Sir Dante |

Like the title says I'm trying to create a scaling magic item (brass knuckles) in this case for a UC Rogue and I have very little idea what magic to include to it.
The idea is from the hearthstone card "Brass Knuckles"
https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/hearthstone.gamepedia.com/thumb/f/fe/Brass _Knuckles(49680)_Gold.png/200px-Brass_Knuckles(49680)_Gold.png?version=d01b 0132776957ce0bfd19062878c7f0
A bling item so to speak for a criminal rogue. Expensive gems on the knuckles, gold knuckles in this case. Punching people with your wealth on a new level so to speak.
It will be a "wonder item" 30% of wealth kn this case based on WBL for a level 6 UC rogue.
Naturally it will have standard +1/+2 bonuses etc but I'm looking for more. Does it grant bonuses to intimidate or spell like abilities?
Maybe at level 6: a +1 cruel brass knuckles?
All help, suggestions and cookies (cinnaonbread or not) or are more than welcome.

Terronus |

I've had a couple scaling items. You've got a pretty cool concept, and as a wonder item, room to make something that goes beyond just a +10 weapon (if you play to that level). I think dazzling blade from Rival Guide would be an awesome fit for a SLA, if that is a sourcebook allowable in your campaign.
There's also the +1 enhancements dazzling radiance from Dirty Tactics Toolbox and ominous from Ultimate Equipment. Ominous might do well with a bit of reflavoring for this item, but seems like a good fit.

Sir Dante |

I've had a couple scaling items. You've got a pretty cool concept, and as a wonder item, room to make something that goes beyond just a +10 weapon (if you play to that level). I think dazzling blade from Rival Guide would be an awesome fit for a SLA, if that is a sourcebook allowable in your campaign.
There's also the +1 enhancements dazzling radiance from Dirty Tactics Toolbox and ominous from Ultimate Equipment. Ominous might do well with a bit of reflavoring for this item, but seems like a good fit.
We have all the d20 paizo materials available.
Dazzling radiance seems just what I am looking for and also that Dazzling blade seems like a great fit.
I think those are much better than heartseeker though might combine either one with heartseeker or just drop hs completely.

Sir Dante |

make it a composite, bypassing most material DR. Sure, you could punch somebody with gold, or you could punch somebody with mithril and admantine.
If I understood correctly you mean that the material upgrades with time? Sounds like a really nice idea, so one could get it adamantine with 3k gold only nearly instantly.