AFKhaos |

So I was looking over the Falcata Swashbuckler, and was thinking about the possibility of a TWF Swashbuckler, but I'm not sure how buckler bash interacts with precise strike.
So is a buckler bash considered an attack "with a weapon in her other hand..." or not since the buckler doesn't occupy her off-hand?

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You can definitely add precise strike damage to either the falcata or buckler attack if you do not attack with the other weapon on the same turn.
You definitely CANNOT add precise strike damage to the buckler bash if you attack with the falcata on the same turn.
Whether you can add precise strike damage to the falcata attack on the same turn that you make a buckler bash will likely be subject to table variation. While a buckler is not technically IN the other hand, I believe the intent was to prevent TWF and thus would not allow this.

Rub-Eta |
I did a search and found multiple past instances of this argument over the buckler bash, armor spikes, unarmed strikes, spell combat, et cetera.
No consensus and no 'official' word.
The Unhindered Shield feat exists (from "Armor Master's Handbook", last feat on page 19), which I would consider to be Paizo's official stance.
You are accustomed to fighting with your shield.
Prerequisites: Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, proficiency with bucklers.
Benefit: You still gain a buckler’s bonus to AC even if you use your shield hand for some other purpose. When you wield a buckler, your shield hand is considered free for the purposes of casting spells, wielding weapons, and using any other abilities that require you to have a free hand or interact with your shield, such as the swashbuckler’s precise strike deed or the Weapon Finesse feat.
Special: A monk with this feat is not considered to be using a shield for the purposes of his AC bonus, fast movement, or flurry of blows.

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CBDunkerson wrote:The Unhindered Shield feat exists (from "Armor Master's Handbook", last feat on page 19), which I would consider to be Paizo's official stance.I did a search and found multiple past instances of this argument over the buckler bash, armor spikes, unarmed strikes, spell combat, et cetera.
No consensus and no 'official' word.
I would guess that the underlying argument for that would be something like;
1: Precise Strike and Weapon Finesse already allow use of a buckler for defense.
2: Unhindering Shield states that it allows "fighting with your shield" and that "your shield hand is considered free" when you "wield a buckler".
3: Thus, we should conclude that the intent here is that Unhindering Shield allows attacking with a buckler along with Precise Strike.
4: That a feat is needed to do this would then tell us that the interpretation of Precise Strike as being limited only by weapons "in" the other hand is incorrect... the buckler is not "in" the other hand but cannot be used to attack along with Precise Strike (w/o an additional feat) and thus other weapons not "in" the hand (e.g. armor spikes) also do not work with Precise Strike.
That is a plausible series of conclusions (which I agree with BTW). However, I think calling it "Paizo's official stance" is a stretch. We have no proof that they even considered these issues... let alone introduced an obscure feat in a Player Companion book to lay out the bread crumbs which might lead to their 'official stance'.

AFKhaos |

Does it strike anyone else as wonky that the archetype that gives you free proficiency in the mathematically best sword, is also the only one that will grant precise strike while TWF? What incentive, from an optimizing standpoint, to use any other archetype?
While I don't think anyone would argue that the falcata isn't amazing (certainly not I) from the perspective of a swashbuckler who relies on threatening crits to sustain panache, it's threat range is lower (if only slightly) which means less panache per day.