Need One Replacement For Carrion Crown (Book 5)!


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Gimme the lowdown.

he also casts magic via draconic arcane phrases (I will be fluffling them myself, and use them in game)

Grand Lodge

One fast question. Which type of ranged characters do you prefer us to submit e.g long range, mid range or short range?

Another strange request: Would you consider allowing a Gravity Slime Master, from DSP's Steelforge: Book 1 supplement? I'd like to pursue said prestige class from the Psion class, hopefully specializing in a bit of Crowd Control and just generally helpful stuff.

Yas392 wrote:
One fast question. Which type of ranged characters do you prefer us to submit e.g long range, mid range or short range?

Longer than Whip Reach. A Thrown user would be fine, for instance.

Árpád Domonkos wrote:
Another strange request: Would you consider allowing a Gravity Slime Master, from DSP's Steelforge: Book 1 supplement? I'd like to pursue said prestige class from the Psion class, hopefully specializing in a bit of Crowd Control and just generally helpful stuff.

I don't have that book and it's not on the SRD, so unfortunately no.

Aww, that's a shame. I'll try and figure something out, perhaps a Phoenix Champion or some other path of war prestige.

Grand Lodge

I forgot this in my last post. Can we use any campaign traits or is it only carrion crown ones?

No Campaign Traits for you, at least not for CC. People being connected to Lorrimor started being too much of a stretch a while back. Nobody in the party ever knew the guy.

If you see a Campaign Trait from another game you want, run it by me and I might allow it.

Have a Blessed Christmas folks. Lots of things happening in the morning. Hope to get a character background out. Will use the 10min one =^^=


Male Elf Wizard 11
N Medium Humanoid
Init +9; Senses Perception +15
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12(+0 armor, +3 dex, +2 shield)
hp 82 (11d6+33)
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +12
Speed 30 ft.



Str 08, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 26, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +0; CMD 10
TraitsSeeker, Elven Reflexes
1- Spell focus (Necromancy), Improved Initiative
3- Spell focus (evocation)
5- Spell Penetration, Arcane Discovery (Quick Study)
7- Arcane Discovery (Creative Destruction)
9- Greater Spell Penetration
10- Arcane Discovery (Opposition school)
11- Great fortitude

Skills ( 110 points; 2 class, 8 INT)
Perception: 11
Know. Arcana: 10
Know. Planes: 10
Know. Religion: 10
Know. Dungeoneering: 5
Know. history: 5
Know. Local: 5
know. Nobility: 5
Know. Nature: 5
Spellcraft: 11
Appraise: 5
Fly: 7
Acrobatics: 7
Stealth: 5
Linguistics: 2
Sense Motive: 7

ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, Draconic,

School: Necromancy
Opposition School: Abjuration

Detect Magic (ociur arcaniss), (O-ke-iur Ar-ca-nis)
Read Magic (vucot arcaniss), (Vu-cot)
Ghost Sound: (Ulthro Val Ielimar) (Ul-throw, V-all Eh-le-mar)
Mage Hand (hewa cha'sid Alar),(Hea-wa Cha-siid, Ah-lar)

1st Level: 6+1/day
Mage Armor-1 (hewa litrix troth vei), (hea-wa Lee-twrix Tro-th V-I)
Magic Missile-2 (arcaniss nil'gnos nar),( Nil-G-nos Nar)
Color Spray - (ingis di throden spraev),(In-gis, throw-den spra-vv)
Cause Fear - (school spell) (I'gra di ve malien), (Mehleen)
Enlarge Person-1 (sizz di darastrix), (siz dii Da-Ra-Strix)
Grease- (Vehafor dier Greiss),(Zur-baan Grea-ice)
Gravity Bow - (Graeven Vaax Alah), (Grae-ven Vax A-laah)
Disguise Self-1 (Ashar di Malor), (A-shar di Ma-lore)
Feather Fall- 1 (nasir wielg)
celestial healing-1 (tor irisv)

2nd Level: 6+1/day 6known+
Create Pit- 2 (Kaden hexlith)
Scorching Ray-1 (I'gnis nar)
Invisibility- 1 (ryit mitne)
Darkvision (Zala Krivim Tola)
Communal protection from evil-1 (mekihl seanf masvir)
Web- (lorit krivim Balor)
Command Undead-1 (meage kaegro) (school Spell)

3rd Level: 6+1/day 4known+ 2bought
Fireball -2 (Ignis Sha Alor)
Stinking Cloud- (Jimva La Kaden)
Spiked Pit-1 (chanon cayosin lor)
Daylight- (mitne di wer siksta)
Fly- 1 (Viap)
Halt Undead- (pok kaegro la)
Haste-1 (temep qeelak kor)
Dispel magic (leor tija)

4th Level: 5+1/day 4known+ 5bought (960)
Bestow Curse -1 (majak chikohk) (school Spell)
Greater invisibility- 1 (jennuilt ryit mitne)
Black Tentacles-1 (vutha jira mar)
Flesh Puppet (rihlilg yolat)
Animate Dead (veha loex)
Greater Celestial healing (jennuilt tor irisv)
Stone Skin-1 (tonash molik)
Acid Pit-1 (vecal reskfar)
Stone Shape (slemon tonash)

