Precon games for 2017

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Hey all,

I am arriving in Seattle the Sunday night before the convention and am looking to play some games before hand. I know there are normally some precon games the day before but I would assume they would be standard scenarios.

I have multiple seeker level characters and would love to get a chance to play them with a new group.

Any interest?

Grand Lodge

I'm arriving Wednesday evening. That will give me Wednesday evening and Thursday to do stuff before the Con.

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Here's the Warhorn site where we've setup games before. Contact email is in my profile if you need a slot/game setup. There's been some high level stuff run before - great idea!

That far in advance, you might want to check the local PFS website (closer to the time of course) for games. There are both Monday and Wednesday game nights around the area.

Hi all, I have added a table session of Academy of Secrets on the Monday before Paizocon. I arrive on the Sunday evening. It will take a day and a night session, plus part of another day. I will be available all week to play/run it although I would prefer to play.

Liberty's Edge

Heh. If I were there that long (or at all), I'd run it for you.

Alas, it's 80% likely I won't be able to make it. If I do, I'll be flying in Thursday morning.

(Unless, you know, you want to give me a couple of thou for flights and hotel :) )

rknop wrote:

Heh. If I were there that long (or at all), I'd run it for you.

Alas, it's 80% likely I won't be able to make it. If I do, I'll be flying in Thursday morning.

(Unless, you know, you want to give me a couple of thou for flights and hotel :) )

Unfortunately flights and accommodation from Australia have used all the Thous I have

I expect I'll be there a day early and a day after as I've never been to Seattle... the flight is the last thing to book.

Grand Lodge

I will be flying in Thursday. And would be up to play maybe I could run a game ... maybe. Still not that strong a GM but heck we can all use a laugh ;)

Gary Pepper wrote:
I will be flying in Thursday. And would be up to play maybe I could run a game ... maybe. Still not that strong a GM but heck we can all use a laugh ;)

Everybody needs to start somewhere, do not ever ask me about my first few games.

Liberty's Edge

OK! Let's get some chatter going about Thursday games. I know I said about I was 80% sure I wasn't coming. That rose to near-100%, but then I figured out a way to make it without breaking the bank. (I really didn't want to miss the debut of the multi-table PFS special written by my local VC....)

My plane lands at 11:15 AM on Thursday. Depending on how efficient I am at getting situated, I might be up for doing something as early as 1PM, if the plane is on time.

Who else is going to be there early and wants to do something?

I'd be happy to run almost any PFS scenario. I'd also be happy to play in many PFS scenarios (though I've already played a decent fraction of them). If somebody wants to try to really go nuts, we could attempt a 32-page module starting at 1PM, and hope that we finish in time to go to bed at a reasonable hour....

Non-PFS stuff is also on the table. Indeed, even non-Pathfinder. (I know, heresy.) I have a GURPS one-shot I've run a couple of times in the past, where a group of special ops type are sent to a derelict spacecraft and discover that things have gone horribly wrong, with much shooting enusing. I have a one-shot set in the plane of Acheron from the Planescape setting, run using Fudge as the rule set, where you are all orcs. (At least, I have notes about it; I haven't run it in a decade, so it would probably take me some time to reconstruct what I was thinking.)

Who's out there, and what sorts of things are you interested in?

I am interested. Give me a couple of days to get a list together of what I can play. Assuming it finishes before my dinner engagement.


@rknop I would love to be a part of a pre-con game of some sort. I arrive about 20 minutes before you on Thursday, and am staying at the Doubletree so I should be available.

I'm mostly just interested in playing a fun game, and meeting all you fine people in person so pretty much anything works. That said I would love to get a solid night's sleep so a module might be stretching it. I've played a fair amount of PFS, but its still not too hard to find something I need to play.

Shadow Lodge

powell01 wrote:
Everybody needs to start somewhere, do not ever ask me about my first few games.

Mine had kobold ninjas!

Scarab Sages

I am looking to host my five star qualification game this PaizoCON. It will probably be hard to do that during the con (I GM three slots, and there are a ton of things I want to participate in).

But as its my first time in Seattle, I want to do all the tourist stuff (and go diving <3 ) so I will be arriving the 22nd.

That leaves a lot of room to set something up. I am sceduled to run House of Harmonius wisdom, but I can GM something else, as long as people could provide me with maps. (bringing a lot of maps on a plane isnt handy)

Liberty's Edge

How close are you to five stars? Do you already have your 150 tables and 10 specials, and just need the qualification?

I think last year Rusty hosted his five-star qualification on Thursday... and had a table of all VCs and VLs as players.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I plan on running the module Doom Comes to Dustpawn on Thursday. I have two people interested already, so I am saving spots for them.

This will be for PFS characters levels 8-10.

I will put it on Warhorn in the next week or so.

Scarab Sages

I already have my 10 specials, and I am currently at +140 credits.
I wont be able to make 150 exactly before paizocon. But I also wont be able to judge my own game (as we dont have a second VC in the country).

