Sindorah |

Cherry Razarin wrote:"Listen, Douglas Fairbanks, this is a bar. If we paid everyone who told a story for coming in here we'd have to close up in about two hours and go home broke. So you'll have to tap-dance or something.""Did I ever, even once, say I wanted gold for my story? Hmmm? No, no I did not. Payment can happen lots of ways, love. My personal favorite ways would either happen after you got off of work unless you are feeling very adventurous or for the more tame but equally personal option you tell me a story?"
Grinning widely, "But if you want me to dance for you I am sure that could be arranged."
"Oh please.." muttered the young girl. She couldn't help but eaves drop on the pair, wondering if the mans lines would even work. Sin had not meant to let the words slip, but she was a bit distracted thinking of the man dancing.

Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria |

This is SCKnightHero1 here, and I have a tiefling cleric of Calistria, if you're okay with tieflings that is. Please note that her characteristics were decided by the Physical Characteristics Chart near the end of the Blood of Fiends sourcebook, so she'll look...unique. I can still change any part of her description you don't like though.
I have to redo her stats a bit and doublecheck her wealth, but other than those two things, she's ready to go!

Sindorah |

Whoops! Sorry, didn't mean to turn this whole thread into a soft in-character recruitment.
I like it better this way lol
Getting her head back on straight she turned her attention to the bartender, "Do men always have this short of an attention span?" Sin asked, being so young she had little experience herself and was hoping to Direct attention way from her again.
Dougal Fairbairn |

So long as our wonderful and hopefully entertained GM does not mind. This is my favorite way.
Smiling again, "When surrounded by beauty then that is very normal. But I like to think I can juggle conversations fairly well. I have spoken to that ravishing bartender on the other side of the counter, you who I was wanting to make sure I did not scare off, and that rather rude man right there."

Dougal Fairbairn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This is SCKnightHero1 here, and I have a tiefling cleric of Calistria, if you're okay with tieflings that is. Please note that her characteristics were decided by the Physical Characteristics Chart near the end of the Blood of Fiends sourcebook, so she'll look...unique. I can still change any part of her description you don't like though.
I have to redo her stats a bit and doublecheck her wealth, but other than those two things, she's ready to go!
I have a fondness for the odd and I rather like you description. Way better than some of the NPCs I have in the game I run. Poor man has goat eyes, cloven feet, and I rolled the aquatic tail. Not sure how I describing that one yet. I did get another who looks half dragon though.

Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria |

Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria wrote:I have a fondness for the odd and I rather like you description. Way better than some of the NPCs I have in the game I run. Poor man has goat eyes, cloven feet, and I rolled the aquatic tail. Not sure how I describing that one yet. I did get another who looks half dragon though.This is SCKnightHero1 here, and I have a tiefling cleric of Calistria, if you're okay with tieflings that is. Please note that her characteristics were decided by the Physical Characteristics Chart near the end of the Blood of Fiends sourcebook, so she'll look...unique. I can still change any part of her description you don't like though.
I have to redo her stats a bit and doublecheck her wealth, but other than those two things, she's ready to go!
Cool! And thank you! I decided to just a roll several time and well this is what can up. I may have added one or two things (like the two sets of horns and how the scales on her body were positioned), but I actually like how she looks.
And yeah, that is a bit of a problem with tiefling npcs. One reason why I like the physical characteristics chart at the ends of Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels sourcebooks.

DM Default |

@ Sindorah
I am used to more in-depth character sheets, which surprising makes it easier to find information. Crayfish Hora and Profession Smith 6 Ranks have excellent formatting to give you an example. Your's won't auto-disqualify you, but I would hope if selected you would bring yours up to spec.
@ Cherry Razarin
I don't mind a bit of banter in character fun and giggles, but I'd rather not turn this into in-character recruitment as it heavily favors more outspoken characters and earlier submissions.
@ Profession Smith 6 ranks
Should be fine for now (ability focus as a feat) though if I notice your ability working an abnormally large amount of time, I may ask you to change to a different feat.
@ Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria
I'm fine with tieflings, but I house rule that any tiefling PC can only one resistance instead of the three they usually come with. Please choose one.
@ Ironclad Nomad
I don't new players. Please read the first post to help guide your character creation. As long as you submit your character within the guidelines, I'll give you fair consideration.
Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]

DM Default |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@ Cherry Razarin
No worries. I don't mind a bit of fooling around between characters and players.
@ Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria
Tiefling and Aasimar player races tend to be inherently more powerful than the other core races. To mitigate that advantage, I restrict certain parts of racial traits to level the field in that regard. My usual method is to reduce their resistances to one, and in the aasimar's case, I also give them a -2 to an ability score.

Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria |

That does make sense. Now for aasimars does it matter what their heritage is or do you give a flat -2 to a specific/player-picked ability score? Just wondering out of curiosity.
I'm still a bit surprised by some of the other races that are a bit more powerful than even tieflings and aasimars! What other house rules do you have to level the playing field for other non core races?

DM Default |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@ Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria
It does not matter what heritage an aasimar is, they get a -2 to a stat regardless. This is meant for balance purposes.
As for other powerful races, it's usually a case by case basis. The only reason I know my modifications for aasimar and tieflings on the top of my head, is that both of them are the most common non-core races requested.

Sindorah |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Restructured my character to match some other entry's and give a full character sheet. Hows it look DM?
Race Human
Gender Female
Age 16
Class Priest[Bard(Arcane healer/Sound striker)] Level 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
Alignment Chaotic Good
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12
(+2 armor, +1 Dex, +0 shield)
HP 9
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longspear +2 (1d8+3 piercing/x3) or Spiked Gauntlet +2 (1d4+2 piercing/x2)
Ranged Touch Attack Net -3 (Entangle)
Special Attacks Preach the gospel (bardic performance 11 Rnds/Day (countersong, distract, fascinate, inspire courage)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st—2/day cure light wounds, sleep[dc,15]
0—flare[dc14], mage hand, mending, light
STR 14, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 19
BAB +0; CMB +2;
Feats Weapon Focus (Longspear), Dazzling Display
Traits Scouting for Fiends(Campaign) [+1 atk vs evil outsider], Maestro of the Society(Bard, Society) [+3 rnds bardic performance], Bloody minded(Combat) [+1 intimidate and initiative]
Drawback Vain [Whenever you fail an opposed Charisma-based check, you take a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks for the next 24 hours]
SKILLS 6 class + 0 int + 1 favored = 7 ranks + 2 background skills (Class Skills In Bold)
Bluff 1+4+3=8
Climb 1+2+3=6
Diplomacy 1+4+3=8
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Handle Animal
Intimidate 1+4+3+1=9
Knowledge (arcana) +1
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1
Knowledge (engineering) +1
Knowledge (geography) +1
Knowledge (history) +1
Knowledge (local) +1
Knowledge (nature) +1
Knowledge (nobility) +1
Knowledge (planes) +1
Knowledge (religion) +1
Linguistics 1+0+3=4
Perception 1+0+3=4
Perform (oratory) 1+4+3=8
Sense Motive
Sleight of Hand
Stealth 1+1+3=5
Use Magic Device 1+4+3=8
Languages Common (Taldane), Dwarven
Gear Long spear, Spiked gauntlet(right hand), Dagger, Net, Rosewood armor, Holy text(Milani), Blanket, Bed Roll, Common Backpack, Waterproof bag, Belt pouch, Spell component pouch, Water skin x3, Soap 50/50, twine 50ft, Common wine
Gold 10gp, 5sp, 8cp (105 gp starting)
Height 5’2”
Weight 115 lbs.
Eye Color Red
Hair Color White
Region of Origin Small village south of Nisroch in northern Cheliax
Parents Regions of Origin Chelixian native father, unknown mother. Father was a linquistics professor.
Deity Milani
Sin lived a simple life in a small fishing village along the northern coast of Chilex. Here her father, along with many other members of the village believed they were far enough away from the major cities and small enough as to not attract much attention. The small village disavowed the thrice damned house and their devil god Asmodeus, instead choosing to pledge homage to other deity. Things were good for the people, until the day the hell-knights came. Sin was 9 at this time, as she watched the people she grew up around being whipped in the streets, hung, or even worse for crimes the small girl could never understand. The knights left a contingent in the small village to keep them in check. For the next 4 years the child grew up in constant fear for herself and others as the soldiers did whatever they pleased. Things looked like they would never change, until a small group of rebellious men sailed into town. Bearing the flag of The Everbloom, the Mialnites forced the soldiers out of the town. Seeing this inspired the small girl, though before she could be properly trained as a cleric of the flower the hell-knights returned in force and wipe the small village off the map. Forced to wander, the girl picked up the trade as a bard, learning how to augment the words she read from the bible left behind by the rebels into a weave of power. She now seeks to spread the good word and inspire others to rise up and destroy oppression.
Archetype 1 Arcane Healer
Though bards may have different reasons for wanting to heal the sick and injured, both out of pure altruism and in order to keep adventuring companions safe, the ability to heal also makes it much easier for a bard to pose as a cleric or other divine healer, opening the door for a wide array of swindles and scams.
Channel Energy (Su)
At 2nd level, an arcane healer gains the ability to channel positive energy as a cleric of one level lower than his level. If a creature within the channeled energy’s area of effect would be allowed a save against its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the arcane healer’s level + the arcane healer’s Charisma modifier. An arcane healer can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, gaining an additional use per day every four levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th), to a maximum of 5 times per day at 18th level.
This ability replaces versatile performance.
Inspiring Healing (Sp)
At 5th level, an arcane healer gains the ability to expend rounds of his bardic performance to provide extra healing to his allies. By expending 2 rounds of bardic performance, an arcane healer can cast cure light wounds as a spell-like ability.
At 11th level, the arcane healer can expend 2 rounds of bardic performance to cast cure moderate wounds as a spell-like ability.
At 17th level, he may instead expend 2 rounds of bardic performance to cast cure serious wounds as a spell-like ability. No single target may be affected by an arcane healer’s inspiring healing ability more than once in a 24-hour period.
This ability replaces loremaster.
Archetype 2 Sound Striker
They say that words can cut deeper than any blade, and the sound striker proves this true. Using music and words as a weapon, he can focus his performances into a deadly delivery.
Bardic Performance
A sound striker gains the following type of bardic performance. Neither performance can be performed more quickly than a standard action.
Wordstrike (Su): At 3rd level, the sound striker bard can spend 1 round of bardic performance as a standard action to direct a burst of sonically charged words at a creature or object. This performance deals 1d4 points of damage plus the bard’s level to an object, or half this damage to a living creature.
This performance replaces inspire competence.
Weird Words (Su): At 6th level, a sound striker can start a performance as a standard action, lashing out with 1 potent sound per bard level (maximum 10), each sound affecting one target within 30 feet. These are ranged touch attacks. Each weird word deals 1d8 points of damage plus the bard’s Charisma bonus (Fortitude half ), and the bard chooses whether it deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage for each word.
This performance replaces suggestion.

