or kineticists, though, so I might be wrong.

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Kinetic Fist Damage would only be 1d6, and it's still a point of burn. If you're gathering power, you aren't full attacking,mane that means less damage.

Kinetic Fist wrote:
You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 dice of your kinetic blast’s damage (minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type as your kinetic blast’s damage.

6d6 blast would get you 2d6 fist.

So you want an alien look and telekinesis? A psychic with the mutation mind archetype and spells like telekinetic maneuver might fit. Force sword may also appeal.

Azten wrote:

Kinetic Fist Damage would only be 1d6, and it's still a point of burn. If you're gathering power, you aren't full attacking,mane that means less damage.

Kinetic Fist wrote:
You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 dice of your kinetic blast’s damage (minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type as your kinetic blast’s damage.
6d6 blast would get you 2d6 fist.

Agh, I see. Thought it gave 1d6 minimum then having 3d6 kinetic blast damage would grant additional 1d6 damages.


Do psychic with mutation mind archetype get tentacles?


I think you add the attack bonus to the synthesist shape so it would be +4 bab (+1 from eidolon and +3 from kineticist), same as a full e6 kineticist would get.

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