Arimar |
Male LG Aasimar Paladin 5 / Expert (Swindler) 1 | HP: 51/61 | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 22 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +11 (& resistances) | Init: +1 | Perc: +7 (darkvision), SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil: 0/2, Lay on Hands: 3/6, Divine Bond: 0/1 | Action points: 12, Reroll: 1/1 | Active conditions: Smite evil, divine bond (keen).
Ability score generation below!
Method I: Roll 4d6 6 times, adding the best 3 results. Arrange as desired.
Method II: Roll 3d6 12 times, take the best 6 scores. Arrange as desired.
Method III: Roll 3d6 6 times for each ability, in order (so roll 3d6 36 times, 6 times each for STR, INT, WIS, DEX, CON & CHA in that order). Take the best roll of each of the 6 rolls.