Izkrael Caladrel |

Well, I guess it's time to give Izkrael another try. Last time, I was forced to abandon the Second Darkness campaign he was in due to lack of posts on both the GM and the players' side.
As I'm used to clarify, I'm not a native speaker. Any spelling error in my character's sheet and background is mainly due to this.
A few notes on the character: As you can read in his backstory (please use the linked PDF as my submission), Izkrael is supposed to have some drow blood flowing in his veins, although it is only a minor influence. I left that as a hook to be developed by the GM at his own will during the course of the campaign. Also, since I'm not a big fan of tying my GM's hands, I've not reflected his partial drow heritage in Izkrael's sheet too much, although I had several options available in order to do so. I've limited myself to selecting a few flavor racial traits here and there, but nothing more. I'd rather wait and see if I get selected before confirming this optional hook, where appropriate for the GM. Otherwise, Izkrael can easily function as a standard elf.
A few notes on the crunch: I have a strong personal preference for simple characters, especially in PbP where the GM needs to have things under control without the assistance of real life contact. This means that, in my experience, is usually difficult for the GM to keep track of the PCs' abilities if they are not simple enough. Well, I tried to make Izkrael as simple as possible when I created him precisely in order to accomplish this goal. I can work on various degrees of complexity as we play, if I get selected.

