Pathfinder skill for being inconspicuous

Rules Questions

Lets say someone is looking around a bar for someone suspicious, or your walking through a crowd trying to remain innocuous.

Would these be stealth, bluff or even disguise checks?

I'd say the person looking around the bar would use perception. The suspicious character would use stealth. An orc barbarian with a strength of 22 would probably need to make a disguise check to appear innocuous. Note: Halflings that are picking their nose or who have their feet kicked up on a table with a mug in hand, get a +20 on the innocuous check.

Scarab Sages

Splendor wrote:

Lets say someone is looking around a bar for someone suspicious, or your walking through a crowd trying to remain innocuous.

Would these be stealth, bluff or even disguise checks?

Any of the above, it would depend how you were role-playing it.

Stealth to try to blend in the with a crowd via using other people to block line of sight. You still can't properly stealth without hide in plain sight, so it wouldn't be enough to be considered hidden, if they were actually looking for you, but it should be enough to not be noticed if they aren't actually looking for you specifically (like if they are just looking for trouble makers, not you specifically).

If your plan is to look less like a suspicious person, like via costume, disguise would be used. By costume, I mean trying to look like everyone else, or one of the staff, rather than looking like the adventurer you are. Might want to attempt some knowledge checks.

You could also be in plain sight, but try to act less suspicious, which would be a bluff check (or preform if you have one in acting). Bluff and Disguise work very well together.

Last, you could, perhaps, attempt Survival, to camoflague in a bar or a crowd. This one would be the hardest to convince the GM of, but with lots of role play and a very good explaination, you might be able to apply it. In this case, you'd probably be disguised as an inattimate object, like a bookshelf. The disguise skill doesn't really cover this, it's actually survival, but it's more used to make traps hidden, or hide your campsite, and isn't commonly applied to urban settings or on creatures. Defintely a tough sell for GMs and probably not the best option.

What does 'suspicious' mean here? Let's say there's an assassin who isn't marked out by any particular physical attributes. There's also a bodyguard who knows there's an assassin but not who the assassin is. He's trying to spot the assassin based purely on the fact that the assassin might give himself away because he'll be more stressed and cautious than anyone else in the bar. In that case, the bodyguard is using Sense Motive and the Assassin is using Bluff.


Perform Inconspicuous Action

Source PPC:SpyHB

You can avoid drawing attention to yourself when performing conspicuous actions such as picking up an object in a museum where handling the exhibits is frowned upon but not a matter of grave concern, or closely studying someone across a room at a party.

Action: You attempt the Bluff check as part of performing the action you wish to render inconspicuous. Normally, you must take twice as long as normal to perform the action in order to make it inconspicuous. A standard action becomes a full-round action completed just before the start of your next turn and a free, immediate, move, or swift action becomes a standard action.

Check: Your Bluff check is opposed by observers’ Sense Motive checks. You can’t attempt the check if your very presence is suspicious (which you could prevent by altering your appearance with the Disguise skill).

full body sleight of hand?

Scarab Sages

Was thinking about this one more. If you had a companion with the swallow whole ability, you could hide inside your companion....

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