hippononymous |

Playing an alchemist and have terrible Will saves. What are some good items that can protect me against some (or all) spells that target Will saves? No budget here.
Some items I've come across:
1. Bracelet of Seducer's Bane gives +5 Will vs. enchantment effects.
2. Ring of Spell Turning is a good catch-all.
3. Cap of the Free Thinker allows me to reroll a failed Will save.
4. Ring of Refusal gives +2 on saves vs. enchantment spells and effects and gives SR 25 vs. one enchantment spell or effect.
5. Ring of Counterspells is good if you can set up beforehand.
6. Cloak of Resistance, of course.
7. Scarab of Protection is a pricey but effective block against death, energy-draining and negative effects + spell resistance 20.
8. Protection from [alignment] potions
Will saves are problematic for me, so I'm willing to dump quite a bit of money for some protection :)

Lathiira |

Just remember that some things won't stack, like the bracelet and cloak.
Don't forget the benefit of just bumping up your Wisdom stat with a headband. If you can get one with your Intelligence boosted as well, so much the better.
I wouldn't rely on SR as a defense. Tougher opponents have a higher caster level than the APL and can more easily bypass it. SR for magic items doesn't increase nearly as fast as opponents' caster levels, making it less and less effective with time.

Chromantic Durgon <3 |

Playing an alchemist and have terrible Will saves. What are some good items that can protect me against some (or all) spells that target Will saves? No budget here.
Some items I've come across:
1. Bracelet of Seducer's Bane gives +5 Will vs. enchantment effects.
2. Ring of Spell Turning is a good catch-all.
3. Cap of the Free Thinker allows me to reroll a failed Will save.
4. Ring of Refusal gives +2 on saves vs. enchantment spells and effects and gives SR 25 vs. one enchantment spell or effect.
5. Ring of Counterspells is good if you can set up beforehand.
6. Cloak of Resistance, of course.
7. Scarab of Protection is a pricey but effective block against death, energy-draining and negative effects + spell resistance 20.
8. Protection from [alignment] potionsWill saves are problematic for me, so I'm willing to dump quite a bit of money for some protection :)
Depending on the level of your party and the availability of casters it might be worth grabbing a Mind Blank Scroll or two, +8 on saves against mind effecting spells for 24 hours, if you have a reasonable idea of when you might need it should work a charm ;) (see what I did there >.>).

Natural 1s |

a. 3 400 Cracked amber spindle ioun stone +1 resistance bonus on one save (stackable with itself till +5)
b. 4 000 cracked pale green prism stone +1 competence bonus on saves
c. 20 000 stone of good luck +1 luck bonus on saves
d. (trait) fate's favored to increase luck bonuses by 1
f. 28 000 flawed pale green prism stone +1 marale bonus on saves
e. +1 courageous special magic weapon ability granting increasement to morale bonuses (min 1, max half weapon enhancement), you can put it also on gauntlet or amulet of mighty fists or bodywrap of micghty strikes