DM Default |

@ Sindorah
Gotta say, this looks much better than your first iteration. Thanks for improving it.
@ Izkrael Caladrel
Thanks for letting me know. The pdf is pretty helpful as well.
@ Dougal Fairbairn
Unless I see something glaringly obvious, I refrain from viewing submissions before the deadline. Feel free to have other players take a look and vice-versa though.
@ "The Lucky Halfling"
I don't mind people who have played part of the adventure path before.
Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]

Angry Wiggles RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 |

Angry Wiggles wrote:I would like to eventually make her a Battle Herald, if the story permits, but having her see play is the primary goal.Huh. That's Orendel's goal too! Though he'll take levels of Exemplar Brawler, so he doesn't have to worry about spellcasting...
That's awesome! I see so few battle heralds about. I'm amazed at how many bards applied for this. If we get more than one in the final party, we might get to use some bardic masterpieces instead of only inspiring all day.

Cherry Razarin |

Varies widely. I'm in a few games that use 15 point buy. About half the games I've seen don't use any races but core book ones. Some games go further afield and I've seen at least one recruitment that would let you build your own race, and I've been in two recruitments that let you play a wide range of character races (in one I submitted a merfolk, in another a centaur).
Also there's a ton of 3rd party material. The biggest questions are usually whether psionics from Dreamscarred press are used, and whether to use Book of War. I've seen at least two games that allowed Spheres of Power for their magic systems.

Sindorah |

Sindorah wrote:This is the only PBP that really appeals to me. Most all of the others are loaded full of house rules and new systems I don't recognize or use. This is very close to raw with a hand full of good changes.Oh? What kind of house rules and systems do other PBP use? Just curious.
Just some examples are variants and strange restrictions such as No unchained. The at the same time toss in spears of power and gestalt (two systems I've never messed with) Or one that i read said to submit for the class you want to play, but the DM will build an entirely new class based off your concept for you to play.

DM Default |

@ "The Lucky Halfing"
That restyle seems fine to me.
Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]

