Tacticslion |
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I... probably become a highly illegal PF character.
(He was originally developed, along with a few other characters, with what are now questionable rules interpretations in 3.5, and subsequently we've made several rulings for that campaign that differ from the base rules anyway.)
((I'm presuming, based on wording, your intent was actual PF-characters, not just PF players with characters from any given system.))
The real question, then, becomes how, exactly my new "self" is adjucated in this world...
I mean, I'm basically:
- a kalashtar cerebromancer (wizar-psion)
- that exact same dude, but also a king of a new River Kingdom
- that same dude, but extremely buff and an immortal golem
- that same dude, except a lawful good ex-balor thing
- a gestalt-collective host of low-hit dice genie-like creatures who have a individual minds, but also are all intimately and thoroughly integrated not only into each others' minds, but also with those of the guys above (but separated enough that they are not vulnerable to anything that affects one)
The last is least likely of the group, as they're "more" individual than the others, but they are still partially based off of the same mental template. So that still leaves me in four different physical bodies - each of which are the same person whose memories update and mentally synch with each other, all crafted from the same soul and mind, all of which are identical (except the golem is visibly more buff).
Sooooooo... I don't know how that would work in this life.
But my mental scores would be awesome! :D
And since I have all the spells via spell mastery feats... I'm pretty good to go on that front, too. Oh! And since many of my magical "items" are mostly integrated into by body, those might come with - they're not really necessary, but they're there for that character, nonetheless.

Angry Wiggles RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 |
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One of two things would happen.
I would become a sprawling landscape. An ever shifting living world as the earth itself took on a consciousness and strove to rewrite itself into a greater form. Great beasts would rise from my soil and the sea to challenge the peoples of the world, seeking to draw out heroes who could best them. Magic would creep out from my face like the slow growth of a beard, throwing all the world into primordial chaos once more as the contracts binding the earth are rewritten. Nations would rise and fall in my wake. All would love me and despair!
Or I would become a mystic theurge. That would be cool too.

Alzrius |
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If that were to happen, I'd be super ticked that I invested so much in my low-level human cleric with the terrible Strength and Constitution scores, rather than being a point-whoring munchkin who played a noble drow wizard 20 with 10 mythic tiers and the half-celestial template.

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Let's say pathfinder players suddenly manifest the abilities of the character they are most emotionally attached to in the real world. Let's say it happens in one moment in time to everyone who has previously played the game even once.
Changes are permanent.
My INT goes from 15+ to 8
My CHA soars skyward. I might change gender, depending on what counts as "abilities"
I grow hair on my feet and loses several inches
I might keep on roleplaying though :-)

Sangerine |

Well, there's 3 or so options.
1) A very angry, very undead Tengu. Charisma would skyrocket.
B) An int-based sorcerer (Sage bloodline) who uses Technologist to research Numerian artifacts. So thermo-stat would change to Numerian tech, and I'd be magic.
Γ) I'd become a woman and throw fire 24/7. Everyone would continue asking me silly questions like "Why aren't you healing, you're a cleric?!"
Edit: Oh, or a magical black sword would manifest and drag my unwilling @$# around to fight crime. "Down sword arm!"

Magus Black |
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I'd either end up being a Monk/Lore Warden modeled after Fuhrer King Bradley of Full Metal Alchemist...at which point I turn into a rather smug bastard with a penchant for sundering tanks and deflecting bullets.
I'd turn into a Sorcerer/Lore Warden/Eldritch Knight with a penchant for Necromancy modeled after the Millennium Earl of D.Gray-Man...at which point I'd likely go mad with power and find myself a 'family' to play the role of the villain just because its fun (and because if there's no villain there's no Plot, and all the Murder-hobos here will devastate the world out of boredom).

Scythia |
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Pathfinder only?
I look forward to becoming a cute fiend blooded Dervish Dancer Bard who went from a magical seamstress to becoming the new goddess of music, beauty, and love. I'd even be happy with her pre-apotheosis abilities, as 20 levels of Bard (with some transformation goodies) is nothing to sneeze at.

Wei Ji the Learner |
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Okay, further boiling down with 'not having a lot of expensive gear to replace/create... leaves with only one option...
1. Estara Potts, F 1/2orc 'Technician' (Telekineticist, inspired by Pepper Potts in IM3) Dark Archive
Estara was a gutter-dwelling urchin with a talent for taking machines, locks, and other things apart in the city of Alkenstar.
One day, she attempted to break into the home of an inventor and smith named Hogan Potts. Attempted is the best word, because his ingenious lock defeated not only her picks, but managed to trap her long enough for him to assess her.
Rather than turn her over to the authorities, though, Hogan took Estara under his wing, and over time taught her what she could manage to learn about engineering and respect for the tolerance of machinery.
This went on for years, until Hogan eventually adopted Estara shortly before her seventeenth birthday. She was late getting back to the shop after he'd sent her to buy a sensible outfit for her birthday and found him missing with nary a trace of his most recent work, a promising device that might have the capability of emulating certain magical spells.
Shortly thereafter, she had to close the shop -- while she'd learned a bit from Hogan, she wasn't nearly the engineer he was, and she *really* wasn't good with people.
During that process, members of the Aspis Consortium abducted her and subjected her to experiments based on the very device her adoptive father was designing before his disappearance. This left her marked, and eager for vengeance.
That opportunity came when members of an obscure library of one of the world's prominent exploration societies came to her rescue.
They only had one 'fee' for her rescue, and that was to join an exploration of a newly discovered ruin in the River Kingdoms. After the successful completion of that mission, she now finds herself working for the Pathfinder Society, and also curious as to how far her 'powers' will take her...

Deadbeat Doom |
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So we are supposed to be sticking to pure Pathfinder? No house rules?
Then I get nothing. I've never played a character in any game, adventure paths included, that hadn't been modified heavily.
If we open the doors to primarily pathfinder but with house rules allowed, then I become a Gestalt Wizard 30/Cleric 30/Mythic 10 High Elf(1/3)/Dark Elf(1/3)/Orc(1/3) who worships knowledge directly and who's bonded object is an Artifact staff which allows him to cast any spell he knows without needing to prepare it, at a caster level equal to his character level.
Like I said; modified heavily.

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So we are supposed to be sticking to pure Pathfinder? No house rules?
Then I get nothing. I've never played a character in any game, adventure paths included, that hadn't been modified heavily.
If we open the doors to primarily pathfinder but with house rules allowed, then I become a Gestalt Wizard 30/Cleric 30/Mythic 10 High Elf(1/3)/Dark Elf(1/3)/Orc(1/3) who worships knowledge directly and who's bonded object is an Artifact staff which allows him to cast any spell he knows without needing to prepare it, at a caster level equal to his character level.
Like I said; modified heavily.
House rules allowed, as long as it's pathfinder as a base.

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As far as the character goes: The succubus was trapped in a contract with Asmodeus, and really doesn't like it. Once she's done babysitting the Evangelist, she's done and can go back home. Therefore, she's always pushing him to finish what he's doing so he can finish converting people to Asmodean worship. His mission is to convert people, and then get them to sign their souls over to Asmodeus via contracts that he writes up.