Salutations and short sayings for the followers of Golarion's various deities

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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"Order above all."

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Not sure who, but these from Dirty Harry should be good:
"A man's got to know his limitations."
"Nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right people get shot."
"Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of guys."

On the rain: "What glorious rain, the flowers will love it!"
On a sunny day: "The view from here shows wonder everywhere!"
On meeting a stranger: "You're not from here, tell me all about your trip!"


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Faiths of Purity says of Ragathiel’s worshippers that “The faithful ask Ragathiel's eyes to fall upon them and for his wings to shield them. This is also a standard greeting and farewell among worshipers.”

I’ve used that one in RP for a Ragathiel-worshipping Paladin meeting a fellow believer.

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Sarenrae: May the light fall gently upon your shoulders.
Desna: Sweet Dreams.
Cayden Cailean: Eat drink and be merry. (yes it's a cliche but it fits him so well)

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Raising this thread from the dead, 'cause I like it. An speaking of death...

The devout of Pharasma often refer to particularly intractable or unsolvable problems as "phylacteries."

Telling a disciple of Irori that they are "stagnant" is a grave insult, and in the cases of those less disciplined can lead to violence.

Asmodean contracts often use a different dating system than that used by most others in the multiverse, with the first year beginning after Asmodeus's subjugation of Hell.

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So, not sure if anyone here ever played Thief, The Dark Project, but there is a group called the Hammerites who, even though they are more like LN with evil tendencies than LG, some of thier aphorisms would work for Torag. Here's one:

The stone
cannot know
why the chisel
cleaves it;

the iron
cannot know
why the fire
scorches it.

When thy life
is cleft and
when death
and despair
leap at thee,

beat not thy
breast and
curse thy
evil fate,

but thank Torag for the
trials that
shape thee.

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Ones for Nocticula:
"Nocticula's T@~@!" -an exclamation or curse.

"Fickle shades!" -as a curse or "The shades are fickle." -as a blessing.

"May Shadows cradle you." -a blessing.

"Accept the outcast, for you do not know when you may be ostracized yourself." -a proverb/warning.

"Why suffer the sun's heat when the shadow is cool and comforting?" -saying for shrugging off the insults or criticisms or others.

"Art can be found in the darkest areas." -a proverb to seek beauty in many places.

"Suffer not the torturous kill, kill swiftly and move to the next." -a saying regarding Nocticula's propensity for body count over needless cruelty.

"The shadows tickle." -a flirtatious saying.

"To survive it all, you must plan to survive it all, luck always has a limit." -a saying meaning to have a plan to betray even your allies in case they turn on you, from her CE alignment.

"Greetings sister." -used between succubi, referring to Nocticula as the First succubus and meaning to meet in peace or parley, not to explicit relations.

Shadow Lodge

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"Accept the outcast, for you do not know when you may be ostracized yourself."

Good thought, but scans better as "Accept the outcast, for you know not when you may be cast out yourself."

Or this.

Liberty's Edge

Milani : Freedom listens. (inspired by Le chant des partisans)

I found an African proverb I really like that would go well for a good god of healing and/or nature
"The axe forgets. The Tree remembers"

Asmodeus: The Devil always collects.

Sarenrae: Brighter days ahead.

Abadar: Doing well is the result of doing good.

Gorum: By iron and blood.

Dark Archive

Cole Deschain wrote:

Ferengi Rules of Acquisition:

Abadar- "Free advice is seldom cheap."

The Rules of Acquisition are great for Abadar.

"Peace is good for business."
"And if that fails, war is also good for business!"

For Groetus, regarding pretty much any situation, be it a hardship or a joyful moment;

"Remember, this too shall pass."

A backhanded Calistrian 'compliment' (that warns of treachery);

"She's as supple as a whip, and her kiss as sweet..."

i beleive each of the core gods have several of these in Gods and Magic

Shadow Lodge

KaiBlob1 wrote:
i beleive each of the core gods have several of these in Gods and Magic

Not enough. They cap out at, like, three apiece. Their AP articles don't offer much more texture to their followers' speech either.

One I "borrowed" from Freedom Force

Iomedae: Right makes might!

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single foot step.

A wise man knows the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago, and the second best time is now.

Honestly I can't just pick ONE, I think the entire list works

Knowledge is power

POWER equals power!

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It's something of a tradition that dwarven parents who worship Torag's pantheon will display the first object that their child ever crafted in a significant place in their home. Many dwarven children are embarrassed when they look upon it years later.

Many devotees of Pharasma find a way to include a spiral in their signature whenever they sign their name. Popular places to include a spiral include using one to replace the letter "a," the dots over a lower-case "i" or "j," or as a small flourish at the end of the signed name.

"Welcome to the family." This saying is used quite a bit by worshippers of Erastil. It's often used in its literal meaning during a marriage, birth, or adoption, but the saying is also said when inviting a newcomer into a community or even when inducting a new cleric of Erastil into the faith.

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