5th level: 3+1/day 4known=
Teleport-1 (oium ma valar))
Lightning Arc-1 (shochraos arc nar)
Suffocation- (clax thrae trek) (school Spell)
Magic Jar-1(tija mircahran))
Hungry Pit (reskafar nugri)
Ghoul Army
Elemental Body II (mamiss relgim thrae)
Wall of Stone-1 (das di ternes)
Telekinesis (kinalar Mindaria)/ (Kinalar Mindaria Zor)

6th level: 2+1/day 2known+
Telepathy (ricin tsir)
Death to Undeath-1 (svent kaegro la)
Flesh to Stone (yolat ekess ternes)
Create Undead-1 (vehafor kaegro) (school spell)
Chain lightning-1 (shochraos ganim nar)

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Arms and Armor:

Magic Items: Ring of force Shield (8k), Ring of Sustenance, Pearl of Power I x3 (3k), Headband of Intellect +4 (16k), Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 (4k), Cloak of resistance +3 (9k), metamagic rod Empower (lesser) (9k), Persistent Metamagic Rod(lesser) (9k), pearl of power II x1 (3k), Pearl of Power III x2 (18k)

Money 0 GP 0 SP 0 CP


He stumbled upon a grimiore of the Dark Arts and saw the power it held within. Power enough to possibly gain his revenge. So began his studies. To him, necromancy isn't just about what many make it to be, the raising of dead and binding of souls or even the eventual process of turning oneself into one of the dead. Honestly the idea of the later disgusts Variel. Variel sees the necromantic arts as more of the controlling and manipulation of life energy. The same way Evocation wizards bend and control the elements, or like conjurers and transmuters manipulate and bend the physical world to their desires, so too does a necromancer bend and control the very energies of life(or unlife).

The power gained from the Dark arts is no more or less evil than the others, it is but a tool. A potent tool in which he sees the chance to not only gain his vengeance, but do it in a bit of irony. He sees undead to as a tool, to be used at the appropriate time and place. His studies have allowed him to pursue his goals, and has allowed him to gain more than his ample share of gold. However he still seeks to avenge his family, and having heard of a band of adventurers pursuing the way, or, at least pursuing them in a sense he sees the chance to potentially make good on the vow he promised his family many years ago.

Variel Has his own goals outside of Revenge however , they are-
1. Immortality, Variel seeks immortality, or, at least immunity to aging. However he seeks this in a way that maintains his... life energy and keeps it from becoming corrupted. (in other words, not being undead, however he does study the powers behind undead beings in hopes of finding loopholes in the magic. Or possibly a way he can go about it without causing the corruption. he wants to live life forever, not live a half-life forever.)

2. magical artifacts, He has a penchant of collecting things, particularly if they are potent magic items or implements whether cursed or not. He may not use them all, but he enjoys having them. Besides, he sees his having any cursed items as a way to keep them from causing more harm.

3. Renown. He wants to restore his families name, potentially to even greater peaks than it was at his families peak. He would like to live well enough so that he may pursue his studies without the need of keeping up a merchant/adventurers life.

note on alignment- While he isn't a "for the greater good" type, he figures if he can improved someone else's lot while attaining his own goals then he will follow that. He doesn't seek to harm anyone that he believes does not deserve it and while he won't willingly sacrifice someone he sees as innocent to attain his goals. He will happily let harm come to someone he believes "deserves it" in those pursuits. He also despises anyone associated with the whispering way, or the noble family that now stands in place of his own. He isn't above an amount of torture to these people and is capable of some pretty... bad things, especially if on his own. So, while he isn't bad, he isn't particularly good. The way it would be is if someone stopped him, he wouldn't be happy about it but as long as they paid, horribly, in some way. He wouldn't put up much of a fuss. He isn't keen on second chances, but doesn't deny the possibility that people might change, however unlikely it is.

Appearance and Personality:

He is flawed, as most people are, but would rather good over evil on the whole. He wouldn't kill an innocent hostage to get at someone he hated. However once he got the person that attempted to use an innocent as a hostage against him. Well. Sucks for that guy. He is far from a bad man. But he has his failings, enough of which I feel could counter his overall "good" leaning. Failings I think add to the character.

Despite what one would think from his magic of choice, Variel quite enjoys the sensations of life. He often feels emotions more keenly due to his deeper connection to the energy of life.

Appearance of Variel

Heres a fairly finished re-submission.

I had an idea about a cleric of Sarenea, buuuuut I was unsure. It would likely be stronger overall, but a lot more focused on "healing/support". And his damage would come from channels. I'd rather play the wizard though.

