Dungeon Monkey |

Taking an idea from my PbP pal Storyteller Shadow, I am concentrating my recruitment threads in one spot. There will be several openings soon, and I want to have a hub to look at prospective applicants.
- Winter is Coming: Recruitment/Gameplay
- Tales From the Great Bazaar: Recruitment/Gameplay
- Suicide Squad: Recruitment/Gameplay
- Chronicles of the Silver Rose Company: Recruitment/Gameplay
- Tales From the City of Opal: Recruitment/Gameplay

Dungeon Monkey |

OK. First opening slots: I could use a martial type and a healer in my Opal game. The game is almost 9 (!!) years old now, and has had an interesting up and down time of things. Currently the party just boarded a paddlewheeler to go upriver to a new adventure, so it would be a perfect time to Insert some new players.
The world is my homebrew campaign. If you are interested in background follow one of the tabs in my previous post and check out the Campaign Info tab.

Gavmania |

Okay, questions:
(1) What Domains do your deities have? I see you have Temples to Gozreh, Volund/Rava, Quetzelcoatl, The Shark Gods, Oghma, Abadarand, and Cayden Cailean/Omechtochtl. While Gozreh and Cayden Cailean are presumable the same as in Golarion, the rest are not so obvious. Do any have the community Domain?
(2) How are you calculating HP? Max first and 1/2HD+1 thereafter or Max per level as is suggested on the discussion tab.
(3) Are you definitely only doing Elite (25pt buy) or are you allowing the better of 2d6+6 per stat or 25pt buy as you have on other campaigns?
(4) Can you clarify what you mean by Healer? Do you mean someone dedicated to in-combat healing or are you using it as a generic term for Divine Spellcasting Class (So Cleric, Oracle, Druid, Warpriest, Inquisitor, or Shaman). Not that it matters as I plan to make a Healbot anyway.
(5) Can you give a bit of detail about the Order of the Feathered Serpent. Is qutezelcoatl a must-have for joining? or can any like-minded individual join? (I see some of the characters are already members, which would make a handy hook)
(6)Is membership of the Explorers guild mandatory, or can memvership be gained later.
I have in mind a community-minded Warpriest whose goal is to protect the communities from whatever threat is posed, making him a natural for the Order of the Feathered Serpent and also giving him a hook by having him want to try and deal with the threat from upriver. I do not envision him as a member of the Explorers guild at this stage, though he may join later if it makes sense, but he should have enough of a hook through the Order and the sharing of a common goal (albeit maybe for different reasons) that getting him into the group should be no problem.
As regards Healing, I have in mind tearing off a leaf out of the Oradin mini-guide and making him use swift action healing on himself with the Shield another spell to take half the damage that the party takes on himself. Together with a few tricks, he should be able to buff an allies AC nicely with Aid Another and use bodyguard to further protect adjacent allies.

