Backstories. Some have it. Some don't.


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The Exchange

There are no magic items I can't live without. I've learnt that if you rely too much on anything, the GM will take it away from you. Inconvenience me? Yes. Cripple me? No.

Case in point, my 13th level PFS wizard. I built around using dazing fireball on the staff of the master. Then it was errataed that staff of the master only works for spells in the staff. Do I get to retrain my feats due to the errata? No. Live with it. Unless I want to do the necessary retraining. Why, may I ask, was I penalized for what I call an arbitrary decision by the dev team? (Again, I wasn't the only one affected so there's probably a ton of people complaining)

And at the end of the day or not, I'm still a 13th level wizard, so suboptimal feat selection or doesn't really matter that much.

I would like to point out that Orc is on the bonus languages for all Core races, despite neither most elves nor most dwarves being fond of them.

The Exchange

Sure, unless you're going for unsanctioned knowledge, generally int is a dump stat for paladins. Paladins also do not get spellcasting until 4, and usually comprehend languages is not something what most casters would daily prepare. Perhaps packrats may carry a scroll of it on them, but scrolls are costly at level 1.

There could be a lot more back and forth on what's likely and what's not, but I don't see a point to that. This seems like an incredibly, incredibly specific circumstance that isn't indicative of any real problem with character background.

Bandw2 wrote:

so, even with all those spells, I'm guessing they're still not that common, they're probably as common as someone learning another language.

Sounds like a lot of assuming. I would clearly assume otherwise. You know what they say about assuming.

Already said I was leaving real life out of it, not sure why you're pressing this angle. But are you really using Russia's eastward expansion as your example? I'm sure not being able to communicate with those countries populations had nothing to do with why Russia lost control of them.

But, Johnnycat has a point. All this is pretty empty conversation.

Just a Mort wrote:

You still aren't answering the questions I asked. If you don't want to discuss something you post, you're better off saying as much. I was hoping I could at least somewhat get you to consider the idea. But yeah. I get that the moral you chose to get out of having bad GM's is that they can ruin backstories. A bad GM can ruin every part of the game. A Great GM can make things much cooler. Even backstories.

Edit: As an answer to the OP: A backstory is exactly as important to the game as you (you being the Game Master) want it to be. It isn't a requirement for any AP though.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Green Smashomancer wrote:

Already said I was leaving real life out of it, not sure why you're pressing this angle. But are you really using Russia's eastward expansion as your example? I'm sure not being able to communicate with those countries populations had nothing to do with why Russia lost control of them.

ugh... Eastward expansion, as in, when the Kingdom of Rus, expanded eastward until they hit the pacific ocean... they still own them...

This is the only part of your post that I disagreed with, rest was understandable

Oh. Doy. Yeah, I've been getting east and west confused constantly lately. My bad.

Still though, point remains valid. The soviets were unable to retain control of western (See? I can do directions correctly sometimes) territories in part due to poor communication.

Saldiven wrote:
For example, I am running a RotRL campaign for some players who are new to Pathfinder. Two of the players selected characters who have a distinct Japanese flavor for them, so opted to have their characters be from Tian-Xia/Minkai. This offers me an immediate link to the Kaijitsu family in Sandpoint, where I plan to have those characters be familiar with the Kaijitsu family name from back home, and foreshadow events that will occur in Jade Regent (which I hope to run for them after RotRL).

As a brand-new Jade Regent GM, I had to leap in and point something out in case you don't know -- and NOT for anyone considering being a Jade Regent player:

Jade Regent SPOILER:
The Kaijitsu's weren't named Kaijitsu back in Minkai; it's an assumed name. Anyone familiar with the Kaijitsu family "from back home" would likely know that Ameiko and her family weren't related to the people they knew! You could of course decide that "Kaijitsu" is the Minkan "Smith," or that your PCs never heard of any Kaijitsu's back in Minkai. But saying that your PCs knew Ameiko's family back there will cause a continuity glitch.

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