RVC said it should be allright.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Glad to see you are going to be able to attend rknop!

I will be arriving early on Thursday as well. I need to recheck my itenerary for the exact time, but I should have time for a game before the wayfinder get together.

Grand Lodge

My flight arrives in Seattle from Vegas (*my* vacation starts there!) at 11:15 pm on Wednesday night. That gives me ALL of Thursday for gaming and maybe seeing a couple things in Seattle.

PLEASE put my name on a list for some PF games, Society or otherwise.

I will, theoretically, be able to find some time to explore that 'Warhorn' link but who knows when -- I'm notoriously not good at checking out websites I don't already know.

Yet I don't want to miss anything.

@ Waltero, I'm interested your game if there's a spot open.

@ Rknop, I'm vaguely interested in a 32 page adventure -- the caveat being that there is such a time commitment that one may miss out on meeting people as they arrive, joining another short-term game or two, maybe driving around Seattle on a quick tour, etc.

Scarab Sages

I get into Seattle on the 14th for work :)

But I'll be at the Doubletree from the Wednesday, so I'll be up for a PFS game if theres space.

I'd be potentially interested in the Doom comes to Dustpawn, but ideally would prefer just a nice easy game in the afternoon. I do need to try and get Tyranny of the Winds part 2 and 3 played, and was not going to take up slots of those tables during the con to allow others to play the complete set.

So if someone kindly wants to run part 2... I'd be up for playing and very grateful....will supply GM with beverages :)

Grand Lodge

@ Nizari, I have a small feeling that very few of us will be at the Doubletree, ready to game, at 8:00 Thursday morning.

If that turns out to be the case, and we can just get two or three more people, I can run PFS 8-10, "Tyranny of Winds." Say 8 am to noon.

FAIR WARNING: I will not have a battle mat. I will not have miniatures except the two I'm taking to represent my PCs during the Con. I will only have my soft-back Core Rulebook and some copies of a few pages in APG & ACG needed to show PFS DMs where rules-stuff on my PFS PCs came from if there is ever a need for them to ask.

We'll have to make due with what we can scrounge.


EDIT: That being said, my friend Scott Keim works at Paizo -- I drove him up there from FL when he got the job and left my homegame far behind. In other words, I have a friend who lives in Seattle and will be at PaizoCon -- I assume he'll be at work Thursday morning before the Con starts, but he may be able to drop off his battlemat under my name at Doubletree earlier that week and I can pick it up when I check in....

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I was thinking starting around noon or 1pm and playing until we finish (with breaks, of course). My estimate is it takes 8-10 hours.

Scarab Sages

Wasn't expecting an 8am game :) a 1pm game is all good. I was more alluding to a module which possibly does need an earlier start.

I wont have much either but I can scrounge a fair bit, transatlantic flights and all that and their stupid weight limitations. I at least have every book as a PDF :) Really appreciate you offering to run 8-10 though :)

Grand Lodge

I will be arriving around 3pm on Thursday and am up for a game or to.

Husband and I should be at the hotel around 3ish so we may be intrested.
I'll have to double check with him.

Liberty's Edge

The 32-page module thing is a bit catchy. I've run and/orplayeed a few of them. Two were via PbP, so that doesn't tell you much. One I GMed was on VTT (Feast of Ravenmore), and it finished in 8-10 hours. One I GMed (The Harrowing) was in person, and it took 13 hours... but we had a real hard time getting down to business and getting started. The one I played in person (Carrion Hill) we finished in two slots of a gameday, so it was something like 8.5 hours, and it went OK, but we felt a wee bit rushed.

So... I might be interested in playing Doom Comes to Dustpawn, but I really would like to get to bed at a reasonable time before the first day of the con (and Monday-morning PFS GMing).

Does anybody have any specific requests for PFS scenarios they'd want to see on Thursday? Let's stick with pre-season-8 scenarios, since season 8 will be run as part of the official convention. I could probably run in two slots, one starting at 1PM (assuming my plane gets in on time) and one starting at 6:30PM.

I'm potentially looking for a PFS game Thursday night.

My flight arrives at 6:30 though so I wouldn't be able to start till 7 at the earliest or more likely 7:30.

Liberty's Edge

Hmm, OK. The thing about starting at 7:30 is that it means one is unlikely to get to bed before midnight....

Play your game at 6:30 I'm sure I'll manage to find something awesome :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I cold do a Thursday evening. Driving into town after work...

Shadow Lodge

Walter GMing again? That's something to get behind!

I took off Wednesday onwards, but won't have the hotel room until Thursday. That said, I'd be happy to join games and/or bring materials for others - pretty well stocked.

I actually check in to the hotel on Wednesday and would love to play something on that night or Thursday /morning afternoon.

Grand Lodge

I had a feeling it'd be a small number of folks ready by Thursday morning. Me and Jhaeman -- hopefully Nizari and Majuba if they're up for it.