Dungeon Monkey |

Okay, questions:
(1) What Domains do your deities have? I see you have Temples to Gozreh, Volund/Rava, Quetzelcoatl, The Shark Gods, Oghma, Abadarand, and Cayden Cailean/Omechtochtl. While Gozreh and Cayden Cailean are presumable the same as in Golarion, the rest are not so obvious. Do any have the community Domain?
If you have something in mind, I can work with it. Most of these gods you mentioned were brought in by the respective players.
(2) How are you calculating HP? Max first and 1/2HD+1 thereafter or Max per level as is suggested on the discussion tab.
It's been a while, but I believe that particular game was max hp every level. I'll double check and get back to you.
(3) Are you definitely only doing Elite (25pt buy) or are you allowing the better of 2d6+6 per stat or 25pt buy as you have on other campaigns?
I'm trying to keep things the same as they were with everyone else in that particular PbP. The 2d6+6 is a recent thing for one of my games, so it would not port over.
(4) Can you clarify what you mean by Healer? Do you mean someone dedicated to in-combat healing or are you using it as a generic term for Divine Spellcasting Class (So Cleric, Oracle, Druid, Warpriest, Inquisitor, or Shaman). Not that it matters as I plan to make a Healbot anyway.
Basically someone whose main (or semi-main) focus was healing spells.
(5) Can you give a bit of detail about the Order of the Feathered Serpent. Is qutezelcoatl a must-have for joining? or can any like-minded individual join? (I see some of the characters are already members, which would make a handy hook)
The Order of the Feathered Serpent is a military-themed religious order dedicated to protecting the fragile web of civilization in this area. Although run by Quetzcoatl worshippers, it is not a deal-breaker to worship someone else. Most non-native gods are undergoing synthesis (see Cayden/Two Rabbit) into hybrid churches.
(6)Is membership of the Explorers guild mandatory, or can membership be gained later.
The Explorer's Guild isn't mandatory membership, but anyone can drink there, or look for jobs. Membership conveys certain privileges, such as private rooms, access to information, etc. Guild membership is something that has to be sponsored, and you need a local reputation to be considered.
I have in mind a community-minded Warpriest whose goal is to protect the communities from whatever threat is posed, making him a natural for the Order of the Feathered Serpent and also giving him a hook by having him want to try and deal with the threat from upriver. I do not envision him as a member of the Explorers guild at this stage, though he may join later if it makes sense, but he should have enough of a hook through the Order and the sharing of a common goal (albeit maybe for different reasons) that getting him into the group should be no problem.
As regards Healing, I have in mind tearing off a leaf out of the Oradin mini-guide and making him use swift action healing on himself with the Shield another spell to take half the damage that the party takes on himself. Together with a few tricks, he should be able to buff an allies AC nicely with Aid Another and use bodyguard to further protect adjacent allies.
Sounds like a good start! I'll put you in the running for a slot :)

Patrick Curtin |

I should note here for those who do not know me.
I suck at rules. Yet I love GMing. Isn't it ironic?
If you are looking for a slick ninja-type GM, I ain't it. However, I think I do a reasonable job spinning an entertaining story, and I am persistent, as my two games started in 2008 can attest.
I can and do blow calls. As such I don't mind being respectfully called out on this. Like I said, I am well aware of my lack of rules-fu. I can always retcon.
My theory is we're all here to have a good time. I don't want to kill your characters, hopefully you wont want to break my game. So far, it's worked well.

Gavmania |

I have no problems with that. FWIW I'm still picking up bits of the rules, and I would tend to go with the GMs call unless it has serious consequences, as I don't believe in disrupting the game flow over frivolities. Like you said, the main thing is to have a good time, not to get bogged down in details of whether this guy or that guy can do whatever.
I'll go ahead and make the character, probably starting tomorrow. I think I'll stick to Quetzelcouatl as my deity, not knowing much about the rest.

Storyteller Shadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I should note here for those who do not know me.
I suck at rules. Yet I love GMing. Isn't it ironic?
If you are looking for a slick ninja-type GM, I ain't it. However, I think I do a reasonable job spinning an entertaining story, and I am persistent, as my two games started in 2008 can attest.
I can and do blow calls. As such I don't mind being respectfully called out on this. Like I said, I am well aware of my lack of rules-fu. I can always retcon.
My theory is we're all here to have a good time. I don't want to kill your characters, hopefully you wont want to break my game. So far, it's worked well.
Funny, I am the same type of DM. :-)