Orendel Kellon |

Orendel's sheet is now complete, and here's his backstory and other such items!
This pattern would repeat itself throughout Orendel's childhood, his father coming to visit for short periods of time before returning to the woods, sometimes for years at a time. Even if he supported his family with what meager money he received from raiding Molthuni supply trains, Orendel came to resent his father's frequent absences, and soon they began arguing whenever Salathiel returned. Things changed when a band of bandits unaffiliated with either side of the war rode into Tarentown and took the town over, bullying the locals for what meager tribute they could provide. Orendel tried to protect his mother from their predations, but he was only a lad at the time, and the bandits easily brushed his efforts aside and laughed in his face. He feared the worst would happen for his mother soon, but then the unexpected happened: Horns sounded and soldiers in red garb charged into the town. The bandits barely had time to respond before they were cut down to a man. It was then that Orendel saw a handsome, grizzled dwarf on a horse shouting orders to the men. The villagers assembled to praise their liberator, who introduced himself as General Kunibert of the Molthuni Army. Orendel, like a number of other lads in the village, was star-struck. It was only a few days later before he enlisted and followed Kunibert's forces to join Molthune's army himself.
Orendel took to drills and marching like he was born to it, impressing even Kunibert himself, who offered to tutor the young lad in the arts of war. Orendel happily accepted, eagerly devouring book after book of military history and strategy, and soon following Kunibert's example, joined the church of Torag, despite not being a dwarf himself. After about a year was honored with becoming the youngest member of Kunibert's personal troops and its standard bearer. Around this time, they were passing back near Tarentown, and as soon as Orendel got leave, he went home to share everything he had learned with his mother, how proud he felt at achieving so much so quickly, how honored he felt to be part of the defense of his home, how Kunibert felt like the father Salathiel never had been...unfortunately, Salathiel himself was in the village too, and he was outraged at seeing his son coming home wearing Molthuni colors.
That night father and son had the worst, bitterest argument of their lives. Salathiel ranted at the oppression and injustices the Molthuni inflicted upon anyone weaker than they were, how they allowed monsters to do their dirty work for them, and how they were no better than the Chelaxians they'd seceded from, and Orendel shouted right back about how no "freedom fighters" bothered to help Tarentown when the bandits had come, how the Nirmathi strictly refused to band together and build something greater than themselves because of their stubborn individualism, and how Salathiel cared more about some vague principle than his own family. It ended with Salathiel storming off into the woods, the way he'd done so many times in the past, and Orendel standing at the door teary-eyed. He was grateful when leave ended and he returned to his corps, who he felt truly understood him.
Things were heating up in the long war between Molthune and Nirmathas again, and within a day or two, Kunibert announced that he would be leading a major push into Nirmathas towards its capital of Tamran. Orendel, still angry from the fight with his father, became incredibly eager to fight, which worried General Kunibert. He advised the lad to keep his wits about him and remember that it was better to let an enemy break against your shield, wasting all their energy on you, while you were still fresh and ready to strike back. The next day, they began their march through the dark, tangled trails of the Fangwood...and as official reports will tell you, were slaughtered to a man.
It was all fire and screaming as Kunibert's forces walked right into the Nirmathi trap, the army surrounded on all sides by guerilla snipers and hardy warriors who charged into their flanks. Orendel tried his best to keep stabbing, looking for some opening, ANY opening that would allow them to recover and turn the fight around. He kept the Molthuni banner high, waving it to try and rally the men...until he saw his father emerge from the trees. Salathiel loosed arrow after arrow into the fray, and before Orendel could realize what was happening, two of them landed right in General Kunibert's chest. Orendel screamed and tried to help him, but it was already too late. Kunibert managed to raise his head a bit and gave Orendel one last order: Run. Taking up the fallen standard and Kunibert's pollaxe, Orendel broke into a dead run, screaming bloody murder and barely able to see anything as he narrowly avoided soldiers, trees and burning debris. The battle seemed to part before him, and before he knew it, it was behind him. He turned back to see his father standing in the distance, bow in hand, watching him. Orendel thought he was a dead man, but nothing happened. Salathiel did not nock another arrow. He just watched as Orendel turned his back on him again, and this time on the whole of the war.
The next few days were desperate struggling through the woods as Orendel tried to find civilization. By the time he reached a village, he was barely alive from his wounds and hunger. The villagers gave him shelter and a good meal, and inquired as to where he'd come from and what he was doing out in the woods all alone. Orendel found that he could barely muster the will to speak, as the images of the horrible battle returned to him unbidden, until finally all he could stammer was that he was a deserter. It was true enough, and the villagers sympathized. They patted him on the back and spoke of freedom, but that only made it worse. Orendel finished his meal and thanked the villagers for their kindness, but the look on his face as he left was one of disgust. Orendel felt truly alone in the world now: no family, no comrades, no general, just him and a torn banner that didn't mean anything anymore. He knew he couldn't stay, so he began to trudge towards another village, and then another, and then another. He never stayed long, just enough for a meal and a good night's rest, until before he realized it, he'd crossed out of Nirmathas and into the Bloodsworn Vale...to the east lay the frontier of Varisia, a land even wilder and more rugged than Nirmathas...a place to disappear. It would do.
Orendel passed through Bloodsworn Vale and paused briefly outside Korvosa, barred from entering the city itself due to the plague turning into a charnel house. He took ship from there, and found himself on a pier in Riddleport, the City of Cyphers. He wandered its alleys, sickened by the scum and villainy he saw all around him. But there was no more money in his purse, so here he'd stop. There was little choice anymore. He'd probably become another petty legbreaker or tough for a crimelord and disappear...at least that's what he thought...until he saw advertising for the grand reopening of an establishment called the Gold Goblin, a place attempting to become better than its past, like him. Perhaps they needed a bouncer or a security guard...
Disciplined; Despite technically being a deserter, Orendel still believes in the values his training in Molthune's army instilled in him. He rises early and drills with his weapons and keeps them clean and sharp despite no longer needing to for inspections, and still looks at situations tactically, almost by instinct. He'll also talk very loudly and angrily about the disorganized and anarchic nature of elves, but how much of this is genuine dislike of chaos and how much of it is his loathing of his father and himself is up for debate.
Suspicious; Orendel has promised himself to never let his guard down to get ambushed or stabbed in the back ever again, after trusting in kin led him into a massacre he barely survived. Travelling to a city infamous for its cutthroats and cut-purses hasn't helped, so he keeps people at arms length for a long time until he's certain he can trust them.
Honorable; Once his trust is earned, Orendel will never lie to his comrades, will never abandon them and will never stab them in the back and expects the same from them. He's desperate for friends following the losses he's suffered, and if someone he comes to trust betrays him, he'd go berserk.
Inspiring; The battlefield is where Orendel is in his element, and his training as a standard bearer for the army shows. He'll plant himself and raise his flag high while shouting a speech of inspiring slogans to his allies and vile insults to his foes. Even rough and unkempt as he is now, when driven to fight the "look of eagles" that gives others confidence and bravery becomes clear.
Cunning; Despite seeming all business and soldiery much of the time, Orendel can be charming or sly when the need arises. He's talented at reading people, and uses what he can figure out about them to get under their skin in a fight, whether to undermine their morale or goad them into fighting. He also has a solid head for strategy from his time as part of General Kunibert's personal guard when the old Toragdan took him under his wing.
Wt: 170 lbs
Age: 26
Hair: Short, Messy, Blond
Eyes: Emerald Green
Skin: Slightly Tan
Orendel's elven heritage is clear to all, tall and lanky with sharp ears and eerily green eyes. He keeps his bright blond hair clipped short in a military style, but it's grown shaggier and messier in his time on the run, with darker stubble forming on his face. He's dressed in a tattered red uniform with the insignia clearly ripped off, and filthy from the road, leaving the fine chain underneath exposed, that's equally damaged. He leans heavily on a sturdy pollaxe with a tattered banner hanging from it, as if he had no better place to put it.

"The Lucky Halfling" |

Would you have any issues with buying a few custom Playing Card Carrying Cases?
The first case would consist of a leather leg pouch that has been specially treated to protect up to two decks of cards from rips, tears, water damage, bending, and flames. Rigid lining within the pouch help maintain the integrity of the container while acting as a separator for the two decks. I was thinking around 10 gp in comparison to the Harrow Carrying Case.
The second case would be a specially treated leather case with rigid lining as the other case, but designed to simply contain one deck of cards. Perhaps costing around 5 or 6 gp.
The concept I have is that he will use the leg pouch to hold his normal deck of playing cards along with his marked set of cards which are designed to look like the first set.
The second case would be used to hold his ornate deck of cards and kept hidden from sight.
Also, I was looking at paying for a 1 gp set of normal playing cards along with a 10 gp (10 times the normal set of playing cards) set of marked cards. Is that okay with you? A normal set of marked cards is 1 gp, which is 10 times the amount of a cheap set of playing cards.

DM Default |

@ "The Lucky Halfling"
Those requests sound reasonable to me, you can even have a compartment for loaded dice . Rember that until you reach level 3, any thrown cards will be "destroyed" upon use as a weapon as per the class ability.
In short:
Quality of cards depends on how much you pay (1sp -100gp)
Marked versions of cards equal Quality multiplied by 10.

"The Lucky Halfling" |

If I put in an extra 2 gp in on the first case, would you allow two compartments for dice?
The concept being that there would be two tubed compartments along the side of the case. One would carry his normal set of dice, while the other carried his loaded dice. There would be a clasp at the top and bottom of each tube to allow an easy way to stow and retrieve each set of dice.
In regards to the cards I was considering the following:
- A card would be destroyed at this point in time. This is why he is keeping his deck he uses for his abilities hidden and separate from the others.
- A card would need to come from a deck worth 100 gp (The cost of a Harrow Deck) to be considered masterwork in regards to throwing it.
Does that sound good to you?

DM Default |

@ "The Lucky Halfling"
Upon further inspection, the fact that the original ability uses harrow cards and harrow cards cost 100 gp per deck is somethign I haven't accounted for.
For this reason, I'm going to rule that if you make the stylistic change to regular playing cards, then your abilities only work with cards that cost 100 gp, essentially the masterwork cards. You can throw other cards with the deadly dealer feat, but your magics and enhancements have to be used with the expensive ones.
I will allow the second compartment with the 2 gold modification.

Dougal Fairbairn |

Fair warning there is a lot on my profile. I still need to make links to the spell and feats but work calls. Anyone that wants to look for typos, miscalculations, and things that just do not make sense is more than encouraged to do so, please. And I will happily return the favor.
I also need another language and I am not sure what to take. DM Default what are some of the common languages in the area? I already have polygot and varisian since those seemed like very common ones in the area.
And I have never done gambling in game before. How is it done? Is it just skill checks?

AdamWarnock |

I'm not the GM, but I am pretty familiar with Golarion Lore. Polyglot is from the Mwangi Expanse. Shoanti would be a better fit if you looking for languages that have a regional tie-in. Elven would probably be a good one to pick up since both the Village of Crying Leaf and the Mordant Spire are in roughly the same region.
As for the gambling, it's really up to the GM, but there are rules for it in the AP.