Need help with an idea for a blaster (i'm no good at naming threads)


So i have a character idea and plenty of options. basically fire blasty blasty mage.

the thing here is for in character reasons i need a familiar at level 1 fox familiar to be specific.
The character will be a Human with Racial heritage Kitsune, Also for in character reasons.

i'm looking for people to help sort through the various option's maybe some recommendations i may not have thought of .

So as for fluff and backstory so people have something to go off of also the reason why the character needs a familiar.

So you have this guy (I don't have a name for him just yet but he's the familiar) he's part of a family of people who make contracts with familiars and spirit type things.

He ends up being forced to make a contract with a fox kitsune type thing who basically manipulated his whole life to make this contract happen. One thing leads to another and they wind up switching places with one another, She becomes human with trace amounts of fox, and he ends up as a fox familiar.

but yeah the idea is blasty blasty fire mage, maybe a few other tricks that aren't blasts. I think witch or shaman fit the backstory kind of perfectly but am unsure if they can do blasting effectively. push comes to shove i can figure something out with wizard though i don't think that fits her too well. Sorcerer does fit as well but lack of familiar .

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A shaman with the fire spirit is an OK blaster, nothing special. A wizard with the spirit whisperer archetype would be easier and should fit well. Sorcerers can swap their level 1 power for a familiar BTW.

so between wizard and sorcerer then, the age old debate. Looking at spirit whisperer it does work really well thanks for pointing it out

Grand Lodge

Spirit Binder Wizard is also a good archetype for a cool familiar.

cross-blooded sorcerer orc/draconic fire bloodlines and get blood havoc at level 7 as a bonus feat. if you can play oread race they have alt racial that lets you burn 1500g of emeralds to add another 1 point per damage dice. if not go elf and get 2 spell focuses for free conquation and evocation.

@Markov Spirit Binder looks cool, i'm actually using it in another character.

@Vhok i've looked at crossblooded IMO not worth it at all. as said in the original post race is already set as racial heritage kitsune, Human for in character reasons.

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I'd recommend going sorcerer in general. With blasting it's hard to know how much firepower you're gonna need, and it varies wildly. Unless you know the GM or AP like the back of your hand going prepared isn't the best option.

As for bloodlines, arcane is king, elemental (fire) will let you turn other spells into fire spells for more variety, and draconic puts more oomph into your magic. Just make sure you have a few spells for when fire isn't an option and you're good. I recommend blinding ray if your GM allows it.

Just don't get rings of spell knowledge unless the GM turns the difficulty to lunatic mode.

So i've been contemplating things to do, i'll start by saying it's just easier if i'm a Kitsune instead of an overly complicated human thing.

Second i'm liking Sorcerer so i'm going to think on Arcane bloodline or Fire bloodline. Arcane is the without a doubt the best bloodline for pretty much everything, so it's up there.

I do need help with one more thing however, What do you do with Familiars? i'd like if there was a good guide for this but can't seem to locate one.

You either make them improved familiars that can use wands and scrolls or keep them in a safe place for the bonuses they give. Have you looked at familiar archetypes yet?

i've seen them mention but not really.

Here, this is the list.

Thanks for the link, i'v e taken a look at them. i'm thinking either infiltrator or emissary

For the giantslayer AP, I was thinking of playing a kitsune fey sorcerer. Your DC for compulsion spells will be off the charts and you can still blast with the blood tradeoffs from magic tactics toolbox.

nicholas storm wrote:
For the giantslayer AP, I was thinking of playing a kitsune fey sorcerer. Your DC for compulsion spells will be off the charts and you can still blast with the blood tradeoffs from magic tactics toolbox.

Don't do this. The DCs for your fire spells will never be able to catch up and your damage will suffer.

well yea, the plan was focus on damage not mind control, the only form of mind control the character does is manipulation and words non eed for magic to do that

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Define "effective".

I made a guide specifically for blasting here.

Even if you don't like or agree with some of the character choices presented, it can still serve in telling you what things you can prepare for, and how you can prepare for them.

Effective= successful in producing a desired or intended result. Also know as blowing them to smithereens-just ya know...with fire even if it isn't optimal it's part of a theme .

But yea i'll take a lookie loo at the guide

i've never seen anyone recommence anything Arcanist related, i am open to using it as long as i can get a familiar level 1, kind of part of the requirement for backstory purposes...Which i can after looking it up sweetness, bloodline familiars for the win.

I mean it's sorcerer wizard so it has to at least be somewhat good. that and intelligence and charisma fit the character..


SO assuming Arcanist here would be my kitsune stat load out. I am assuming 20 point buy and no stat below 8. both common build rules here on the forums

strength 8
dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

I am debating dropping the int to 16 to boost dex or con but would like opinions on that

Seems like a solid point buy. To be honest, you shouldn't need Dexterity or Constitution higher than 10, but if you're concerned about defenses, then that's fine. If you're going to be using Ranged Touch Attack spells, I'd bump up your Dexterity more, as that determines your to-hit, and nothing's more frustrating than missing with your spells.

Familiar can be gotten at 1st level as Arcanist through the exploit, though you can also get one through Eldritch Heritage (Arcane). It's 3rd level required, but it's still easily doable.

no need thanks to bloodline familiar's, give up the first level bloodline power as those usually aren't good anyway and anything with the bloodlines like sorcerer bloodrager or in this case blooded arcanist can get one.

i usually like having con at at least a 12, forgot the dex effects ranged touch attacks for a moment thank's for the reminder. yea missing with a spell could be a pain in the butt so raising dex seem like the best choice

Gonna put this out there, my oracle, a class with better hit die, was kinda low on the HP front with 12 Con. Sure she's not targeted much, but if chain lightning comes anywhere close to her she's a failed save from tasting dirt.

That's what i'm worried about as well actually usually with caster's i go 14

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