bishop083 |
I am hoping someone can help me out, because I suspect my Google fu is weak. I am looking for a guide of some kind that covers the ranger's spell list. And before anyone starts hollering at me about it, I know about Treantmonk's guide, as well as Lastoth's archer guide and STR Ranger's TWF ranger guide. The problem is that Treantmonk covered core only, and the other two only covered a small selection of spells and choices that are good for the build they discuss in their guides. I have not seen a guide that covers all the spells a ranger has access to at this point, nor have I seen a guide that examines all the options a ranger has now that archetypes, new fighting styles, new feats, and new spells have been thrown into the mix.
So, what have we got?
Rub-Eta |
If it's not on this list, it's probably not worth reading.
Core is probably all you really need, almost all the best spells come from there, so Treantmonk's guide should be fine.
Alternatively, you can check guides for other classes with similar spell lists, like the Hunter. Just remember than it differs a bit, since the Ranger is a 4th level caster and not a 6th level or full caster.
bishop083 |
I checked the hunter guides, and neither covered spells. As for checking other guides, the issue is that because the ranger is a partial caster with few spells per day, the spells may have different ratings for a ranger than for someone else. It's similar to the paladin, except there are paladin guides that are new enough to cover spells past the CRB. Also, that does not address archetypes or the non core styles.
Kris Verschaeve |
Here is a little something I have been working on for rangers/hunters if you are looking for optimization
Be a dwarf. Do not trade away the defensive trait, but do trade a away the hatred to gobbos and orks for the trait that replaces it with a to hit bonus to giants (its in the standard racial alternatives).
Whatever you do max out favored enemy humanoid (giant).
Get a bane weapon / or bane weapons humanoid (giant) if going for two handed, they are the cheapest weapon enchantment that exists I'm told.
Level as you normally would but you want improved unarmed and earth child style before you hit level 10 (ranger) or level 8 (7 levels of hunter + 1 level of ranger).
You can cast instant enemy now. As from now against every enemy that matters you cast instant enemy and say it is a humamoid (giant)
Bonuses to hit (outside of BAB and strength and other normal feat
+1 racial 3 bane (1 that became 3) + 6 favored enemy= +10
Bonuse to damage (outside of normal feat and strength)= +6 favored enemy + 3 bane + 2d6 bane (=7)=+16
Bonuses to AC: +6 to AC, if you also take favored defense humanoid (giant) this would be another +3 at level 10 probably to difficult to fit in at 10 but you would want to have this at level 15 for a +5 I guess.
I don't see any reason why NOT to be a dwarf and max out on favored enemy giants on high level play seeing that instant enemy is swift cast that can't be resisted
bishop083 |
Kris, that is interesting (and amusing because I am currently playing through rise of the Runelords and almost went dwarf instead of human) but it does not address my question. Are you sure you are responding to the right thread?
Dastis, that is probably what I will have to do, but I won't be happy about it. I may eve have to resort to compiling that data together into a single reference document.
Which I could then share with everyone...
Dagnabbit!!! See what you made me do, Dastis?!?! Now I'm talking about creating my own ranger spell guide when I am not even remotely qualified to review the spells. And when am I going to do all that? I'm not in college anymore! I have a job, and rent payments, and limited free time that could be spent finishing FFXV or churning through my steam library!!! I don't have time for this stuff!!!
But in all seriousness, if I do go through that exercise, I will create a new thread in the advice section and link to that document.