One Handed in Two Hands

Rules Questions

Does a one handed weapon wielded in two hands still count as a one handed weapon for feats and class abilities (that don't specify it must be wielded in one hand)?

Silver Crusade

Possibly, what feats and abilities?

Rysky wrote:
Possibly, what feats and abilities?

Well the first one I was looking at was Panache.

Then I started looking at Precise Strike, which specifies "To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand" which I would assume would mean it cant hold the main weapon either, but I might aswell check while i'm asking about panache!

Silver Crusade

Yeah, those require your other hand to be free, so no two-handing.

Rysky wrote:
Yeah, those require your other hand to be free, so no two-handing.

I expected Precise Strike would require a free hand*, but panache as well? source?

(I do believe you, just wanting to check)

Edit: *The equivalent of a free hand.

Wouldn't you take a -4 or something?

Silver Crusade

SillyString wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Yeah, those require your other hand to be free, so no two-handing.

I expected Precise Strike would require a free hand, but panache as well? source?

(I do believe you, just wanting to check)

Panache is just a pool, the things you do with said pool usually require you to have your hand free.

Rysky wrote:
Panache is just a pool, the things you do with said pool usually require you to have your hand free.

Well, yes, I never said it wasn't a pool... but as far as I can see the only deed that requires (the equivalent of) a free hand is precise strike, hence why i'd like a source on panache requiring a free hand :)

Saraphali wrote:
Wouldn't you take a -4 or something?

I... Wait, why would I take a -4?

Silver Crusade

SillyString wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Panache is just a pool, the things you do with said pool usually require you to have your hand free.

Well, yes, I never said it wasn't a pool... but as far as I can see the only deed that requires (the equivalent of) a free hand is precise strike, hence why i'd like a source on panache requiring a free hand :)

Hmm, looking over the combat deeds you're correct, though you should stop saying "panache requires a free hand" since panache isn't something you do.

Rysky wrote:
SillyString wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Panache is just a pool, the things you do with said pool usually require you to have your hand free.

Well, yes, I never said it wasn't a pool... but as far as I can see the only deed that requires (the equivalent of) a free hand is precise strike, hence why i'd like a source on panache requiring a free hand :)

Hmm, looking over the combat deeds you're correct, though you should stop saying "panache requires a free hand" since panache isn't something you do.

Ah of course, what I mean is would the "Each time the swashbuckler confirms a critical hit with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, she regains 1 panache point." part of Panache function while wielding a one-handed weapon with both hands? Or would that re-classify it as a two-handed weapon, thus voiding that aspect of panache?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Well the panache class feature includes the way you regain panache points, and that is by scoring a critical hit or reducing an opponent to 0 hp or less with a light or one-handed piercing weapon – which is something you do.

You can indeed question if "one-handed weapon" would include a weapon wielded in two hands. I would say yes, since some rules, such as for Power Attack, explicitly refer to both "two-handed weapon" and "one handed weapon using two hands" separately.

"One-handed weapons" and "two-handed weapons" are weapon weight classes. Think of them as "medium weapons" and "heavy weapons". A "medium weapon" doesn't become a "heavy weapon" when you wield it with both hands.

Snazzy, thanks for the clarification, I assumed a one-handed wielded in two hands would still be a "one-handed". Interesting to note that swashbucklers could get 1-1/2 str (and increased power attack) and still be able to regain panache, shame they lose out on precise strike, but I expected as much.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Are there any useful one-handed piercing weapons that can be wielded in two hands?

Silver Crusade


Estoc falls under Bastard Sword rules.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think the rapier explicitly cannot be wielded two-handedly.

Silver Crusade

Where does it say that?

EDIT: Ah! never noticed that drawback in the weapon description before >_<

Rapier description: "You can't wield a rapier in two hands in order to apply 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus to damage."

I don't know whether this is intended to mean you can't use it in two hands, or just that you don't do more damage when you do.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

It's difficult to get two hand into that basket :)

The estoc doesn't work in two hands for the swashbuckler, because it says "When you wield an estoc with one hand, treat it as a one-handed weapon; when you wield an estoc with two hands, treat it as a two-handed weapon"

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I saw that after posting the question.


Really messes with one of my characters.

Silver Crusade

Zaister wrote:

It's difficult to get two hand into that basket :)

The estoc doesn't work in two hands for the swashbuckler, because it says "When you wield an estoc with one hand, treat it as a one-handed weapon; when you wield an estoc with two hands, treat it as a two-handed weapon"

I always imagined it as one hand on the grip and the other palming the butt and pushing when you thrust.

And ah.

Silver Crusade

Heavy Pick time!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Oh, nice critting there.

Silver Crusade


morning star

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The rapier is a finesse weapon that is bigger than a normal Light weapon, hence the restriction. Think of it as a hybrid, like the Bastard sword for one handed/two handed thing.

The weapon counts as it is being wielded for effects that require it, like power attack, str mod damage and the like. I think the right conclusion has been proffered, it is still a One Handed weapon designation despite being wielded with two hands, so Panache would trigger its renewals for the particulars for using the One Handed (Medium, as Mathew had paralleled the armor qualities) weapon.

Silver Crusade

Zaister wrote:
Are there any useful one-handed piercing weapons that can be wielded in two hands?


Heavy Pick
Spiked Sheild

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