RIP Carrie Fisher: Star Wars Royalty Passes at 60


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One of many sources for this.

I really want this year over with.

Liberty's Edge

She's one with the force now

RIP. :(

Scarab Sages

Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher I hope the next one will be 2016 itself.

Silver Crusade

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:( :( :(
I am very sad now.

Dark Archive

That sucks

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Curse you Death!


Dark Archive

Sad news indeed.

A true star among the stars.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Charming, to the last.

RIP Carrie Fisher.

2016 claims another. Be well, Carrie.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I thought she was in stable condition?!?!

EDIT: GD it so much. I hate you, 2016.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Merged and renamed threads.

Just. No. :(

My mother is a retired LPN. She said that Heart attack patients often rally before they pass away.

Sovereign Court

Sad to hear this she was still young :(

2016 you're a real P.O.S.

Horizon Hunters

I... am... at a loss of words for this. Rest in Peace, Carrie, and I really, really want things to start looking up for next year for those of us that remain.

Sovereign Court

I was really hoping she was going to recover. Today is a sad day for the Rebellion and us all. :(

2016, why are you not done yet?

Well that sucks.

May she rest peacefully. May she be one with the force.

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Damn, I'm crying more than when Bowie passed. R.I.P. Ms. Fisher.

I'm just utterly heartbroken. Such a horrible year. :(

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I feel this one particurlarly personally since she was less than four years older than me.

The Exchange

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This is truly a shame. But the force was strong with her, so I hope to see her next time, when I dance with my Jedi Kids around the campfire.

I hope she sleeps well.

yeah, seriously 2016 has been a crap year. Here's hoping 2017 will be a better one.

andygal wrote:
yeah, seriously 2016 has been a crap year. Here's hoping 2017 will be a beter one.

It would have to make a major effort to be worse.

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Silver Crusade

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This about sums up a lot of people's feelings.

Shadow Lodge

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
andygal wrote:
yeah, seriously 2016 has been a crap year. Here's hoping 2017 will be a beter one.
It would have to make a major effort to be worse.

That's what they said about 1914. Then they had 1915. Or less dramatically 1967 to 1968. I hate to say it, it feels that way to me.

Seriously, I hope we don't say the people who died in 2016 got lucky.

More seriously, you were part of something that changed my life Carrie Fisher. Thank-you, and RIP.

Silver Crusade

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Just saw a post that brought me a little bit of solace.

"She is now more powerful than we can possibly imagine."

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Man, 2016 is like the serial killer that JUST KEEPS ON KILLING.
Too many deaths made me tear up this year alone. TOO MANY.

I wore my STAR WARS hoodie that I bought last year in the theater when I saw TFA. It was $60. I normally dont pay $60 for a hoodie but it had all of the movies with their corresponding release dates on the back in the form of the opening crawl so...

I put that hoodie one this morning because it was 57 something degrees here in NY and also I had her on the brain since her heart attack. Mostly "Thank God we didnt lose her". Mostly my 6 year old self wouldnt have been able to take it.

My friend who works in the news texted me just before it broke and I seriously wanted to cry. I almost cried when Bowie's news broke and I DID cry when Prince's news broke.

But this?

She's one with the Force now I guess.

But man what a loss for the rest of us.

This just made my day very, very sad...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

She is one with the Force. The Force is with her.

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Let's just say that after what I read in the previous round of articles, that she was given CPR for a long, long time... there are worse things than dying. Stuff I wouldn't wish on anybody.

You were a brave, brave person, Carrie. You gave us all something that will last. You saw clearer than so many others, and you told us what you saw. And for sharing the truth about your bipolar disorder, you are a hero to me and to so many others.

Rest in peace.

May the Force be with you, Princess Leia. RIP, Carrie Fisher.

I officially hate 2016 - we have lost far too many much-loved celebrities this year. (Plus, on a personal level, one near family member suffered a stroke.)

RIP :(

Apparently she was talented at fixing up bad movie scripts.

One of the big 3 and the first to go :-(

RIP Carrie.

Gah!!!! *rage depression mode* This SUCKS!!! Damn you 2016!!! Burn in the bowels of...burning things!!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For the first time in years, I am staying up until midnight on New Years' Eve.

After this year's carnival of death (to say nothing of politics and a personal financial ride that was downright ruinous), I'm going to make sure it doesn't let the door hit its rear on the way out.

Thanks for everything, Ms. Fisher. 60 is too damned young.

Pharasma been greedy this year.

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While I'm tempted to go to bed now and not get up until 2016 is dead and gone.

Dark Archive

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Princess Leia's Theme (link)


I always tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.

- Carrie Fisher

... Charming to the last.

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Star wars fans: "We love you!"

Carrie Fisher: "I know"

Dark Archive

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:


... Charming to the last.

The Day I Met a Princess: A fan's Carrie story.

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Interview from November indicates she went out pretty happy.

Carrie Fisher on LSD, Death and Sex With Han Solo

Liberty's Edge

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"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."
- Carrie Fisher

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Carrie Fisher was an amazing person, not just an amazing actor. She shared so much of herself, the good, the bad, and the cuttingly hilarious.

She wrote about her struggles with mental illness and alcohol, all the while, her famous character Princess Leia taught several generations of girls that princesses can kick ass and shoot blasters with the best of them.

She will be missed...


The Exchange

Seconded, GM Beenorg.

I'm not very good at expressing myself and my feelings. Princess Leia was one of the few princesses of that era that didn't just sit there and wait for their prince charming to rescue them.

She showed us that girls can be leaders and kick @ss. We don't need to wait for guys to make things happen...

Thank you, Carrie.

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