Grand Lodge

OK, I'd like to submit this guy; he's still a work in progress, but essentially he's a blaster mage, capable of casting an Intensified, Empowered Fireball for an average of (15d6+15)*1.5+6=(67.5*1.5)+6=107 points damage. He has high Initiative so as to get the first shot off, and when that fails he uses a rod of Selective Spells to avoid hitting his allies. The aim is to take care of the mooks so that the rest of the party can concentrate on the BBEG.

Alright, last one before I just make a simple Psion or Marksman/Phoenix Champ: Akasin-Philosophy Guru, using a Longbow to cleanse the impure in a flash of "divinely" inspired light? I don't mean to be such a pain, I just really want to try something different.

I don't have the Guru either. If you can provide the text I'll consider it.

Silver Crusade

One thing I want to make very clear. Whatever person is chosen/joins or those still creating characters, don't be afraid to have flaws. However, make sure you are able to contribute in a multitude of ways while working with the group as well as possibly being alone.

The reason I mention this is that the adventure path as a whole seems quite good at picking off one or two people if you are not prepared or unlucky, sometimes the situation being bad enough to cause resurrection troublesome. Another is specialized enemies that could invalidate or terminate your character. An example being our prodigal Sledge against flying creatures until recently ( And still for any mobile flyer )

While Darius similarly is melee focused in no way is his other options neglected. He still has capability in everything but speaking to people.

As for other such things, I will note that Darius does not consider Necromancy (Specifically Raised Undead) in any form as permissible. CURRENTLY, he is... dealing with a situation as to best bring justice, no more, no less.

The small things I have seen and can comment,

@ Glorfinel: Your HP is even lower than Jones, very recently if such a wizard had join the party he would have died before being able to do anything. And that after making some saves. Might want to fix that.

@ lizardwizard: Mindsets will clash especially considering the savvyness of some of the characters, otherwise the sheet appears correct.

@ Kineticists : Seems some people have 5th level abilities and whatnot when they shouldnt.

@ Xexik: Mechanically, pretty fine, just going to have to see a background also... What does the Paladin do when he cant be mounted? There have been ALOT of dungeoncrawling.

oops, I think I am going to need to re-shimmy some points in his charisma. it seems I forgot to do that... >.>, also will likely refigure some purchases.

And I can assure you, Variel wouldn't be summoning/raising undead left right and center. He normally would prefer to take control of existing undead and use them against the enemies. He would only actively create his own when he had to and the situation seemed rather dire. He would then "release" his after there task as complete. If I had to pick an alignment other than neutral, I would honestly say this guy was more good than evil overall. Like, if someone had an innocent hostage, and Variel really hated the guy, he still wouldn't strike at the man unless he knew the hostage would be safe unless /perhaps/ he and his group were almost to the point of actual death. Even then he might just opt to retreat and regroup instead.

Will get story/background up later today

On the question of being mounted. He is small. His mount medium. So still possible ro be mounted in caves etc. He is ranged so even if he cant be ontop of his mount. He can still be useful with his desegnating bow =^^=

Sundakan wrote:
I don't have the Guru either. If you can provide the text I'll consider it.

Sent a pair of PMs concerning the guru, belatedly.


Male aasimar Cleric 11
N Medium Humanoid
Alternate Racial Traits: +1/2 damage dealt with channel vs Undead
Init +3; Senses Perception +0
AC: 28, touch 13, flat-footed 25(+12 armor, +3 dex, +3 shield)
hp: 92(11d8+33)
Fort +12,
Ref +8,
Will +15
Speed 30 ft.



Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +8; CMB +0; CMD 10
Traits Magical Lineage Burning Disarm,
1- Scribe scroll, Extra Channel
3- Extra Channel
5- Extend Spell
7- Intensify Spell
9- Improved Channel
11- Quicken Channel
Skills (0 points; 2 class, 0 INT )
ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, Celestial,

Domains: Sun, Glory(Honor)


1st Level: 6+1/day
shield of faith- domain slot
Burning Disarm- 3
Sanctuary- 1
Hide from Undead-1

2nd Level: 5+1/day
bless weapon- domain slot
Communal protection from evil-1
Remove paralysis-1
Shield Other-1
Spiritual Weapon-1

3rd Level: 5+1/day
searing light- domain slot
Symbol of Healing- 1
Searing Light- 1
Resist Energy-1
Dispel Magic-1
Open- 1

4th Level: 4+1/day
holy smite- domain slot
Greater Celestial Healing- 1
Freedom of Movemet-1
Divine power-1
Crusader's Edge-1

5th level: 3+1/day
flame strike- domain slot
Breath of Life- 1

6th level: 2+1/day
undeath to death- domain slot

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Arms and Armor: Celestial Armor(plate) (25k), +1 heavy steel shield(1k)

Magic Items: cloak of resistance +3 (9k), Phylactery of Positive channeling (11k), Belt pf Physical Might +2/+2(10k), pearl of power I x2(2k), pearl of power III x1 (9k)

Money 0 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Special Abilities/Domain powers
Channel: 8d6, 10/day (8d6+16 to harm Undead, DC:20 will save no channel Resistance

Sun's Blessing (Su):
Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.