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Hmmm....Beer and pretzels eh sounds good. I may go with a martial, You all like ranged or not ranged
Whatever horrors Ermey had witnessed or experienced in his time as the shaman's slave were a mystery-- for the half-elf was in no shape to speak of them. When rescued, he had numerous signs of physical ill-treatment, including a long cuts across his face that wept pus an blood, but more disconcerting was the fact that he couldn't speak except in a hoarse whisper.
His physical injuries were tended by the Iomedans, leaving him with nasty scars across his face. The mental injuries proved more difficult. Though the priests prayed, and Agrit tried spells, and Gorkis Meeson potions, Ermey remained largely unresponsive. Trunau has little use for those who cannot pull their own weight in defense of the town, but everyone was sympathetic to whatever horror he had experienced, and tried to give him time. He was not deemed to be a threat to others or himself, so Ermey was left to wander, mostly, with the Iomedans corralling his at dusk.
One day, he showed up at the Killin' Grounds' doorway. Rabus had just gotten in a keg of expensive dwarven ale from Janderhoff, and, feeling pity for Ermey, offered him a taste
The transformation was remarkable. A few swallows in, and Ermey seemed more responsive, more alert, and said his first full sentence since arriving in Trunau: "Janderhoff 4690, isn't this? That was a damned good year."
It's been a year since that first drink. Since then, Ermey has improved considerably. He fights fiercely against the orcs whenever they come, and nobody denies his usefulness in battle... but the rest of the time, Ermey is firmly entrenched in the role of the town drunk. If he's not at Rabus's tavern, he will be found sitting on the cliff edge with a bottle of something potent, watching the birds fly by.
The Iomedans find Ermey to be a bit of a disappointment-- or perhaps a strange rebuke of sorts, in that a vice like alcohol seemed to do what their prayers could not. They don't approve of his constant state of inebriation, and Tyari has been known to try and lecture him into clean living, or at least drinking in moderation. He has not been successful.
Ermey's past remains a mystery to most of Trunau. He seems to know a lot about brewing, but has never spoken of his clan or how he came to be a prisoner of the orcs. Though he fights well enough with his fauchard, he doesn't bother with a shield.
Ermey is viewed as a good half-elf but with a pitiable reliance on the bottle. For Ermey, the truth is more complex than simple alcoholism: while alcohol does indeed help him function, it's less about getting drunk, than trying to silence the parts of his mind scarred by his time as a slave. Drinking for him doesn't feel like an escape so much as a return to home-- to the security he remembers as a child, the smell of aging hops and sour malt... the safety of family and the cameraderie of drinking together. For Ermey, alcohol has come to resemble, in some ways, all that is right with the world: it requires a stable enough civilization to practice agriculture and produce the base materials for alcohol, and then also the stability of time required to brew and ferment and age liquor... A good keg of ale is more than a way to get hammered: in his mind, it represents community, safety, tradition, and fellowship. When he drinks, he feels like himself again, the way he used to be.
When he has had a drink in his, Ermey is cheerful, generous, and extraordinarily easy-going. When he hasn't, Ermey is sour-tempered and grimly cynical. So, however much some people in town may tut about his heavy drinking, most people in Trunau prefer to be around him when he's drunk.
Ermey has no real 'job', but often spars in the Killin' Grounds for coin-- most of which usually flows right back into Rabus's coffers. he's perpetually broke-- what little he doesn't spend on alcohol winds up given away to anyone he thinks may need it, regardless of Ermey's own financial needs. Alcohol-soused judgment is not the best for things like a long-term budget.
I thought a reach guy would be fun

Wilhelm Shieldbreaker |

Hey, would a freebooter/skirmisher ranger be enough of a martial? I see you have a ranger already, but figured this might be different enough.
I was thinking something of the privateer type, semi-legit pirate! But with a kind of Doc Holiday approach to life. Moved away from the sea for another adventure/ good for his health, not looking for a fight but always seems to find trouble and lend a hand. Either working on the paddle steamer or gambling there. Probably human, although unsure as haven't started the crunch, what races are allowed?
Anyway I hope that garble makes some sense, posting from my phone.

Dungeon Monkey |

Hmmm....Beer and pretzels eh sounds good. I may go with a martial, You all like ranged or not ranged
** spoiler omitted **...
That's an interesting backstory. A few notes:
Is this a Golarion backstory? The date at the moment in this campaign is 310 FCO (Founding of the City of Opal). The orcs are problematic. They are not native to Mazatil. The only orcs near Opal are from an continent called Fimbulia, and those are usually pirates (known usually as the Sea Wolves).
Other than a few tweaks, it could work. I'll put you on the list

