Shadow_Charlatan |

Spells might not necessarily consist of mind control but of giving one an inspirational experience, such as a powerful illusion convincing one that they are transported to a god's domain, or a spell that could give a religious vision, might not be enough to convert but could be a step in the right direction.
Most communication spells probably wouldn't be enough to convince one it's coming from a powerful being unless mixed with something else.
Powerful summon spells could possibly be of some help if the summoned creature were powerful and told to say they work for a particular being.

MageHunter |
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There aren't spells that force you to convert to a different religion as far as I know.
The most useful thing is going to be talking to them and slowly converting them the old fashioned way.
"Hello, do you have a moment to talk about the glory of Gorum?"
"Basically you just kick ass, and you get rewarded in the afterlife for it."

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Have you considered conversation and counselling rather than mind control?
Next thing you're going to say is that he should start roleplaying. Sheesh.
But, seriously, not everything in roleplaying devolves down to mechanical skill rolls, although such may come into play during the process.

![]() |

Claxon wrote:"Basically you just kick ass, and you get rewarded in the afterlife for it."There aren't spells that force you to convert to a different religion as far as I know.
The most useful thing is going to be talking to them and slowly converting them the old fashioned way.
"Hello, do you have a moment to talk about the glory of Gorum?"
"By getting to kick EVEN MORE ass!"

Drahliana Moonrunner |

MageHunter wrote:"By getting to kick EVEN MORE ass!"Claxon wrote:"Basically you just kick ass, and you get rewarded in the afterlife for it."There aren't spells that force you to convert to a different religion as far as I know.
The most useful thing is going to be talking to them and slowly converting them the old fashioned way.
"Hello, do you have a moment to talk about the glory of Gorum?"
Hmm... but with none of the promised perks of Valhalla, I would note.

Claxon |

Has there been any information how cult of razmir get new followers?
Razmir is from my understanding a 19th level wizard, which is as near god-like power as mortals can be, and for your common man can have nearly every aspect of their lives improved by him (if he actually gave a damn).
Instead, his cult uses misdirection and the "cult of personality" approach to to trick people into believing his deity status.
Basically he's a charismatic bastard who got a lot of other charismatic bastards to start lying on his behalf to tell people that he was the answer to all their problems. It also didn't hurt that he obliterated a city because he's a fracking wizard.

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Haldelar Baxter wrote:Has there been any information how cult of razmir get new followers?Razmir is from my understanding a 19th level wizard, which is as near god-like power as mortals can be, and for your common man can have nearly every aspect of their lives improved by him (if he actually gave a damn).
Instead, his cult uses misdirection and the "cult of personality" approach to to trick people into believing his deity status.
Basically he's a charismatic bastard who got a lot of other charismatic bastards to start lying on his behalf to tell people that he was the answer to all their problems. It also didn't hurt that he obliterated a city because he's a fracking wizard.
Keep in mind that as a story figure, he is not bound by the limitations of a PC at the same level.

Claxon |

Very true, but even with the limitations that normally exist on 19th level wizards (very few) you can still approach near godlike levels of power and could destroy a city, though probably not in the way that Razmir was said to have destroyed it (a storm of fire consumed the city I believe).
Admittedly Wish + "Ritual" Magic could easily be the answer.

Shadow_Charlatan |

Very true, but even with the limitations that normally exist on 19th level wizards (very few) you can still approach near godlike levels of power and could destroy a city, though probably not in the way that Razmir was said to have destroyed it (a storm of fire consumed the city I believe).
Admittedly Wish + "Ritual" Magic could easily be the answer.
With all the new ritual magic coming out I could see something big happen with Razmir. Which would be worse him sacrificing a large number of his followers to become a true god or a bunch of adventurers cutting them down to get to him before he does become a god :-p

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Very true, but even with the limitations that normally exist on 19th level wizards (very few) you can still approach near godlike levels of power and could destroy a city, though probably not in the way that Razmir was said to have destroyed it (a storm of fire consumed the city I believe).
Admittedly Wish + "Ritual" Magic could easily be the answer.
No shortage of possible answers, including possible actions of an actual diety with a vested interest in having Razmir's charade actually work.

Mysterious Stranger |

You already listed the spell most likely to make him convert. Any spell the person needs cast is the answer. Simply don’t charge for the restoration and let him know worshipers get big discounts on spells they need cast, and maybe even some done for free. A mercenary is probably going to need a lot of healing in the future. Being able to get it at a discount is a very good incentive to convert.
Using some sort of mind control to force a person to convert is not going to work. For one thing most spells have a duration and after it wears off he is not going to be happy about being mind controlled. This type of tactic is more likely to gain an enemy for the faith than a convert.

UnArcaneElection |

Well, when I was in 1st grade in Atlanta, GA, the janitor and some other kids put my hands on some old radio generator to give me a shock to try to convert me to Christianity. I am still a non-worshipper and even never wavered, so this means you can cross Jolt and Shocking Grasp off your list (probably also Lightning Bolt, Call Lightning, and Chain Lightning).
Has there been any information how cult of razmir get new followers?
Probably by selling self-help books(*), and then getting people to buy into further revelations, and using the money from that to fund further evangelization. Mumble Mumble get rid of Body Iotans . . . Raise your consciousness -- Razmir himself is working on becoming an operating Iota Delta 10 Tau.
(*)I think the title of the first one was Diarrheics.

'Sani |

If you want to try the 'scared straight' approach, there's always the spell Early Judgement.
Probably wouldn't work too well on trying to convert folks of good alignment though.

Shadow_Charlatan |

Sorry for the thread necro...
For anyone looking for rules for converting NPCs to a faith, look in Cohorts and Companions
It has an article Leader of the Faith with subsections;
Converting NPCs [checks use Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion), example npc (5th level warrior has a dc 21)]
Proselytzer (Warpriest Archetype)
and Cohorts of the Faith
Anyone know of any alternate rules ?