Duskade the Wayang |
Oki. Duskade takes the boots, and pockets the amulet for safety. She pockets the potion of gaseous form.
Who taking the Cloak of Arachnida? If no one wants it she gladly take it. it will go well with primary business of her life.
Ilithial |
I think its yours Duskage. A very cool item. And web just never stops being useful as its blocking terrain.
The Headband of Vast Int that Ilithial is giving to the party seems to have Perception as the associated skill though I suspect our GM would be fine allowing a retraining of it. He has not mandated that the found one has any specific skills yet.
Zoren Valkith |
I've got a Cloak already and a new Brooch to Accessorize with! ;-)
Duskade the Wayang |
My computer died on Friday. Waiting for new one to be delivered. Luckily hard drive is fine, so can transfer it to new computer as additional hard drive and be able to access all my data again.
Ilithial |
Hi all. I am back from my work trip and con. Pretty exhausted (very little sleep at cons for me) and catching up on everything. I hope to have a post up tomorrow with my Commune questions. I have a short trip this weekend too and will be gone Friday through Sunday afternoon. But then that's it for trips for a whil
Ilithial |
I am away from home dealing with a hospitalized relative right now and its taking much more of my time than I expected. I have not forgotten this game and will post soon.
Merius Oprean |
To my respective GMs and/or players, I am posting this in all my games that I'm running or involved in. I was involved in a force on force incident today during work. I cannot go into details for obvious reasons, but suffice to say no one was seriously injured. I'll be very busy with paperwork for the foreseeable afternoon/evening. If I have time later this evening, I will attempt to get caught up with my games. Otherwise, look for me tomorrow!
Storyteller Shadow |
To my respective GMs and/or players, I am posting this in all my games that I'm running or involved in. I was involved in a force on force incident today during work. I cannot go into details for obvious reasons, but suffice to say no one was seriously injured. I'll be very busy with paperwork for the foreseeable afternoon/evening. If I have time later this evening, I will attempt to get caught up with my games. Otherwise, look for me tomorrow!
Glad you are ok?!
Ilithial |
Ditto. I know what I want to do in round 3 but I do not think we are there yet.
I've used a lot of power in two attacks and then failed my SR checks. The only consolation is that I think I am blowing off that bone armor.
Zoren Valkith |
I took my round 2 action.
DireMerc |
I find myself in a situation that if you had told it was going to happen a little over 3 years ago I would have passed out laughing as back then I always assumed I would be single forever.
I have a girlfriend I have been seeing for 3 years and now the girl I had a MASSIVE crush on in highschool has popped back into my life out of nowhere and wants to get together with me. Now I had actually asked this girl out back in highschool and we did go on one date but after that she told me wasn't interested so no idea what changed but she's into me now and things with my current girlfriend had actually been not so good lately.
So I'm literally ripping my hair out of my head trying figure out what I should do.
Ilithial |
These forums are an interesting place to seek guidance but I'll bite and send you a PM. I guess I risk the chance that you did not wish advise but only to vent and share. If so, please ignore said advise. :)
Storyteller Shadow |
I find myself in a situation that if you had told it was going to happen a little over 3 years ago I would have passed out laughing as back then I always assumed I would be single forever.
I have a girlfriend I have been seeing for 3 years and now the girl I had a MASSIVE crush on in highschool has popped back into my life out of nowhere and wants to get together with me. Now I had actually asked this girl out back in highschool and we did go on one date but after that she told me wasn't interested so no idea what changed but she's into me now and things with my current girlfriend had actually been not so good lately.
So I'm literally ripping my hair out of my head trying figure out what I should do.
I'll give you the advice I gave one of my friends in the exact same scenario.
Don't break up with current girl because new/old has reappeared on the scene. When you break up with someone to go out with a new person, you never really figure out whether you didn't want to be in the current relationship or if the new one is just so enticing that you jumped ship.
Explain to the crush that you're in a relationship and while it's not going that well, you don't think it's wise to leave her for crush simply because crush has become available.
If she gives a s++& about you, and herself, she'll respect that and back off, not completely but enough to give your head the space it needs to think about the current relationship without a new exciting girl in the wings.
Then, examine the current relationship on ITS merits alone. If it is not working or the bad outweighs the good, you leave. Then give it a month or so of being single and start to pursue crush once more, assuming that a break up with the current girl is what you REALLY want and not just new aahhhh... experiences.
My friend did just this. Ended up breaking off the relationship and after the cool down period, started dating crush. Now they are married with a kid on the way.
Remember, when you are in a relationship that is older than let's say 6 months, you've pretty much done it all already so any new girl does not just seem exciting, she IS exciting. [Works in the reverse for the Ladies as well]. Of course you'll get a better hit of whatever damn chemical our brain produces, dopamine, whatever, with a new relationship but after 6 months you might find yourself in the same or a similar situation. If you just jump, jump, jump, and never examine WHY, you'll be jumping forever without knowing who YOU are and what YOU want.
Duskade the Wayang |
I can only say good luck in sorting this out. I myself in a messed up situation, so anything I say would not be of any help to you. I just ave to work at it to keep everyone happy, even if I suffer to bring peace to everyone else. It is a burden I willing to carry for remainder of my life.
All I can say. Take time to think this through. I, and sure others, are willing to give you time to deal with the situation at hand. I have no hassle to wait, for love matters is important things to sort out.
Storyteller Shadow |
I'm taking some time to consider my options and deciding whether I want to continue my current relationship or not pure on it's own pro/cons.
Thanks for the advice anyway.
Then you are on the right track already and need no further advice! Glad my advice has reinforced your own sense of what you need to do.
DireMerc |
Discussed it at length with my girlfriend and she agreed with me breaking was probably the best decision. Gonna wait a while before I start anything new.
Thanks for the advice this was honestly a long time coming the old flame showing up was just the nudge that pushed me over the edge. I'd been on the fence between staying and leaving for months.
Duskade the Wayang |
Just curious. Any good aligned characters in the group are able to detect evil? Seeing Duskade is lightly lawful evil, does not kill for pleasure, only assassinates for business, though if she ends up killings extras in order to complete her assignment, the extra killings does not bother her. She also does not kill children unless they are a direct threat to her, but also situations where child could threaten the world(s) and must be destroyed.
Ilithial |
Yes. Both ilithial and his familiar Shimmer are CG. Shimmer, a Lyrakien has constant detect evil and detect magic. So she know you are evil, and just as bad, suspects you are lawful. :)
Zoren Valkith |
I am logged out sporadically but here.
Zoren Valkith |
Feel better and take care Merc.
That said, I'll be withdrawing from the game. Good gaming all!