Dungeon Monkey |

Hey Monkey! Would a Nagaji Enlightened Paladin work for a martial type? :) I have a built crunch that I just need to update to level 6 (it's 5 currently), but I'd have to produce some background for him to tie to your world. What would be the equivalent of Irori in terms of deities?
Irori would work well as a deity from the Republic of Therana. The nagaji angle could work well as the Theranans pride themselves on their inclusiveness (as long as those they include go along with their guidance)
Therana is a city state that is ethnically Vudran/Indian, but built like Venice and with a oligarchic/republic governmental structure. They are master tradesmen, and their ships sail all over Arcaia. They are also currently settling portions of Eastern Beladris, much to the consternation of the local natives. They also wage a cold/hot war with the Fimbulian orcs, who have also planted colonies on Beladris' shores.
Theranan cultural outlook would be in a snapshot early 19th Century American. They are big believer in their own greatness, and they believe it is their mission to help 'civilize' Beladris and drive the Fimbulians out. They also are shrewd bargainers, and a common joke is that two Theranans invented wire by struggling over a copper piece.

Dungeon Monkey |

Hey, would a freebooter/skirmisher ranger be enough of a martial? I see you have a ranger already, but figured this might be different enough.
I was thinking something of the privateer type, semi-legit pirate! But with a kind of Doc Holiday approach to life. Moved away from the sea for another adventure/ good for his health, not looking for a fight but always seems to find trouble and lend a hand. Either working on the paddle steamer or gambling there. Probably human, although unsure as haven't started the crunch, what races are allowed?
Anyway I hope that garble makes some sense, posting from my phone.
That could work. I'm open to almost any race, Opal is a land of immigrants, and anyone could have show up looking for a fresh start or their fortune.

mdt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You'd described paddlewheelers, which were first invented in 1807 or thereabouts. The first percussion caps came into wide spread use about the same time, the mid 1820's. That was when flintlocks died out pretty rapidly (since caps didn't get watered out).
It's also when revolvers became a thing (about 10 years after the caps were invented, mid 1830's). The first patent in Britain for a revolver was 1835. So within 20 years of caps being invented, revolvers existed.
Would you be ok with, for your martial, a gun user type? I have a character I like a lot who's a Cavalier (Musketeer archetype) who uses a firearm and a sword. Seems like it might fit in fairly well. Maybe with an early revolver (cap and ball, so either takes 6 rounds to reload the cylinder, with ability to swap out a cylinder as a single 'fast reload'), still only touch out to one range increment instead of five (or something in between)?

mdt |

Cap & Ball revolver, with extra cylinder
In case you weren't sure what a cap & ball revolver is. It's the pre-cursor to the modern revolver. Each cylinder chamber has to be manually loaded with powder, paper, and ball, like a standard black powder weapon. Then a percussion cap is pushed onto the back of the cylinder chamber.
Basically it let you pre-load 4 to 8 shots (they didn't settle on 6 for a few years), taking as long as it normally took to load 4 to 8 hand guns. The nicer ones could switch out cylinders (as shown in the link).

mdt |

Well, why would you use steam when you can use magic? Most efficient use of available magi-tech.
Would you say half the cost of a multi-barrel of the same number of barrels? Given it requires less metal? Each cylinder about 15% of the cost of the weapon itself?
Revolver = 4lbs, 4000gp
Pepperbox Pistol = 5lbs, 5000gp (x 0.75) = 3,750
(Evaluated as if both were simultaneously available)
So, C&B about 3800? 4lbs (same as Revolver)?
Each extra cylinder about 570 .
MW C&B = 3800 + 300 = 4100
MW Cylinder = 4100 * 0.15 = 615.
So, MW C&B Revolver + 1 MW cylinder = 4715. Half for self crafted, value = 2,357.5 GP (2360?). Damage 1d8, Misfire 1-2, range 20ft, Ranged Touch to 40 ft (slightly better than regular pistol, not as good as modern revolver by a long shot)?