But I could see us scheduling a PFS Scenario, start at about 8:30/8:45 -- right in the lobby of the Doubletree -- and in a few hours as we're finishing up, lots of other folks will start pouring in, see us, and say 'Hi' as they check into their rooms.

We can be both the FIRST event at PaizoCon's 10th Anniversary, and be the unofficial 'Greeters' and 'Welcome Mat' for everyone who's arriving around noon or one o'clock.

Scarab Sages

rknop wrote:

Does anybody have any specific requests for PFS scenarios they'd want to see on Thursday? Let's stick with pre-season-8 scenarios, since season 8 will be run as part of the official convention. I could probably run in two slots, one starting at 1PM (assuming my plane gets in on time) and one starting at 6:30PM.

I'd be interested in playing #4-06 The Green Market, #4-13 Fortress of the Nail, #4-16 The Fabric of Reality or #4-20 Words of the Ancients on Thursday afternoon if those are the sort of non-season 8's you'd be interested in running Rob?

Scarab Sages

I am super duper up for running something. I just hope I can snatch (at least) one Venture Captain to audit my 5th star.

Grand Lodge

I'm up for anything but my preferences are for tenth or eleventh level and to play rather than DM. (All I ever get to do is DM; here I want to PLAY -- that's what "Paizo" means, after all!) But of course I can DM if need be and can play any level, the higher the better.

I want to be at your table, Woran. I bet we can snatch a VC somewhere.


GM Hmm wrote:

I want to be at your table, Woran. I bet we can snatch a VC somewhere.



When will you be arriving? We need to meticulously plan this.

The Exchange

W E Ray wrote:

I had a feeling it'd be a small number of folks ready by Thursday morning. Me and Jhaeman -- hopefully Nizari and Majuba if they're up for it.

But I could see us scheduling a PFS Scenario, start at about 8:30/8:45 -- right in the lobby of the Doubletree -- and in a few hours as we're finishing up, lots of other folks will start pouring in, see us, and say 'Hi' as they check into their rooms.

We can be both the FIRST event at PaizoCon's 10th Anniversary, and be the unofficial 'Greeters' and 'Welcome Mat' for everyone who's arriving around noon or one o'clock.

I might be awake by 8:30...

Grand Lodge

GM Woran wrote:


When will you be arriving? We need to meticulously plan this.

Ooh, she wants me! I'm yours, babe. On your PFS session tracker, I'm Hmm. Bret is BretI. We have lots of unplayed adventures between us.

We arrive in the train station at 10:25 am on May 23rd. I don't know how long it takes to get to the hotel from there.



@Hmm I almost took the train myself, and based on what train station you arrive at I think its either a 15 or 30 minute cab/Uber ride to the Doubletree as best I could determine.

@Nizari The Green Market is actually one I've been wanting to play as well. I'd definitely be down to play that Thursday afternoon.

Well if anyone is free on wed afternoon, I am willing to play, or run any seeker content available. If not any game that is high tier (preferably) and does not finish later than about 5pm on Thursday as I have a dinner commitment. If I am asked to Gm I will need to know by the 18th so I can bring maps on my international flight. There is a precon games war horn if people are looking to Organise things that way.

Scarab Sages

Hmm wrote:
GM Woran wrote:


When will you be arriving? We need to meticulously plan this.

Ooh, she wants me! I'm yours, babe. On your PFS session tracker, I'm Hmm. Bret is BretI. We have lots of unplayed adventures between us.

We arrive in the train station at 10:25 am on May 23rd. I don't know how long it takes to get to the hotel from there.


I see awesome scenarios in every tier for you two. What to pick will depend on who else will join us.

Having everyone's titles fall away on this forum makes it a bit trickier.

Scarab Sages

I'm Mythrasus (15938) on PFS Session Tracker if it helps any.

Grand Lodge

Hi, all!
Hmm said you're looking for a Venture-Captain to join the 5-Star GM session. My schedule just cleared for the evening on Thursday, May 25.
It would be an honor and a privilege to join your table, if you'll have me.
Larry Smith
Southwest Washington

Grand Lodge

Oh! You're able to join us, Larry? Awesome! Are you on the PFS session tracker? Who all is at your table, Tineke?


Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Woran wrote:
Hmm wrote:
GM Woran wrote:


When will you be arriving? We need to meticulously plan this.

Ooh, she wants me! I'm yours, babe. On your PFS session tracker, I'm Hmm. Bret is BretI. We have lots of unplayed adventures between us.

We arrive in the train station at 10:25 am on May 23rd. I don't know how long it takes to get to the hotel from there.


I see awesome scenarios in every tier for you two. What to pick will depend on who else will join us.

Having everyone's titles fall away on this forum makes it a bit trickier.

HMM told me about this and it sounds like a lot of fun. Just please leave us time to get to the hotel and get our bags checked.

Maybe plan for something shortly after lunch? I don't know the area at all, this will be my first time at PaizoCon. Hopefully there is good food within walking distance.

Grand Lodge

Ooh! Maybe we could meet for Lunch.


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