Can PCs be Weresharks?

Rules Questions

Hero Lab offers Weresharks are a race option but they seem awfully powerful especially at lower levels (e.g., DR/10 (except silver)). I was familiar with the player option to be a Seascarred/Wereshark-kin (Blood of the Moon, pages 20-21) but have not seen any specific instance blessing a Wereshark as a player option. Anyone aware of any PF product blessing such an option? There are ways to make it work but my group is now curious whether Hero Lab's inclusion of Weresharks as a player option is based on some authority.

Look up shifters

Shadow Lodge

The hero lab is also designed to be able to handle standard PCs (without templates, and with class levels) NPCs (any combination of templates, monster races and class levs) and monsterous PCs (varies from group to group)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

hero lab is open enough to allow GMs to allow PC to do crazy things. basically hero lab isn't a great heuristic for whether it should be a player option or not.

I use it to make NPCs.

Just because something is in a book, or in herolab does not make it a mandatory allowed option.

The answer to any "Can I Be X" question lies in two and only two areas.

1. If you play PFS, it's campaign Guide for the current season, additional resources, and Chronicle Boos.

2. Otherwise, it's Ask Your GM.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And with that, Pathfinder has literally jumped the (were)shark.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Hero Lab is as much a GM tool as it is a player tool (perhaps even moreso). Given that you said DR 10/silver, it sounds like this Wereshark is simply the Lycanthrope template applied onto a character (choosing "shark" for the lycanthrope form). Lycanthrope is a +1 CR template, and templates are not allowed for players without GM approval.

I don't see a specific Wereshark race listed and I have every first-party sourcebook and a handful of 3pp ones in Hero Lab.

Indeed. Granted, the biggest answer to that is 'what's the GM say?' -- after all, if he/she lets you be a wereskunk, then stink away. But I don't imagine DR 10/silver being a level 1 PC thing. I think Pathfinder allows monsters to count as being higher level due to being, well, monsters, but as I haven't really figured it'd be let in that often, I haven't read much about it.

(Yes, I know you're asking about weresharks, but those aren't as fun. You want wereskunks.)

There's a wereshark-kin variant for the Skinwalker race that's balanced for PCs.

As for actual weresharks... that's the kind of thing that I'd imagine most GMs wouldn't want to deal with.

PCs can be any race that the GM allows.

While GMs may want to stick to the core races so they don't have to deal with figuring out balance issues, there's nothing stopping a GM from creating a campaign where the players are were-tarrasques.

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