Erick Bonestihl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Erick was born in the <GM Suggestion> section of <GM Suggestion>, but unlike those of his generation, he was not destined to stay there. Erick's parents were minor, but wealthy, nobles. Unfortunately, they had mad enemies. Exactly who it was, Erick never found out, but his father was framed for treason, and their wealth taken away, his father hung, and his mother turned out on the streets.
His mother, unable to bear the shame, threw herself from the lighthouse onto the shoals below. Erick was left to the mercies of the city's orphanages, his family's dishonor slowly sending him to worse and worse orphanages, until he finally ended up in the <GM Suggestion>, where no doubt he'd have grown up to be a criminal, had not fate intervened once again, perhaps to make up for it's last cruel touch.
Garvin Marshant, an Emissary of the Order of the Rose was sent to the city by his order chapterhouse to see to settling issues between nobles, as things had been getting more and more bloody as time went on with the infighting.
Sir Marshant was in the habit of hiring street urchins for use in the cities he frequented, sending them on errands, asking them about local information, and watching people for him. He hired the young Erick, and was impressed by Erick's quick mind and developing prowess. Hearing about his past from someone else, he took the boy on as a squire, and thus Erick went on an odyssey that would span the next 10 years, squire to Marshant.
They spent two years in <GM Suggestion>, helping to avoid a major outbreak of violence in the area. It was while living here and working with Sir Marshant that Erick met Tendir Quickfingers, a young gnomish gunsmith. She found Erick's fascination with firearms charming, and the boys unceasing curiosity very gnomish. She even eventually taught the boy the forbidden knowledge of gunsmithing, and gave him a dragon enscribed revolver as a fare travel present when he and his master left.
There was also a period of three years spent in <GM Suggestion, Eastern land>, working with the new Empress who had just won back the throne after an attempted coup. During his stay there, Erick learned to use armor and weapons like none he'd ever seen before, but he still dressed like he was in <GM Suggestion>, blending the two in a manner no-one had seen till then or since.
Finally, 18, Marshant took him to an Order Chapterhouse, to have him fully inducted into a Cavalier Order. But rather than sponsor him to his own order in Marshant sponsored him to the Order of the Tome, which was a much better fit for the questing mind of the young cavalier.
Erick found the Order of the Tome much more to his frame of mind than the Order of the Rose, and gained skills rapidly under their tutelage and training. His breadth of knowledge spread rapidly, and his training finally came together. He'd never been very good at animals, although he learned the minimum necessary to get by, even learning to fight from horseback (despite never quite catching on to how to convince them he was a friend).
Having completed his journeyman requirements, and now an official Cavalier of the Order of the Tome, Erick had returned to his birth city a much older, wiser, and calmer man than the angry and vengeful boy who left. He continues to travel on order business, and also seeking more answers on those who betrayed his family and why. He has made a decent enough name for himself as a Cavalier, even if an odd one who doesn't particularly care for horses.
Need some suggestions from the GM on cities and countries for the background, but it should work I think.

Gavmania |

...The date at the moment in this campaign is 310 FCO (Founding of the City of Opal). The orcs are problematic. They are not native to Mazatil. The only orcs near Opal are from an continent called Fimbulia, and those are usually pirates (known usually as the Sea Wolves).Other than a few tweaks, it could work. I'll put you on the list
I was considering a Half-Orc Character, Do the Sea Wolves breed Half Orcs as lieutenants as some tribes do? It would fit my background, though how he would get to the City of Opal I only have a vague idea about. Do they follow the same calendar as The Opalians (is that the correct term?) and what God(s) do they worship. I have in mind that he was a shamans apprentice, so I'd like to know a bit more about them.

Dungeon Monkey |

Dungeon Monkey wrote:I was considering a Half-Orc Character, Do the Sea Wolves breed Half Orcs as lieutenants as some tribes do? It would fit my background, though how he would get to the City of Opal I only have a vague idea about. Do they follow the same calendar as The Opalians (is that the correct term?) and what God(s) do they worship. I have in mind that he was a shamans apprentice, so I'd like to know a bit more about them.
...The date at the moment in this campaign is 310 FCO (Founding of the City of Opal). The orcs are problematic. They are not native to Mazatil. The only orcs near Opal are from an continent called Fimbulia, and those are usually pirates (known usually as the Sea Wolves).Other than a few tweaks, it could work. I'll put you on the list
Oh yes indeed they do. Half orcs are especially common around the docks of Opal (known as the Driftwood District). ALthough Half orcs face the normal suspicion, the Sea Wolves respect a good sailor/warrior, and will often even 'adopt' certain non-orcs into their crews.
The Fimbulians inhabit a small island continent with an artic/subarctic type of climate. Most Fimbulians have a plains/nomadic culture, similar to Mongolian or if you are a GoT fan, Dothraki. Their Atabeg travels with his retinue all around the continent, squashing rebels/rival claimants and hunting large Pleistocene-era game.
The Sea Wolves are a distinct subculture. They began as Fimbulian raiders, but have since become masters of shipbuilding and trade. They still raid, but are willing to trade if the opposition is too tough. They enjoy coming to Mazatil because there are a lot of exotic foodstuffs and animals they can sell elsewhere for a profit. They don't have a 'homeland' per se, but some still consider Fimbulia their home, others their ships in sea nomad fashion. Others are carving new territories out for themselves (see below)
The Sea Wolves are currently also conquering part of the continent of Beladris. The native wood-elven culture there has been peaceful for centuries, and is not faring well. The Beladrin elves invited the Theranans over to help counterbalance the Sea Wolves' invasion, but they are quickly finding out that the Theranans don't make great neighbors either.

