Tsadok Goldtooth

Blake Hunter's page

45 posts. Organized Play character for Gavmania.

Full Name

Blake Hunter


Half Orc (Init +2 HP66/66 AC25 (T13, FF23) F/R/W 12/8/13 Per+10)


Warpriest 6


Male Fervour 5/7






Neutral Good


Common, Orcish, Celestial


Member of the Order of the Feathered Serpent

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Blake Hunter

Jemima Hunter was just an acolyte when she was captured by pirates and sold as a slave in the pits of Argentum. Her buyer was a Sub-Chief of the Sea Wolves and took her back to his base in Beladris. There she lived with other slaves, performing the duties expected of her. Her prayers continued unabated that some sign of Quetzelcouatls favour still rested upon her.
One night, she awoke from a strange dream in which Quetzelcouatl was telling her not to be afraid, that she would bear a son who would honour his name. There on the pillow was a coloured feather. Quickly, this was hidden away and became her favoured possession – as much as slaves were allowed to have possessions.
The most onerous duty inflicted upon her was that of Brood-Mare to the next generation of Half-Orcs, used as lieutenants by the Chief because of their cunning. Jemima, who had fastidiously kept a record of the days according to the Zapatec Calendar, was ecstatic when the baby was delivered on One Couatl – She knew it was a sign and determined to bring him up to know as much about Quetzelcouatl as she could. She named him Blake and told him all she could about her family, her home and above all the God Quetzelcouatl. The Orcs called hum Dravar, but young Blake soon learned that he would receive no love there and began thinking of himself as Blake in his heart of Hearts. For him, the only person who loved him was his mother and he listened to everything she told him. All too soon, he would be taken way for training as a lieutenant, and his brief time with someone who loved him would end.
As luck would have it, a childhood injury left him weak, making him all but unfit to be a leader of Orcs and he was left in her care while his fate was determined. His mother lost no time in drumming into him as much as she could remember about Quetzelcouatl, and several years of extra instruction were given to him in this manner. All things pass, however, and one day the local shaman cast his eye upon the young Blake as a suitable replacement for his recently deceased apprentice. The Sub-Chief was proud to have one of his sons be useful to the tribe in this manner, especially as he would otherwise be useless, and despite the risk of death common among Orc Shaman’s apprentices he agreed to let an otherwise useless and disappointing by-blow be given the opportunity to achieve honour in this manner. So it was that Blake was taken from his mother and apprenticed to the Shaman Ghazan.
Ghazan took the boy through rituals of scarification and tattooing in the name of the Shark Gods – Blake endured them in the name of Quetzelcouatl. Ghazan taught him in the ways of the Shark Gods – Blake adapted them to his understanding of Quetzelcouatl. In the end Ghazan realised that while the boy was outwardly docile and seemingly accepting of the path of the Shaman, there was a core of resistance he needed to root out. At first Ghazan tried forcing it out through greater trials, Which only seemed to make it stronger, but wise in the ways of men he decided to give the boy his head and watch him so that he might lead him to the source of his resistance. It was this that paid off as he followed the boy on a clandestine trip to see his mother. Realising that she was the source of his strength, he knew that the only way to finally break the boy was to destroy her before his very eyes. Confronting the boy and his mother, Ghazan raised his holy scimitar and smote her down, killing her instantly.
This was the first time that Blake had ever acted in anger, some rage overtook him and before he knew it, he had struck down the Shaman, killing him with a rock to the head. Cradling his dying mother in his arms, she bade him flee and told him to take the feather as a sign of his true allegiance before finally falling into a state of death . With tears in his eyes, Blake set ablaze the hovel where his mother lay dead, and escaped in the confusion.
Making his way across the sea to a local trading port, Blake sought out the first temple to Quetzelcouatl he could find, and told the priest there his tale. The kindly priest, seeing the state he was in and the calling he was struggling to follow, agreed to accept this strange child as an acolyte. Blake completed his training as a true Acolyte of Quetzelcouatl, dedicating the last years of his teenage life to learning his ways and receiving at last the balm of a loving environment, healing the wounds he had endured for so long in Beladris, including the arms that had broken as a young child and which had not been set. While they were still a little weak, he was nevertheless able to strengthen them a bit.
As the term of his acolytehood came to a close, Blake began to get restless, his thoughts turning often to his Mother and the Temple at Opal she had spoken of so fondly, and to her family there. He realised that he had a duty to inform them of her demise and all that had occurred. So it was that when he had finished his time, he resolved to travel once again, making pilgrimage to Opal. The priest, seeing he had unfinished business that needed dealing with, permitted him to go as a lay brother of Quetzelcouatl, free to pursue the course that had been laid on his heart.
Blake, now a young man, set off across the oceans, working (and fighting) his way across the sea to the City of Opal. There he met with the Priest, who put him in touch with those who remembered her, and he passed on to the Temple the coloured feather, token of a faith not shaken by adversity, a courage not seen by the outside world and a life not lived in vain. There too, he was able to track down her family. Initially they were hostile to a strange Half-Orc claiming to be related, but eventually they grudgingly accepted him, although they did not welcome him with open arms.
Free of his burdens of conscience, Blake began to seek his course once again. He felt the need to do something to help those around him, and soon realised that the order of the feathered serpent did just that. He applied to them and, after demonstrating that he knew how to hold a shield and at least swing a sword with a modicum of success, was permitted to join. Since then, he has become quite a useful member; his arms not being as strong as most warriors, he instead concentrated on learning to protect and to heal those who lay their lives on the line to destroy the evil that plagues the area. Nicknamed “The protector” for his uncanny ability to spoil enemies attacks and generally shield ordinary folk caught in the crossfire, he has grown in prowess and reputation. Recently hearing troubling rumours from upriver, he has determined to follow then to their source.


AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22, (Base 10, Armor+9, Dex+2, Shield+3) Combat Expertise
hp 66 (6HD)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +13 +1 vs' charm/compulsion if within 30' of ally
CMD 12


Melee heavy pick +4 (1d6/x4)
Melee +1 shield, heavy steel +6 (1d8+1)
Melee gauntlet +4 (1d3)
Base Atk +4; CMB +4
Special attacks: Swift Aid, Improved Shield Bash, Combat Expertise, Sacred Weapon

Armor Proficiency, Light
Bonus Half Orc: Endurance
Bonus: Combat Expertise
Bonus: Swift Aid
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Armor Proficiency: Heavy
Shield Proficiency
Bonus: Weapon Focus: Shield Bash
Combat Reflexes


Acrobatics -4
Appraise +1
Climb -2
Craft (Untrained) +1
Diplomacy +6
Escape Artist -4
Fly -4
Heal +8
Knowledge (Religion) +9
Perception +10
Ride -4
Sense Motive +8
Stealth -4
Survival +4
Swim -2,

Spells, Blessings & Fervour:

Blessings used: 0/6
Blessings: Community, Good
Blessing powers: Community Aid, Holy Strike
Fervour used: 0/7
Warpriest (CL 6th):
2nd - cure moderate wounds (DC 16)x2 , hold person (DC 16) , remove paralysis (DC 16)
1st - Cure light wounds (DC15), divine favor (DC ) , sanctuary (DC 15) , shield of faith (DC 15) , stunning barrier
0th - Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic

Init +2
Senses Perception +10, Darkvision
Speed 20 ft.
Languages Common, Orcish, Celestail
Favoured Class: Warpriest
Favoured Class Bonuses: Extra Feat 6/6=1


Backpack containing
Case, Map or scroll
Flint and Steel
Ink (1oz. vial)
Mess Kit
Holy Water x 10
Shaving Kit
Signal Whistle


Belt Pouch (Contains 520gp, 19sp, 10cp)
heavy pick
shield, heavy steel +1
ring of protection +1
cloak of resistance +2
o-yoroi +1
vestments (cleric's)
holy symbol (tattoo)


Fate's Favored The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
Fools for Friends
Whenever you take the aid another action to help an ally, or whenever an ally aids you in this manner, a successful check grants an additional +1 trait bonus to the check for which aid was being rendered. Additionally, as long as one of your friends is within 30 feet, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.