Nimbus of Light (Su):
At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot nimbus of light for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. This acts as a daylight spell. In addition, undead within this radius take an amount of damage equal to your cleric level each round that they remain inside the nimbus. Spells and spell-like abilities with the darkness descriptor are automatically dispelled if brought inside this nimbus. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—heat metal, 3rd—searing light, 4th—fire shield, 5th—flame strike, 6th—fire seeds, 7th—sunbeam, 8th—sunburst, 9th—prismatic sphere.

Granted Powers: You are infused with the glory of the divine, and are a true foe of the undead. In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2.

Honor Bound (Su):
With a touch, you can remind a creature of its duties and responsibilities, granting it a new saving throw against each enchantment (charm) or enchantment (compulsion) effect that currently affects it. If the saving throw is successful, the enchantment effect is ended. This power only affects effects that allow a save. If you fail a save against such an effect, you can use this ability as an immediate action to grant yourself an additional save. Once the target (either you or a touched creature) has made one additional save per effect, this ability has no further effect on that particular enchantment effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Divine Presence (Su):
At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of divine presence for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. All allies within this aura are treated as if under the effects of a sanctuary spell with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is a standard action. If an ally leaves the area or makes an attack, the effect ends for that ally. If you make an attack, the effect ends for you and your allies.

Domain Spells: 1st—shield of faith, 2nd—bless weapon, 3rd—searing light, 4th—holy smite, 5th—righteous might, 6th—undeath to death, 7th—holy sword, 8th—holy aura, 9th—gate.


Appearance and Personality:

However, if the party would rather not enjoy the morale quandary of Variel and having a necromancer that wants to hunt down and destroy other, evil necromancers, I could play this bloke. It would honestly be my second choice, not a terribly far behind 2nd choice, but one with possibly less room for real character advancement. Not sure how I would work the backstory. Likely something similar. Probably have him at an inner struggle with his growing hatred of the whispering way that has resurfaced recently that he put behind him once he joined the Temple. A much more "good" character I suppose. support/healing/secondary blast damage.

I'll let you and your players decide which you would rather me submit. While I think the necromancer would add some fun dynamic and possibly moral questions to the group, if you and your players don't want that I wouldn't want to impose it :/

Working on a Dwarf Cleric 3/ Warder Ordained Hawkguard 4/ Battle Templar 4

He'll provide Divine casting, Archery, and healing out of combat with channels and some spells. In combat healing with Silver Crane Maneuvers.

and Debuffing with Armigers Mark.

Grymm BoulderShot

Here's my character. He is a ranged skirmisher with tons of damage in one strike.

Actually. If you'd allow the student of necromancy I may change the class to arcanist

Background (And goblin verse):

Xexik “The Not So Dull”

Step 1:
A bright green goblin. Platinum eyes adn lots of sharp teeth. And a mouth almost too large for his head. Raised away from other goblins. Under a remote church or Aspu.
He usually listen carefully to all that was going on above him. And soon was entralled by the words he heard. Eventually he made himself known by mimicking what he heard infront of the altar one evening. At first he was almost killed. But due to how he made himself known he was tolirated at first. Untill he was accepted into the church
He soon showed great feath, and understanding. Even blessed with the powers of the great Aspu himself
He has great talent with a bow. Lots of kick in a small, very vicious looking body

Step 2:
He wants grow in respect to his drake companion and to those of true dragons. He wants to show his devotion to Aspu
Befriend a true dragon

Step 3:
He is originally from Sandpoint before his small family group left

Step 4:
Besides his Drake, only his close family is friendly toward him. Or more in the way “tolerant”
His own tribe has branded him and his family as traitors and no longer “goblins”

Step 5:
Hours listening to the cermons and hyms that were sung about Aspu
The night he went top side and the chaos it caused.
The day he met Adara, his drake. What a great and terrifying day it was

Sing sing sing
Stuff and stuff they bring
Shuffle shuffle goes the feet
All across the busy street

Shouts and screams
Xexik was it cause it seems
Throw the goblin
Throw the spear
Make the goblin ded
Make the goblin bleed

Endoralis wrote:

@ Glorfinel: Your HP is even lower than Jones, very recently if such a wizard had join the party he would have died before being able to do anything. And that after making some saves. Might want to fix that.

Yeah, I was thinking that. I can swap my Dex and Con, but with -2 from being an Elf it will only increase HP by 22hp. I can also buy a belt of Con+2 (I think I have enough left, otherwise I might have to downgrade to a headband of INT+2).

I would lose 3 off my Reflex, 3 off Initiative :( and 3 off AC, but the extra 33hp could be a life saver. He has a number of defensive abilities, from Dimensional slide (a.k.a. get out of dodge without incurring an AoO) to spells that boost defense (Improved Invisibility, mirror image, etc.) so hopefully the lower AC and Reflex save won't be noticed. I will miss the Initiative, though.