Patrick Curtin |

Well, why would you use steam when you can use magic? Most efficient use of available magi-tech.
Would you say half the cost of a multi-barrel of the same number of barrels? Given it requires less metal?Each cylinder about 15% of the cost of the weapon itself?Revolver = 4lbs, 4000gp
Pepperbox Pistol = 5lbs, 5000gp (x 0.75) = 3,750(Evaluated as if both were simultaneously available)
So, C&B about 3800? 4lbs (same as Revolver)?
Each extra cylinder about 570 .
MW C&B = 3800 + 300 = 4100
MW Cylinder = 4100 * 0.15 = 615.So, MW C&B Revolver + 1 MW cylinder = 4715. Half for self crafted, value = 2,357.5 GP (2360?). Damage 1d8, Misfire 1-2, range 20ft, Ranged Touch to 40 ft (slightly better than regular pistol, not as good as modern revolver by a long shot)?
Yikes. Too much math for this monkey

Dungeon Monkey |

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s this a Golarion backstory? The date at the moment in this campaign is 310 FCO (Founding of the City of Opal). The orcs are problematic. They are not native to Mazatil. The only orcs near Opal are from an continent called Fimbulia, and those are usually pirates (known usually as the Sea Wolves).
Other than a few tweaks, it could work. I'll put you on the list
Yeah it's Golarion, I could certainly make a few tweaks to fit it in

