Baldur's Gate

Rules Questions

In Baldur's Gate, there was a Ring of Holiness, which would give a divine caster one extra 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell per day. I'm trying to figure out how to make such a ring in Pathfinder. Does anyone have any ideas? In BG, it could be purchased for 15,000, but that was an item created for the game, and in 2nd Ed rules. I think it would be less than a Ring of Wizardry 2, because it gives a wizard up to 4 2nd level spells, and a Sorcerer gets 6.


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The 'Ring of Psychic Mastery' (costs 50.000gp) does exactly what you're asking for, but for psychic casters and not divine.
I wouldn't mind if one of my players asked to gain a divine variant of this item.

You could also look at Peals of Power (for Arcane casters).

The balancing factor to keep in mind is that divine casters is now much more broad in terms of classes than it was in 2nd Edition, and some of them have access to "any spell on the class list"... which is not true of the Arcane or Psychic casters. That's probably why (or a big part of why) there is no such item for Divine casters.

In that sense, it should certainly cost more than the 50,000 for the Ring of Psychic Mastery as mentioned by Rub-Eta.

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