Alternatively I could drop 2 points of Int (so start with 16+2 for Elf+4 for Headband+2 level-ups = 24) which will get me plenty of extra build points for some Con without sacrificing too much Dex. I'll have a think after Christmas.

Merry Christmas everybody.

"Only 22 HP"?

That's hardly a slim margin.

If I start with scribe scroll, can I assume I made my own scrolls of the spells I know?


I should probably note that Perdix doesn't have his spell list finished up since it would be a good idea to work that out with the party based on needs and fighting style.


Male human arcanist(twilight Sage) 11
N Medium Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Perception +15
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14(+4armor, +1 dex, +0shield)
hp 94(11d6+44)
Fort+10, Ref +8, Will +12
Speed 30 ft.



Str 08, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 20
Base Atk +8; CMB +0; CMD 10
TraitsSeeker, Elven Reflexes
1- Scribe Scroll, Extra Exploit
3- Extra Exploit
5- Spell Penetration
7- Extra arcane reservoir
9- Greater Spell Penetration
11- Extra Exploit

Skills ( 110 points; 2 class, 8 INT)
Perception: 11
Know. Arcana: 10
Know. Planes: 10
Know. Religion: 10
Know. Dungeoneering: 5
Know. history: 5
Know. Local: 5
know. Nobility: 5
Know. Nature: 5
Spellcraft: 11
Appraise: 5
Fly: 7
Acrobatics: 7
Stealth: 5
Linguistics: 2
Sense Motive: 7

ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Elven,


Detect Magic (ociur arcaniss), (O-ke-iur Ar-ca-nis)
Read Magic (vucot arcaniss), (Vu-cot)
Ghost Sound: (Ulthro Val Ielimar) (Ul-throw, V-all Eh-le-mar)
Mage Hand (hewa cha'sid Alar),(Hea-wa Cha-siid, Ah-lar)

1st Level: 6/day
Mage Armor- (hewa litrix troth vei), (hea-wa Lee-twrix Tro-th V-I)-prepared
Shield - Prepared
Magic Missile-(arcaniss nil'gnos nar),( Nil-G-nos Nar)-prepared
Color Spray - (ingis di throden spraev),(In-gis, throw-den spra-vv)
Cause Fear - (school spell) (I'gra di ve malien), (Mehleen)
Enlarge Person- (sizz di darastrix), (siz dii Da-Ra-Strix) -prepared
Grease- (Vehafor dier Greiss),(Zur-baan Grea-ice)- prepared
Gravity Bow - (Graeven Vaax Alah), (Grae-ven Vax A-laah)
Disguise Self- (Ashar di Malor), (A-shar di Ma-lore) -prepared
Feather Fall- (nasir wielg)-Prepared
celestial healing- (tor irisv)

2nd Level: 6/day 7 prepared
Create Pit- (Kaden hexlith)- prepared
Scorching Ray- (I'gnis nar)
Invisibility- (ryit mitne) - prepared
Darkvision (Zala Krivim Tola)
Communal protection from evil-1 (mekihl seanf masvir) -prepared
Web- (lorit krivim Balor)- prepared
Command Undead- (meage kaegro) - prepared
Unnatural Lust
Detect Thoughts -prepared

3rd Level: 6/day 7 prepared
Fireball - (Ignis Sha Alor)-prepared
Stinking Cloud- (Jimva La Kaden)
Spiked Pit-(chanon cayosin lor)-prepared
Daylight- (mitne di wer siksta)
Fly- (Viap)-prepared
Halt Undead- (pok kaegro la) -prepared
Haste- (temep qeelak kor)-prepared
Dispel magic (leor tija) - Prepared
Communal Resist Energy - Prepared
Seek Thoughts
Appearance of Life
Anthromorphic Animal

4th Level: 5/day 5 prepared
Bestow Curse -1 (majak chikohk)
Greater invisibility- 1 (jennuilt ryit mitne)- prepared
Black Tentacles- (vutha jira mar)- prepared
Flesh Puppet (rihlilg yolat)
Animate Dead (veha loex) - prepared
Shadow Projection- Prepared
Greater Celestial healing (jennuilt tor irisv)- prepared
Stone Skin- (tonash molik)
Acid Pit- (vecal reskfar)
Stone Shape (slemon tonash)

5th level: 4/day 2 prepared
Teleport- (oium ma valar)-
Trace Teleport
Wall of Force (das jedark)
Lightning Arc- (shochraos arc nar)prepared
Suffocation- (clax thrae trek)
Magic Jar-(tija mircahran)- Prepared
Elemental Body II (mamiss relgim thrae)
Telekinesis (kinalar Mindaria)/ (Kinalar Mindaria Zor)

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Arms and Armor:

Magic Items: Ring of Sustenance, Pearl of Power I x2 (2k), Headband of mental prowess +4/+4 (36k), Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 (4k), Cloak of resistance +3 (9k), metamagic rod Empower (lesser) (9k), pearl of power II x1 (3k), Pearl of power III x1 (9k), bag of Holding

Scrolls/wands/potions: Scroll of Break enchantment x3 (2475), Scroll of teleport x4 (3k), Scroll of Trace Teleport x2 (1.6k), scroll of daylight x9 (2k), Scroll of Tongues x9(2k), Scroll of Passwall x3 (1k), Scroll of Overland Flight x1(700) Scroll of Arcane Sight x4 (1.5k) Illusory Script x3 (1k), Scroll of Fly x6 (1k), Anthromorphic Animal x6 (1k)

Exploits/Special Abilities : DC: 20
Arcane reservoir: 12
1- Arcane barrier, Flame Arc (6d6+5)
3- Potent magic, School Understanding (necromancy)
5- Quick Study
7- Consume Magic item,
9- Counterspell
11- Dimensional Slide

Consume Spells (Su)

At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir's maximum are lost

Consume Life (Su)

By wresting a soul from life to death, a twilight sage gains a slightly deeper understanding of mortality, fueling her curiosity and eldritch power. As a full-round action, she can consume the life energy of a helpless living creature, killing it.

This creature must have 2 or more Hit Dice and be below 0 hit points. The twilight sage adds 2 points to her arcane reservoir if the creature's Hit Dice equaled or exceeded the sage's character level, or 1 point if the creature's Hit Dice equaled at least 1/2 her character level.

This ability is a death effect.

This ability replaces consume spells.

Necromantic Focus (Ex)

Twilight sages consider their research into life and death to be paramount, beyond all other concerns. Each day, a twilight sage must prepare at least one necromancy spell of each spell level she can cast.

Twilight Barrier (Ex)

A twilight sage's arcane barrier differs from those of other arcanists, as it draws upon both negative and positive energy to protect the sage. At 1st level, a twilight sage must choose the arcane barrier exploit as her first arcanist exploit. Whenever an attack removes the last temporary hit point from the twilight sage's arcane barrier, the barrier's negative energy lashes back at the attacker, dealing an amount of negative energy damage equal to the barrier's maximum temporary hit point capacity.

This ability alters the arcanist exploit gained at 1st level.

Twilight Transfer (Su):

At 11th level, a twilight sage's mastery over life and death allows her to transfer life energy into a fading vessel. Once per day, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir while touching a creature that died within the past round to affect that creature as if it had received a breath of life spell, using her arcanist level as the caster level. At the same time, a willing or unconscious living creature within 300 feet that has a number of Hit Dice equal to or greater than the recipient's instantly dies. This ability is a death effect, and if the victim doesn't actually die (such as if it was summoned or is immune to death effects), the recipient doesn't receive the breath of life effect.

Okay, so here is Variel, re-hashed with a bit less undead raising, and honestly more flavor IMO.

Sundakan, I know which one way my home game rules it, but... Do you read Shape Veil to add 1 to a Veilshaper's known veils, or just add the shaped veil to the list of those available? Obviously, I'd prefer one over the other, but I can see both as somewhat reasonable. The 3.5e feat it's based on simply added the ability to shape on top of whatever class abilities you might have, but they've changed the wording to allow for the Veilshaping classes themselves to have more use for it.

What I've tried to do with Osric is answer a few questions.
If he's a legendary hero (literally, at 11th level, as per Legend Lore) where has he been when the party has been saving the world?
Why should the party trust this stranger who suddenly wants to join up?
What does this party need? Primary caster cleric seemed useful.
What's his personal drama or plotline? He's a cleric who has lost his god.
If there is anything that would make him more mechanically useful or more narratively compatible I'd be happy to adjust.

Regardless of ruling on my last question, I've now got my stat block, at least, for Árpád Domonkos, nonlethal archer, ready to cleanse his foes in a hail of divine light, and maybe change the paths of a few he comes across, who knows?


Human Guru 11
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +20
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +4 Dex, +4 shield)
hp 91 (11d8+33)
Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +16
Speed 40 ft.
Ranged +3 longbow +18/+13 (1d8+3/×3) or
..+3 longbow Rapid Shot +16/+16/+11 (1d8+3/×3) or
..+3 longbow Deadly Aim+Chakra Targeting +15/+10 (1d8+13/×3) +5 Att/+1 Dam within 30ft or
..+3 longbow DA+RS+CT +13/+13/+8 (1d8+13/×3) +5 Att/+1 Dam within 30ft
Special Attacks Gentle Touch +6, +xd4, Stunning fist (11/day, DC 21)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 8
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats Chakra Targeting, Deadly Aim, Extra Essence, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shape Veil: Armory of the Conqueror, Stunning Fist
Skills Acrobatics +18 (+22 to jump), Climb +4, Craft(Bows) +7, Diplomacy +13, Disable Device +18, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, Sleight of Hand +15, Stealth +18, Swim +4
Languages Common, Celestial
Other Gear +3 mithral chain shirt, +3 mithral buckler, +3 longbow, belt of physical might +2 (Dex, Con), boots of striding and springing,
bracers of archery, lesser, cloak of resistance +3, headband of inspired wisdom +2, akashic catalyst (least) (worth 8,000 gp), efficient quiver, 100 arrows, 40 cold iron arrows, Masterwork thieves' tools 136 gp
Special Abilities
Absorb Radiance Meditate in Bright Light for 1 minute per essence to gain up to 1/2 level Temporary Essence points. Whenever Essence Burn is taken, gain 5 times the value in THP.
Take 1 point of essence burn to cast veil of positive energy as a Spell-Like Ability, with CL = Character Level.
Chakra Bind Available Slots: Hands, Feet, Head, Headband
Chakra Disruption May make a single attack while using Genle Touch as a standard action, Fort Save DC 16+2xEssence Invested in Gentle touch vs -
Clumsiness (-1 Attack, -1 Additional per point of essence invested) for WisMod rounds), Movement Reduction (10ft +5ft per essence invested for WisMod rounds), AC reduction (-1 Shield and Dexterity to AC, minimum 0, -1 per point of essence)
Chakra Targeting When using Deadly Aim, gain Insight to Attack (Within 30ft) and Damage equal to invested essentia. Gain 1 essence.
Deadly Aim -3/+6 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Extra Essence You gain +1 Essence, +2 if you are able to shape a veil.
Gentle Touch By investing 1 point of essence, charge a philosophy weapon with energy. Add Wisdom modifier to damage, but all damage done by the weapon is nonlethal. For every point of essence invested, deal an additional 1d4 damage.
Improved Essence Capacity +2 Capacity of all Essence Receptacles increaesd by 1.
Lambent Blades Burn 1 essence as a swift action to bypass shield bonuses to armor class and first two points of armor bonus to AC for two rounds, free action to sustain cost.
Does not bypass bonuses from Mirrored armor or shields. You can spend 1 use of Stunning Fist to grant the weapon the brilliant energy property for one round.
Lucent Revivification 1/day take 5 points of essence burn to cast raise dead as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his level. Must still provide material component, or accept 1 temporary negative level, removed after 24 hours.
Luminosity By taking 1 point of essence burn, cast remove blindness/deafness as a spell-like ability, but can only remove blindness.
Philosophy Akasin: Gain proficiency with bardiche, bec de corbin, falchion, glaive, greatsword, lance, longbow, ranseur, shortbow, and two-bladed sword
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Seal Wounds Invest Essence when shaping veils; 11/day, regain Wisdom Modifier + 5xInvested Essence in hit points as a move action.
Stunning Fist (11/day, DC 21) You can stun an opponent with an Gentle Touch attack with a Philosophy weapon.
Sunder Veil When making attack using Gentle Touch, can expend one use of Stunning Fist to end one spell that has been cast on a creature or suppress active veils. Make Dispel Check vs 11+Caster Level or 10+Level+Essence Invested. May use Gentle Touch to deal lethal damage to Undead.
Veil Shaping 16 Essence, 5 Veils

The only mechanical thing I've got left to do is to consider veils to shape. Armory of the Conqueror, obviously, since I've taken a feat to get it, as well as Gloves of the Master Thief and Aerial Nimbus. For foot bind, both Coward's Boots and Stalker's Tabi look quite nice, but I'll leave the rest for now. Probably something defensive or utilitarian for my other slot(s).

Edit: That, and pick traits. How could I forget about traits?

OK, I've looked at it all, and my calcualtions were off. I'd forgotten that 2 of my Dex came from being an Elf;

My options are:

1) reduce base Int from 18 to 16 (saving 7 points) and put them into Con for 13 Con (15 Base-2 Race). Dex would remain as is. Final Tallies; Int 24 Dex 16, Con13.

2) reduce my headband of +4 INT to +2 INT, saving 12000gp and Invest in a belt of Physical Prowess (+2CON/+2DEX costing 10,000gp), while swapping Base DEX (14) to CON; Final Tallies INT24, DEX14, CON14.

Since option 2 gives a much better HP Value (+33HP) while still retaining most of the DEX benefits, that's what I'll do. I even get an extra 2000gp left over!

Character should be done except for 2k more to spend and maybe feat choice. I do have trouble deciding between range and improve critical.

As I just told someone in my PMs, I WILL be picking primarily based on story and personality (and especially FEEL, or tone of the character) rather than build. Builds are easily tweaked. Just as a warning to anyone who hasn't posted (or easily posted) access to their character's write-up.

I honestly don't need a LOT of writing (hell, some of the most interesting characters I've played or played with only have about two sentences about them) but I do need something that gives me a handle on who your character is as a person and how well they'd play, or play with the existing dynamic.

As a heads up I plan to let this run until January 2nd, so make sure to get the bulk of your character done before then.

How would you feel about another inquisitor? I have this fellow who I built for a Carrion Crown game in book 2. By extending his time and service with the Voices of the Spire, he could easily be a senior member of the order in Ustalav. Mechanically I think he's a solid fit, but I do worry a bit that he might be stepping on Darius' toes a bit (taciturn undead/vampire hunter).

Yeah, I'd prefer to avoid duplicate characters, both ones that are too similar in personality and ones too close in problem solving ability. The Inquisitor is a great class, but fairly specialized in its spell list especially.

Yea, I thought that might be the case. My other idea was some form of archer bard, but I'll need to spend some time thinking about that.

So like most applications? Not sure how short, I cut out all the excess fat and shortened all my fluff to the relevant bits. Is it short enough to grab your attention?

Orvus' motivations are relatively simple:
He doesn't want to be a villain. His people's are already treated poorly and his natural ties to the negative energy plane and the plane of shadow means that most people would just shoehorn him into the 'evil villain' category, which he desperately doesn't want to be.

He's a creature of darkness, so he thinks that maybe he can use that against true evil. He's done well enough saving his wayang brethren, but this seems like something FAR more dangerous than just a threat to his people.

Dang. I really, really want to be a part of this, or even be in the running, but I just can't get a backstory together I can get behind. I think I may bow out; I know I want him to be a somewhat gruff, grizzled Undead Hunter, unwilling to kill the living unless absolutely necessary, and ultimately a task-driven individual, nothing I had come up with in my few days away from my computer is coming to mind.

If you think of something in the next few days, you've still got a bit of time.

I'll keep my mind open, and I'll be sure to post something if I come up with it.

All right guys, thanks for the submissions. I was waffling between a few options, but the one that stood out most to me was Variel, gray-ish necromancer. Seems like he'd cause a bit of friction while still falling solidly into the "good" category.

So, thelizardwizard, you may report to Discussion for now, I have the perfect place to introduce you once they're done with this )hopefully short) jaunt through this place they're in once the holiday slog has fully eased up.

I am honored!

Congrats and have fun!

All right, unfortunately it's about that time again. Darius' player disappeared about a week after I initially ran this recruitment. I've given him time to come back, but he's dealing with some stuff without a defined end date in sight, so unfortunately his character is being sidelined and needs to be replaced.

So, we are short one Inquisitor, leaving us with a perfect spot open for a Reach weapon user or bowman. Do not feel CONSTRAINED by this, but combat-wise those are the unfilled niches, as it were, so if you WANT to play one of those you're guaranteed to not be stepping on any toes or overlapping. We also lack any Divine magic at the moment.

If any previous applicants want to RE-apply, feel free. I liked quite a few of the other submissions, I'm just not sure if any of y'all are still interested.

Same charop guidelines apply.

I can make a fighter thrower, who will make a good approximation of reach and ranged.

Won't take me long.

Still interested with Osric, the Angel of Aroden, from above.

OK, got a thrower worked up.


Human (Shoanti) fighter 11
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +16
AC 34, touch 17, flat-footed 29 (+12 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +4 shield, +1 trait)
hp 92 (11d10+22)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +12 (+3 vs. fear); +4 vs. effects that cause you to lose your grip on weapons
DR 6/—
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 seeking adamantine starknife +21/+16/+11 (1d4+10/×3)
Special Attacks weapon trainings (armed bravery, thrown +4)
Str 16, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +11; CMB +14; CMD 31 (35 vs. disarm, 42 vs. grapple, 35 vs. sunder, 42 vs. trip)
Feats Advanced Armor Training, Advanced Weapon Training, Close-quarters Thrower[UC], Clustered Shots[UC], Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (starknife), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Ricochet Toss, Weapon Focus (starknife), Weapon Specialization (starknife)
Traits defender of the society, indomitable faith, seeker
Skills Climb +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Perception +16, Survival +15, Swim +10
Languages Common, Shoanti
SQ armor training 3
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds, antiplague[APG] (2), antitoxin (2), holy water (2); Other Gear +3 comfort glamered adamantine full plate, +3 buckler, +1 seeking adamantine starknife, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +2, gloves of dueling[APG], handy haversack, ring of protection +1, candle (2), chalk, everburning torch, hammer, piton (4), sack (2), silk rope (50 ft.), sunrod (3), tindertwig (4), 2,491 gp
Special Abilities
Advanced Weapon Training You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.

Prerequisites: Fighter level 5th, weapon training class feature.

Benefit: Select one advanced weapon training option, applying it to one fighter weapon group you h
Armed Bravery (+5/+10) (Ex) Add bravery bonus to will save, Intim. DC to demoralize you increases by amount shown.
Armor Training 3 (Ex) Worn armor -3 check penalty, +3 max DEX.
Armored Juggernaut 6 (Ex) Gain DR based on armor worn, stacks with adamantine armor.
Close-Quarters Thrower (Starknife) Attacks with selected weapons do not provoke attacks of opportunity
Clustered Shots Total damage from full-round ranged attacks before applying DR
Damage Reduction (6/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Ricochet Toss Throwing weapon returns immediately after attack is resolved.
Trained Throw (Weapon Training [Thrown] +4) (Ex) Thrown weapon atk using Dex mod, add double training bonus to damage.
Weapon Training (Thrown) +4 (Ex) +4 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Thrown weapons

I will start thinking about a background.

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