Gavmania |

OK, this is the background idea I have for Blake Hunter. Please comment on anything you think might need to be tweaked:
Jemima Hunter was just an acolyte when she was captured by pirates and sold as a slave in the pits of Argentum. Her buyer was a Sub-Chief of the Sea Wolves and took her back to his base in Beladris. There she lived with other slaves, performing the duties expected of her. Her prayers continued unabated that some sign of Quetzelcouatls favour still rested upon her.
One night, she awoke from a strange dream in which Quetzelcouatl was telling her not to be afraid, that she would bear a son who would honour his name. There on the pillow was a coloured feather. Quickly, this was hidden away and became her favoured possession – as much as slaves were allowed to have possessions.
The most onerous duty inflicted upon her was that of Brood-Mare to the next generation of Half-Orcs, used as lieutenants by the Chief because of their cunning. Jemima, who had fastidiously kept a record of the days according to the Zapatec Calendar, was ecstatic when the baby was delivered on One Couatl – She knew it was a sign and determined to bring him up to know as much about Quetzelcouatl as she could. She named him Blake and told him all she could about her family, her home and above all the God Quetzelcouatl. The Orcs called hum Dravar, but young Blake soon learned that he would receive no love there and began thinking of himself as Blake in his heart of Hearts. For him, the only person who loved him was his mother and he listened to everything she told him. All too soon, he would be taken way for training as a lieutenant, and his brief time with someone who loved him would end.
As luck would have it, a childhood injury left him weak, making him all but unfit to be a leader of Orcs and he was left in her care while his fate was determined. His mother lost no time in drumming into him as much as she could remember about Quetzelcouatl, and several years of extra instruction were given to him in this manner. All things pass, however, and one day the local shaman cast his eye upon the young Blake as a suitable replacement for his recently deceased apprentice. The Sub-Chief was proud to have one of his sons be useful to the tribe in this manner, especially as he would otherwise be useless, and despite the risk of death common among Orc Shaman’s apprentices he agreed to let an otherwise useless and disappointing by-blow be given the opportunity to achieve honour in this manner. So it was that Blake was taken from his mother and apprenticed to the Shaman Ghazan.
Ghazan took the boy through rituals of scarification and tattooing in the name of the Shark Gods – Blake endured them in the name of Quetzelcouatl. Ghazan taught him in the ways of the Shark Gods – Blake adapted them to his understanding of Quetzelcouatl. In the end Ghazan realised that while the boy was outwardly docile and seemingly accepting of the path of the Shaman, there was a core of resistance he needed to root out. At first Ghazan tried forcing it out through greater trials, Which only seemed to make it stronger, but wise in the ways of men he decided to give the boy his head and watch him so that he might lead him to the source of his resistance. It was this that paid off as he followed the boy on a clandestine trip to see his mother. Realising that she was the source of his strength, he knew that the only way to finally break the boy was to destroy her before his very eyes. Confronting the boy and his mother, Ghazan raised his holy scimitar and smote her down, killing her instantly.
This was the first time that Blake had ever acted in anger, some rage overtook him and before he knew it, he had struck down the Shaman, killing him with a rock to the head. Cradling his dying mother in his arms, she bade him flee and told him to take the feather as a sign of his true allegiance before finally falling into a state of death . With tears in his eyes, Blake set ablaze the hovel where his mother lay dead, and escaped in the confusion.
Making his way across the sea to a local trading port, Blake sought out the first temple to Quetzelcouatl he could find, and told the priest there his tale. The kindly priest, seeing the state he was in and the calling he was struggling to follow, agreed to accept this strange child as an acolyte. Blake completed his training as a true Acolyte of Quetzelcouatl, dedicating the last years of his teenage life to learning his ways and receiving at last the balm of a loving environment, healing the wounds he had endured for so long in Beladris, including the arms that had broken as a young child and which had not been set. While they were still a little weak, he was nevertheless able to strengthen them a bit.
As the term of his acolytehood came to a close, Blake began to get restless, his thoughts turning often to his Mother and the Temple at Opal she had spoken of so fondly, and to her family there. He realised that he had a duty to inform them of her demise and all that had occurred. So it was that when he had finished his time, he resolved to travel once again, making pilgrimage to Opal. The priest, seeing he had unfinished business that needed dealing with, permitted him to go as a lay brother of Quetzelcouatl, free to pursue the course that had been laid on his heart.
Blake, now a young man, set off across the oceans, working (and fighting) his way across the sea to the City of Opal. There he met with the Priest, who put him in touch with those who remembered her, and he passed on to the Temple the coloured feather, token of a faith not shaken by adversity, a courage not seen by the outside world and a life not lived in vain. There too, he was able to track down her family. Initially they were hostile to a strange Half-Orc claiming to be related, but eventually they grudgingly accepted him, although they did not welcome him with open arms.
Free of his burdens of conscience, Blake began to seek his course once again. He felt the need to do something to help those around him, and soon realised that the order of the feathered serpent did just that. He applied to them and, after demonstrating that he knew how to hold a shield and at least swing a sword with a modicum of success, was permitted to join. Since then, he has become quite a useful member; his arms not being as strong as most warriors, he instead concentrated on learning to protect and to heal those who lay their lives on the line to destroy the evil that plagues the area. Nicknamed “The protector” for his uncanny ability to spoil enemies attacks and generally shield ordinary folk caught in the crossfire, he has grown in prowess and reputation. Recently hearing troubling rumours from upriver, he has determined to follow then to their source.

