"When I was young..." from an old elf

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Silver Crusade

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So the maximum age for a PC in Pathfinder Society is 349 (elf in the old, but not venerable, age category). I'm about to play an elf close to that age for the first time, and I want to play up the borderline senile elder aspect for personality.

When such a character starts rambling about "Back when I was young...", how would that sentence end?

Obviously, Aroden was still around, and most people didn't know who Iomedae was. Naderi is the only deity I can think of who is that young, though I wouldn't be surprised if there are others I don't know about. Some nations have changed, especially around the World Wound and Eye of Abadengo. Much of Tian Xia was ruled by the Lung Wa dynasty, which has since fallen.

What else?

Are you really falling into the trope that old = dementia, mentally deficient?

Senility is a disease, not an natural part of aging. Especially if the person is still adventuring, I don't think senility would be a good handicap to add to the character.

Silver Crusade

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I'm actually basing the PC on a TV character, who was a somewhat goofy old lady. Not really senile, which is why I said "borderline senile". So no, she's not mentally deficient. But she does tend to ramble a lot, about things that nobody else knows anything about, which would lead to a lot of "When I was young..." moments.

Thus, the topic of this thread, discussing how Golarion has changed in the last 300 years and what an elf that age would remember.

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Just a few starters

Before Devil ruled Cheliax
When Hermea was a barren rock
Before the world knew of guns
When the god Razmiran was just a twinkle in his ancestors eye

Shadow Lodge

Haldrick wrote:

Just a few starters

Before Devil ruled Cheliax
When Hermea was a barren rock
Before the world knew of guns
When the god Razmiran was just a twinkle in his ancestors eye

Summoners from Sarkoris were everywhere!

From one of the Pathfinder Novels "With Aroden gone, with Iomedae his heir I'm sure Cheliax is filled with temples to her." From an Elf who hadn't left Kyonin in decades.

Fromper wrote:

So the maximum age for a PC in Pathfinder Society is 349 (elf in the old, but not venerable, age category). I'm about to play an elf close to that age for the first time, and I want to play up the borderline senile elder aspect for personality.

Note that PFS does not allow aging modifiers for attributes.

Remembering when Skyreach was first being constructed.
When Field Marshal Korvosa was at his peak.
Before the Decemvirate was anonymous.
When the Great Maw of Rovagug was constructed.

edit: "Before the world knew of guns" Wasn't the gunworks founded in like 1900 AR?


TheLawfulNeutral wrote:
"Before the world knew of guns" Wasn't the gunworks founded in like 1900 AR?

4601 according to the Inner Sea World Guide, but I believe that represents an update or change from earlier sources.

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Prophecy still worked.

Silver Crusade

tbug wrote:
Prophecy still worked.

You know, I really should have thought of that one. That's actually a really good one.

"I was told as a young child that I was destined to grow up to do great things. Then prophecies stopped working before it happened, and now I have no idea."

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Fromper wrote:
tbug wrote:
Prophecy still worked.

You know, I really should have thought of that one. That's actually a really good one.

"I was told as a young child that I was destined to grow up to do great things. Then prophecies stopped working before it happened, and now I have no idea."

"When I was a kid a soothsayer prophesied that I would be the one to release Rovagug from his prison. Thank Calistria Aroden died!"

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You know, I have a dhampir character with similar aspects. He's wandered Ustalav long enough to have graduated Lepidstadt University two to three times, and he was conscripted into the War Without Rivals while passing through Barstoi. His beard was a decade or two out of style (or at least it was until a close encounter with a possessed furnace burned half of his face off, ruining it).

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