Regina Caro |

Opps, the Hallit language has been added. That is one of the common languages in Brevoy so it is reasonable that her parents learned it. It seems like a fun language to swear in. Plus it has no commonly used written form, only an ancient one so that would appeal to her.
I am very much looking forward to the rp part.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn took the Ancestral Arms Racial ability.. he does not get the normal Half-Elf Skill Focus of the racial ability {Adaptability} that is replaced with proficiency in 'Elven' Weapons.
And his other language is Sylvan.. thought I added that... but it seems to not have made it into the update. Fixed.
EDIT: Hmmm... don't quite know how this happened... but it appears some how the version that was loaded was the incorrect one for Fenn.. as his Campaign Trait was not listed and he still had a section for Drawbacks... which are not available in this game ~ I'm pretty sure I had removed that from the kingmaker version of Fenn.. but there it was! So I've fixed these issues and made sure the version of Fenn loaded is the correct one. Campaign Trait is Noble Born. Sorry, my upload must have gotten lost in the aether... and was never saved {shrug}! But everything should be ok now.
Sorry the sheet seems hard to read... I've just left sections ready for filling as the game progresses...

GM Waterhammer |

Yup, the discussion thread is open. The people who who got a 'looks good" by their name can head over and begin to interact with each other and the NPCs.
Regina Caro: Okay, Hallit works. I forgot to mention, you should have 2 more extracts in your book. No water at your house? I hope your service is restored soon.
Random of Amber: Auran is not a legal starting language for a gnome.
Sir Andreas der Eisfalke: Looks good.
Mamise Iwani: No, not sure. I'm don't know what I did the other night. It works now. I apologize, looks good.
Herger Orickson: Looks good.
Autumn Moon: Looks good.
Arkhan Silvinesti: Right, my bad. It's because Hallit is not an available starting language for an elf.
Seleste Talyn: I have you with -2 acrobatics, -1 climb, and -2 stealth.
Gage G: I think you need to select bard spells.
Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter}: Looks good.

Seleste Talyn |

Seleste Talyn: I have you with -2 acrobatics, -1 climb, and -2 stealth.
I figured out what was going on. HeroLab didn't print out my nonclass skills so I went to put them in manually on my profile. Only thing is when I was referencing the in play sheet, I had checked on an enlarge spell when I was playing around with it. Being large was causing all the weird numbers I entered manually. Since she will Enlarge a lot, I will likely update her profile with a second set of numbers that change during the spell.
As it is HeroLab says I end up with -3 for acro and stealth and -1 climb because there is an additional -1 for weight carried in addition to the -2 for the heavy shield.

GM Waterhammer |

Regina Caro, you are correct, it should be 5 formula in your book per the APG. Hero- Lab wants you to have 6, like a wizard. I don't know what's up with that, it's usually pretty accurate. Maybe because I have 20 characters in the same portfolio.
Seleste Talyn: I'm not sure what's going on there, either. I'm not going to quibble about it right now.
Random of Amber: Yup, Looks good.
Arkhan Silvinesti: Okay, looks good.
Okay, Perun looks good now.

GM Waterhammer |

Selected first days spells.
You seem to be missing the domain spell, but you can go ahead and post in discussion if you like. (Let me know what your choice is though.)
Clerics have a specific time of day that they pray and meditate for spells, so their spell list needs to be populated.

![]() |

Clerics have a specific time of day that they pray and meditate for spells, so their spell list needs to be populated.
Sorry for the unasked-for pedantry, but the rules state otherwise.
When preparing spells for the day, a divine spellcaster can leave some of her spell slots open. Later during that day, she can repeat the preparation process as often as she likes. During these extra sessions of preparation, she can fill these unused spell slots.

Derra Clawstrider |

I'm sorry folks.. but... my mom died just last night, and I only learned about it after work today. I'm..pretty broke up.. my writing is likely going to suffer so if I don't post with any regularity.. for a bit.. you''ll know why.
Thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss Fenn. And take your time. Like many of the others have said, real life comes first, and you have my condolescences. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

GM Waterhammer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Do I get to move to the discussion thread? I have my five spells. The ones with the * are ones I have prepared.
Sorry, I thought I told you you could join. Re-reading, it seems I didn't. So go ahead join the tavern discussion.
To be clear, Kirian Ophelia, you can join the tavern discussion also if you like.
As far as helping me pick some players, the tavern idea seems to be a complete flop. Everyone is pretty amazing. It's actually making it harder for me to choose. I'm a little worried that such good writers won't be impressed with my meager efforts.
I have participated in similar start-up threads, and have found them fun, so perhaps not a failure in that way.
I have some ideas on players, and some decisions to make. I didn't have as much time as I'd like this evening, but you can expect an announcement within the next couple of days.
In the meantime, if you are enjoying the interaction of the tavern, feel free to keep it up.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I was wondering....
I am a stay at home father of 2, which means my free time is precious to me. I enjoy these PBP because I am not committed to a set time to post. This allows me the freedom to post when I am not holding a baby. (If I miss spelled something...it is hard to type one handed while holding a baby that decided that you should not be typing right now...lol)
That being said, I know that when I do not get picked for a game...for one reason or another...well it stinks especially when your time is limited...you put the time and effort into creating a character that ends up sitting on the sidelines.
So with so many great characters in this set up and with only 5 PC Slots...I was thinking that the others might be able to be used as an NPC type status...where they (the Player) comes in every now and again to role play their character in a small encounter...I am to understand that there are several NPC slots that are set to be filled, the leadership roles. I am not sure if this has been done before or if this something that just is not done...or even if the GM Waterhammer wants to do such.
Just a thought

Taenweth Vandiir |

Thank you, GM Waterhammer, for selecting Taenweth for the game. I'm looking forward to gaming alongside the other selected characters/players.
And, I just wanted to say I very much enjoyed the rp with all those who engaged and interacted with my character on the discussion board. All round great writing! To those who did not get into the game, I wish you well on the boards and happy gaming. :)