Valjoen_KC |

Thought I might throw something into the mix if you're still accepting apps.
Tiki is a gnome shaman from the jungles north of Opal. He's taken the life spirit, and the commonly use the lore spirit as his wandering spirit. He's a healer and debuffer with some illusion capabilities.
Gnome shaman 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 35)
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +21
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)
hp 58 (6d8+12)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +11; +2 vs. illusions
Speed 20 ft. (15 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +4 (1d3-1/19-20) or
gnome hooked hammer +4 (1d6-1/×3/×4)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 16, 3d6), hexes (chant, evil eye, flight[APG], life link[ACG], misfortune[APG]), wandering hex (arcane enlightenment)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +9)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 14), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Shaman Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +11)
At will—feather fall (self only), fly (self only)
1/day—levitate (self only)
Shaman Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +11)
3rd—bestow curse (DC 18), cure serious wounds, stinking cloud (DC 18); locate object[S] or neutralize poison[S]
2nd—barkskin, cure moderate wounds, hold person (DC 17), vine strike (DC 17); lesser restoration[S] or tongues[S]
1st—bless, charm person (DC 16), cure light wounds, silent image (DC 17); detect undead[S] or identify[S]
0 (at will)—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 16), prestidigitation, read magic
S spirit magic spell; Spirit Life Wandering Spirit Lore
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +4; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Effortless Trickery, Extra Hex[APG], Extra Hex[APG]
Traits deft dodger, suspicious
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-10 to jump), Bluff +4, Diplomacy +8, Fly +4, Heal +9, Knowledge (nature) +10, Perception +21, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +11, Survival +9, Swim +0; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ fey magic, gnome magic, monstrous insight, spirit animal (greensting scorpion named Arcane Familiar)
Combat Gear hand of the mage, wand of cure light wounds; Other Gear +1 armored kilt mithral chain shirt, dagger, gnome hooked hammer, cloak of resistance +1, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone, eyes of the eagle, handy haversack, headband of inspired wisdom +2, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol, 2,216 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Enlightenment (Su) Add Charisma bonus wizard spells to your spells known list.
Chant (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Effortless Trickery Maintain concentration on 1 illusion spell per rd as a swift action.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Evil Eye -2 (8 rounds, DC 18) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Familiar Bonus: +4 bonus on initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Fey Magic (Favored Terrain [Jungle]) Gain spell-like abilities in selected terrain.
Gnome Magic Add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist illusion spells cast.
Life Link (6 max bonds, 100 feet) (Su) Bond drains your HP to heal others.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Misfortune (1 round, DC 18) (Su) Foe in 30 ft must take the lower of 2d20 for rolls (Will neg).
Monstrous Insight (6/day) (Su) As a standard action, attempt know check to ID monster and gain +2 to att & AC vs. that foe.
Shaman Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (4/day, DC 16) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Speak with Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Spirit Animal (spirit animal (greensting scorpion named Arcane Familiar)) If spirit animal is slain, cannot use spirit magic or prepare new spells.

Joseph Bonkers |
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Well I had an idea that might be fun to persue.
I was thinking of creating an Orc Monk. The idea is he was an enslaved Sea Wolf who was then put to work doing slave labour. The harsh lifestyle as a slave beat most of his wilder tendencies and robbed him of his enthusiasm and generally mellowed him out. Later he was freed but decided to stay on as a bond-slave (a free slave) because he found that the hard work suited him and he enjoyed the rigid lifestyle (with a few less beatings). He is probably currently working on the paddlewheeler next to the fire elemental right now :P
Anyways, I was thinking of having him be a Str based monk focusing on strong unarmed attacks and probably grappling, he is a brute with his hands >:)
He also still wears his irons around his wrists with the broken chains dangling as a sign of his captivity and subsiquent freedom. Indeed, these often serve him better then he realizes as others who see him either see a slave or free man, and not a wild and dangerous Sea Wolf.
He only wears a minimal of clothing, shoes, breeches and the chains on his arms, and it is all of humble quality.
He is also LN. The chaotic and evil pillager has been beaten out of him and indeed he has found that he quite likes the rigid and (rather) simple life of an honest labourer.
Anyways, thats the start :)

Dungeon Monkey |

Folks, I am humbled by the interest. Those who have just posted in a few days: Although I would like to accept everyone, I only have two slots open. I'm afraid that there would be a lot of hard feelings if I included more folks and then cut.
I just had one of my long-term players bow out of one of my games. So there is a need for an arcanist-type in my Winter is Coming PbP (The beginning of the Reign of Winter AP). If anyone is interested, 2nd level.