Special Qualities Aura, Blessings, Bonus Feats, Bonus Languages, Channel Energy, Communal Aid, Darkvision, Fervor, Focus Weapon, Holy Strike, Orc Blood, Orisons, Sacred Tattoo, Shamans Apprentice, Spontaneous Casting, Weapon and Armor Proficiency, Weapon Familiarity,
Aura (Ex) A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity's alignment (see detect evil).
Blessings (Su) You can call upon the power of your blessings 6 times per day. The DC for these blessings is 17
Bodyguard Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies. When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an attack of opportunity to attempt the aid another action to improve your ally's AC. You may not use the aid another action to improve your ally's attack roll with this attack.
Bonus Feats At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a warpriest gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats. The warpriest must meet the prerequisites for these feats, but he treats his warpriest level as his base attack bonus (in addition to base attack bonuses gained from other classes and Hit Dice) for the purpose of qualifying for these feats. Finally, for the purposes of these feats, the warpriest can select feats that have a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite, treating his warpriest level as his fighter level.
Bonus Languages A warpriest's bonus language options include Abyssal, Celestial, and Infernal. These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
Channel Energy (Su) Starting at 4th level, a warpriest can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of his faith through his holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to deal or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. Using this ability is a standard action that expends two uses of his fervor ability and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The warpriest must present a holy (or unholy) symbol to use this ability. A good warpriest (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to heal living creatures or to deal damage to undead creatures. An evil cleric (or one who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or heal undead creatures. A neutral cleric who worships a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) channels positive energy if he chose to spontaneously cast cure spells or negative energy if he chose to spontaneously cast inflict spells. Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the warpriest. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to the amount listed in the fervor ability. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy must succeed at a Will saving throw to halve the damage. The save DC is 17. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total-all excess healing is lost. A warpriest can choose whether or not to include himself in this effect.
Combat Reflexes You can make additional attacks of opportunity. You may make 2 additional attacks of opportunity per round. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Communal Aid (Su) You can touch an ally and grant it the blessing of community. For the next minute, whenever that ally uses the aid another action, the bonus granted increases to +4. You can instead use this ability on yourself as a swift action.
Community Blessing
Darkvision (Ex) Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.
Fervor (Su) At 2nd level, a warpriest can draw upon the power of his faith to heal wounds or harm foes. He can also use this ability to quickly cast spells that aid in his struggles. This ability can be used 7 times per day. By expending one use of this ability, a good warpriest (or one who worships a good deity) can touch a creature to heal it of 2d6 points of damage. Using this ability is a standard action (unless the warpriest targets himself, in which case it's a swift action). Alternatively, the warpriest can use this ability to harm an undead creature, dealing the same amount of damage he would otherwise heal with a melee touch attack. Using fervor in this way is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. This counts as positive energy. An evil warpriest (or one who worships an evil deity) can use this ability to instead deal damage to living creatures with a melee touch attack and heal undead creatures with a touch. This counts as negative energy. A neutral warpriest who worships a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) uses this ability as a good warpriest if he chose to spontaneously cast cure spells or as an evil warpriest if he chose to spontaneously cast inflict spells. As a swift action, a warpriest can expend one use of this ability to cast any one warpriest spell he has prepared with a casting time of 1 round or shorter. When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way ignore somatic components and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The warpriest does not need to have a free hand to cast a spell in this way.
Focus Weapon At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat (he can choose any weapon, not just his deity's favored weapon).
Focus Weapon (Shieldbash)
Good Blessing
Holy Strike (Su) You can touch one weapon and bless it with the power of purity and goodness. For 1 minute, this weapon glows green, white, or yellow-gold and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against evil creatures. During this time, it's treated as good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn't stack with the additional damage from the holy weapon special ability.
Orc Blood (Ex) Half-orc count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orisons Warpriests can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day as noted on Table 1-14. These spells are cast as any other spell, but aren't expended when cast and can be used again.
Sacred Tattoo Tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification are sacred markings to many half-orcs. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.
Sacred Weapon (Su) Sacred weapons (including his deities favored weapon and all weapons with Weapon Focus) can do base 1d8 damage instead of the weapons normal base damage. At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them. Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is listed on Table D. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon's base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage-this must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon's base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn't apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage. Sacred weapon enhancement of +1 for 6 rounds per day. At 4th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance one of his sacred weapons with divine power as a swift action. This power grants the weapon a + enhancement bonus. If the warpriest has more than one sacred weapon, he can enhance another on the following round by using another swift action. The warpriest can use this ability rounds per day, but these rounds need not be consecutive. These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the weapon might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance a weapon with any of the following weapon special abilities: brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, and shock. In addition, if the warpriest is chaotic, he can add anarchic and vicious. If he is evil, he can add mighty cleaving and unholy. If he is good, he can add ghost touch and holy. If he is lawful, he can add axiomatic and merciful. If he is neutral (with no other alignment components), he can add spell storing and thundering. Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability's base cost (see Table 15-9 on page 469 of the Core Rulebook). Duplicate abilities do not stack. The weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added. If multiple weapons are enhanced, each one consumes rounds of use individually. The enhancement bonus and special abilities are determined the first time the ability is used each day, and cannot be changed until the next day. These bonuses do not apply if another creature is wielding the weapon, but they continue to be in effect if the weapon otherwise leaves the warpriest's possession (such as if the weapon is thrown). This ability can be ended as a free action at the start of the warpriest's turn (that round does not count against the total duration, unless the ability is resumed during the same round). If the warpriest uses this ability on a double weapon, the effects apply to only one end of the weapon.
Shamans Apprentice Only the most stalwart survive the years of harsh treatment that an apprenticeship to an orc shaman entails. Half-orcs with this trait gain Endurance as a bonus feat.
Spontaneous Casting A good warpriest (or a neutral warpriest of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that he did not prepare ahead of time. The warpriest can expend any prepared spell that isn't an orison to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower. A cure spell is any spell with "cure" in its name. An evil warpriest (or a neutral warpriest of an evil deity) can't convert spells to cure spells, but can convert them to inflict spells. An inflict spell is any spell with "inflict" in its name. A warpriest that is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil chooses whether he can convert spells into either cure spells or inflict spells. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. This choice also determines whether the warpriest channels
Swift Aid As a swift action, you can attempt the aid another action, granting your ally either a +1 bonus on his next attack roll or a +1 bonus to his AC.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency A warpriest is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as the favored weapon of his deity, and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields). If the warpriest worships a deity with unarmed strike as its favored weapon, the warpriest gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Weapon Familiarity (Ex) Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon.