How to analyse a teleportation effect?


I am looking for ways to analyse a teleport.

Incoming TP: What is comming? Where is it coming from?
Outgoing TP: Where is it going?

I already choose Steward of the Great Beyond to counter a teleportation effect. I remember that there was a Trace Teleport or a Anticipate Teleportation spell in 3.5 but cannot find something similar in pathfinder. Any ideas?

Trace Teleport is in Ultimate Intrigue:

Trace Teleport

Is it possible somehow to find out what is coming?

Sadly, I'm not aware of anything capable of that currently. I do believe such an ability isn't outside of the scope of Pathfinder so, unless you're playing in PFS, I'd urge you to collaborate with your GM and fellow players to create it.

Conjuration Foil is another option to mess with incoming teleportation effects. It's an immediate action, I think the intent is something pops up within range, you cast this spell, and they suffer damage and are randomly transported somewhere else. So you'd know what is coming because it's already there and you saw it, but you can send it away, too. Although if it comes out of nowhere when you're not in combat you're flatfooted and can't technically cast it, so check with your GM if he wants it work per the actual rules or as probalby intended.

I have read through all the Teleport related spells. Trace Teleport gives you a glimpse at the orgin point. So this gives you a way to see what is coming.

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Although if it comes out of nowhere when you're not in combat you're flatfooted and can't technically cast it, so check with your GM if he wants it work per the actual rules or as probalby intended.

I think RAW and RAI are in alignment here. If you are flat-footed, you can't take an immediate action. The idea is that stuff has started happening around you and you've not mentally caught up to it yet, so you can't react to it. (And if it really did come out of nowhere when you aren't in combat, wouldn't that technically be a surprise round?)

The RAI is that you can bounce incoming teleports. But an immediate action technically interrupts their teleportation so that they never appeared and you couldn't see them to bounce them. It's not really a problem I expect GMs to enforce, though.

The flat footed issue is that you will always be surprised when someone teleports in for an ambush. So even if you resolve the above you can never use this spell for one of its intended purposes unless you have Foresight up. I'm assuming they know you are there via scrying (teleportation) or stealthy observation (dimension door) so they aren't surprised. But sure, in a blind teleport both sides could be surprised and the "receiving party" might get to go first.

I see your point. I wasn't thinking about that particular interaction. As a GM, I'd agree with your interpretation and rule that you aren't flat-footed for this situation because you have knowledge that this is happening.

Is the there an epic power that does something like this?

Edit: auto correct fail

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